Time management tips for IBPS Clerk prelims exam 2017

Time management Tips for IBPS Clerk prelims 2017
IBPS Clerk 2017 Time management Tips

IBPS Clerk exam is less than a week away. With just 60 minutes to solve 100 questions, aspirants will be racing against time during the exam. In this article, let us see some important time management tips for IBPS Clerk exam.

Time management is one of the most important test-taking skill. Taking IBPS Clerk free mock tests can help aspirants to master this skill. Try online preparation for IBPS Clerk to improve your grasp on topics. Also, have a look at the previous year papers of IBPS Clerk to know about the exam.


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Time management tips for IBPS Clerk prelims exam:

Most of the questions that appear in the competitive exams are not tough conceptually. It is the paucity of time that creates the pressure. A decently prepared candidate who maintains his cool can outperform even the math whizzes in the actual exam. Therefore, it is important to hold your nerves during the exam and deliver your best.

A thing to remember is that there is no dearth of doable questions in the exam. Don’t get into a fight with a tough question and break your teeth in the process. If a question proves to be tough, skip it. There are plenty of other questions to choose from.

Aspirants roughly get 36 seconds to attempt a question. Therefore, aspirants must shoot to get a question right in the first attempt itself.

Read the question properly before answering. Do not rush through the question skipping vital pieces of information. Re-reading a question or redoing the calculation consumes too much time. Remember that haste makes waste.

Decide the difficulty of the question within the first 10-12 seconds. Aspirants can pick up this ability only by giving plenty of mock tests. The strategy that one must have while preparing and during the D-day are different. One cannot afford to make mistakes on the day of the exam and hence, make your share of mistakes in the mocks and learn from them.

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Types of Aspirants:

Aspirants must tailor their strategy based on their strengths. We can classify aspirants broadly into 2 categories.

1. Aspirants who are extremely good in 1 section and decent in the other two.
2. Aspirants who are equally good in all the 3 sections.

Aspirants who are extremely good in 1 section must try to maximize their scores in the section of their strength. First, attempt enough questions in all sections to clear the sectional cut offs. Then, return to your area of strength and maximize the score.

Aspirants who are equally good in all the 3 sections must adopt a different strategy. First, attempt enough questions in all the 3 sections to clear the cut offs. Then, go on a second round picking the low hanging fruits you missed out. Iterate the process till you exhaust all the easy ones and then move on to the tough questions.

Do not be hesitant to move on. If you feel to have invested too much time in a question, skip the question. Certain questions can prove to be time sinks. Therefore, develop an eye for detail to spot such questions. Avoiding these questions can go a long way in improving your score.

Leaving out an easy question will not hurt your chances much. On the other hand, getting stuck with a difficult question will severely hamper your chances. Therefore, avoid such a scenario at all costs.

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General tips:

Avoid over-dependence on particular sub-topics. IBPS has been experimenting a lot in the past and certain topics (like syllogisms) have vanished without any notice. Therefore, avoid getting too much comfortable with a particular type of question. Most aspirants depend too much on approximation questions and avoid word problems completely. Make sure that you at least know the basics of all topics.

Allotting time for every section based on your strength is one of the most important time management tips for IBPS Clerk exam. Test your strategy in the mock tests and settle on the one that works the best for you. Get input from others who are doing well. But, do not try to emulate them blindly as it can prove to be a recipe for disaster.

Never mark an answer you are unsure of. Calculated risks are fine but shooting in the dark is not. All the questions carry negative marks for wrong answers and hence, avoid guesswork.

We hope that this article on time management tips for IBPS Clerk would have helped you to frame your strategy. Try reading our other useful blogs on IBPS Clerk expected cut off and how to crack IBPS Clerk in the first attempt.

IBPS Clerk Previous papers


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