Static GK Questions For MBA Exams (History)

Important Static GK Questions and Answers PDF - History
Important Static GK Questions and Answers PDF - History

Important Static GK Questions and Answers PDF – History

The general awareness section is one of the most important scoring sections in the MBA entrance exams, such as CMAT, TISSNET, XAT, IIFT, etc. In the GK (General Knowledge) section, there will be two types of question that may arrive, which includes static GK and Current affairs. In this article, we will provide you with some important static GK questions and answers in PDF, which consist of important History related questions. One can download the PDF by clicking the given below link

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Question 1: Which king has built Konark temple?

a) Narasimhadeva-I

b) Narasimhadeva-II

c) Rajendra Chola

d) Chandragupta Maurya

1) Answer (A)

Question 2: Mughal abolition of Pilgrimage tax happened in which year?

a) 1587

b) 1563

c) 1523

d) 1556

2) Answer (B)

Question 3: Who is known as “Maharajadhiraja”?

a) Chandragupta-1

b) Vikramaditya

c) Gautamiputra satakarni

d) Skandagupta

3) Answer (A)



Question 4: Which Dynasty built the Ellora Caves .

a) Rashtrakuta Dynasty

b) Vijanagara Dynasty

c) Vataka Dynasty

d) Kanva Dynasty.

e) Chola Dynasty

4) Answer (A)


Rashtrakuta Dynasty built the Ellora Caves .

Question 5: The Chipko movement is associated with which of the following?

a) Saving land

b) Saving water

c) Saving animals

d) Saving forests

5) Answer (D)


Chipko movement is the forest conservation movement in India. The Chipko movement is associated with saving trees.

Question 6: The Battle of Buxar was fought in the year ___.

a) 1756

b) 1764

c) 1768

d) 1776

6) Answer (B)


The Battle of Buxar was fought in the year 1764.

Question 7: Agra city was founded by _____________.

a) Bahlol Lodhi

b) Akbar

c) Sikandar Lodhi

d) Babur

7) Answer (C)


Agra city was founded by Sikandar Lodhi.
Hence, option c is the correct answer.

Question 8: WHo built Alai Darwaza?

a) Jahangir

b) Akbar

c) Ala-ud-Din-Khalji

d) Humayun

8) Answer (C)

Question 9: Salt Satyagraha was started in the year _____.

a) 1933

b) 1930

c) 1927

d) 1935

9) Answer (B)


Salt Satyagraha was started in the year 1930.

Question 10: Who is the founder of Chalukya Dynasty?

a) Vikramaditya-1

b) Vishnuvardhana

c) Pulakesin-1

d) Kritivarman-1

10) Answer (C)

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Question 11: Which of the following literature was not authored by Dara Shikoh?

a) Safinat-ul-Auliya

b) Majma-ul-Bahrain

c) Raqqat-e-Alamgiri

d) Sirr-i-Akbar

11) Answer (C)


The names of the literatures and their authors are given below.
Sirr-i-Akbar – Dara Shikoh
Safinat-ul-Auliya – Dara Shikoh
Majma-ul-Bahrain – Dara Shikoh
Raqqat-e-Alamgiri – Aurangzeb
Hence, option c is the correct answer.

Question 12: “Inquilab Zindabad” is the famous slogan given by?

a) Maulana Hasrat Mohani

b) Bhagat Singh

c) Pandit Madan Mohan Malviya

d) Jawaharlal Nehru

12) Answer (A)


This slogan was coined by the Urdu poet, Indian freedom fighter and a Leader of Indian National Congress Maulana Hasrat Mohani in 1921. It was popularized by Bhagat Singh (1907-1931) during the late 1920s through his speeches and writings.

Question 13: Nalanda Mahavira was built by ?

a) Kumaragupta-I

b) Chandragupta-II

c) Skandagupta

d) Varahamihira

13) Answer (A)

Question 14: Mahatma Ayyankali, the leader of Anti-caste movement has been given a title as “Pulaya King” by whom?

a) Indira Gandhi

b) Jawaharlal Nehru

c) Mahatma Gandhi

d) Subhash chandra bose

14) Answer (C)

Question 15: The “ILBARI” dynasty is also called as?

a) “The Ruler”

b) “The People”

c) “The Slave”

d) None of the above

15) Answer (C)

Question 16: Kalinga war took place in which year?

a) 326BC

b) 319BC

c) 260BC

d) 100BC

16) Answer (C)

Question 17: The treaty of Purandar was signed between Mughals and _____.

a) Cholas

b) Rajputs

c) Marathas

d) Portuguese

17) Answer (C)


The treaty of purandar was signed between Mughals and Marathas.

Question 18: The Gandhi-Irwin Pact was signed in which of the following years?

a) 1945

b) 1936

c) 1931

d) 1941

18) Answer (C)


The Gandhi-Irwin Pact was signed in 1931.

Question 19: Treaty of Versailles held in which year?

a) 1919

b) 1910

c) 1935

d) 1980

19) Answer (A)

Question 20: The first session of Indian National Congress was conducted in which year .

a) 1883

b) 1884

c) 1885

d) 1887

e) 1890

20) Answer (C)


The Indian National Congress conducted its first session in Bombay from 28 to 31 December 1885 at the initiative of retired Civil Service officer Allan Octavian Hume.

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