Tips To Improve Speed Calculations In IBPS PO Exam

Tips To Improve Speed Calculations In IBPS PO Exam
Tips To Improve Speed Calculations In IBPS PO Exam

How To Improve Your Calculation Speed For IBPS PO Bank Exam

Calculation speed plays a vital role during the IBPS PO Exam not only in the IBPS PO Exam but also all the competitive exams. A candidate with higher speed mathematics tricks has better chances of scoring well in the exam. The following important rules will help you to score more in the IBPS PO Exam.

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Tips To Improve Speed Calculations In IBPS PO Exam

1. Remember the tables up to 25 and recall the tables in your free time, it will give you ample of assistance to solve any calculation in banking exam.

2. Learn the cubes up to 30 and squares up to 50

3. While solving problems, make note some of important formulas and recall the formulas in your free time.

4. While solving the simplification problems, try to apply the tricks what you learn your preparation.

5. Don’t stop your preparation; it necessary to practise continually. It helps you identify the pattern and develops short cuts/tricks of their own.

6. Attempt mock test regularly and compare your speed and accuracy performance for each mock test

7. When you can’t get the solution while solving the problem, try to solve a problem in the reverse process by reviewing the options.

8. First, try to get a clear cut knowledge on the basics. This will helps you solve a problem quickly.

9. To improve your calculation speed, try to solve the simplification problems without pen and paper. It will help you to decrease the calculation time.

10. To improve a speed calculation tricks with a short period of time, increase the practise time similarly increase the standard of the questions you practise. Try to solve the questions in less time when you are in transit from one level to next level.

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