Comprehension Passage Questions for SSC CHSL and MTS

Comprehension Passage

Comprehension Passage Questions PDF for SSC CHSL and MTS

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Read the given passage carefully and select the best answer to each question out of the four given alternatives.
Computers have become indispensable in the modern times. From information to having fun, you can possibly do everything with the help of this amazing machine.
For the modern day child, computers are vital and the amount of time that they devote on them has constantly been on the rise. One of the most popular things
with children when it comes to the computer are video games or the computer games. From puzzles to racing, action to sports, strategy to adventure, computer
games are possibly the biggest addiction with most children. With companies such as Sony and Microsoft going all out to promote Xbox and Playstation to children
worldwide, the allure to these games has only got better. These video games not only help in making child’s brain sharper through mental stimulation but it also
helps relieve them of anxiety or pain. In some cases, games have proved to aid in dyslexic kids reading better. Since adults also love playing games, it can be a time
of bonding between adults and children, increasing the amount of time spent together especially when time spent by parents and children is very less
nowadays. On the other hand, the addiction to these computer games can severely harm the child. Since children keep on playing for long hours, it can lead to eye
damage. The impact of excessive visual medium is evident as a large number of children these days start wearing spectacles from an early age. Long hours of
playing computer games can also result in headaches and dizziness.

Question 1: How has gaming been beneficial to dyslexic kids?

a) It has supported dyslexic kids in reading.

b) It has helped them in wearing spectacles from an early age.

c) It has become indispensable for them.

d) It has helped them in bond with their parents.

1) Answer (A)


It has helped them in wearing spectacles from an early age.

Question 2: According to the passage, which of the following statements is NOT TRUE?

a) Video games can be bonding time between adults and children.

b) Long hours of playing computer games can result in strengthening of eyesight and figure muscles.

c) Sony and Microsoft promote gaming.

d) Addiction to computer games can severely harm the child.

2) Answer (B)


Video games can be bonding time between adults and children.


Read the given passage carefully and select the best answer to each question out of the four given alternatives.
India is a country where people from different cultures and religions live in harmony with each other. However, discrimination is done on the basis of a person’s
gender, caste, creed, religion and economic status in many parts of the country. India of my dreams would be a place where there is no such discrimination. India
has seen a lot of development in the field of science, technology, education as well as other spheres over the last few decades. I dream of India as a fully developed
country that does not only excel in the aforementioned fields but also continues to keep its cultural heritage intact. However, there are certain groups of people that
try to incite people to serve their vested interests thereby hampering peace in the country. I dream of India that is devoid of such divisive tendencies. It should be a
place where different ethnic groups live in perfect harmony with each other. I also dream of India as being a nation where every citizen is educated. I want the
people of my country to understand the importance of education and ensure that their children seek education rather than indulging in menial jobs at a tender age.
Adults who have missed a chance to study during their childhood must also join adult education classes to seek education in order to find a better job for
themselves. I want the government to provide equal employment opportunities for all so that the youth get deserving jobs and contribute towards the growth of the
nation. I want the country to become technologically advanced and see growth in all the sectors. Lastly, I want India to be a country where women are treated with
respect and are given equal opportunities as men.

Question 3: Why is it important for government to provide equal employment opportunities?

a) So that country gets technologically advanced.

b) So that country sees growth in all the sectors.

c) So that the youth get deserving jobs and contributes towards the growth of the nation.

d) So that they don’t join adult education classes.

3) Answer (C)


So that the youth get deserving jobs and contributes towards the growth of the nation.

Question 4: What hampers peace in the country?

a) Certain groups of people that try to incite people to serve their vested interests hamper the peace in the country.

b) Discrimination done on the basis of a person’s gender, caste, creed, religion and economic status in many parts of the country.

c) Women treated with respect and are given equal opportunities as men.

d) Adults who have missed a chance to study during their childhood.

4) Answer (A)


Certain groups of people that try to incite people to serve their vested interests hamper the peace in the country.

Question 5: What kind of dream the author has for India?

a) India which has lot of development in the field of science.

b) India as a fully developed country that does not only excel in the science and technology but also continues to keep its cultural heritage intact.

c) India which is fully equipped with all the war equipment.

d) India where people from different cultures and religions live in harmony with each other.

5) Answer (B)


India as a fully developed country that does not only excel in the science and technology but also continues to keep its cultural heritage intact.

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Question 6: On what basis people are discriminated in India?

a) Employment status.

b) Discrimination is done on the basis of a person’s gender, caste, creed, religion and economic status.

c) Higher education.

d) Cultural heritage.

6) Answer (B)


Discrimination is done on the basis of a person’s gender, caste, creed, religion and economic status.


A passage is given with 5 questions following it. Read the passage carefully and choose the best answer to each question out of the four alternatives and click the button corresponding to it.

Settled life and cultivation gave man leisure; he had no longer to always think of getting food. During spare time he could make stone tools, hoes or pots and weave cloth. Some people spared from producing their own food could even devote themselves to other activities all the time. This resulted in a division of labour. The division of labour made it possible for various groups to specialize, that is, to acquire greater skill and learn better techniques in doing one kind of work.

The settled community life needed rules to regulate the behaviour of the members of the community. It is not possible to know exactly how regulations were established. It appears that the decisions regarding the community were taken by the people as a whole, or by a council of elders, as is in the practice in tribal societies. There were perhaps no kings or any organized government. Most likely, there were chiefs elected by the community for their qualities of leadership. But, these chiefs could not pass their positions on to their sons and they enjoyed few special privileges. Archaeological excavations have not revealed anything which would indicate the prevalence of a higher status for some members of the community. This is also supported by the study of life in many tribes in modern times. Thus, social inequalities do not seem to have emerged even in Neolithic times.

Question 7: In the passage, “division of labour” means?

a) Specialization to acquire greater skills

b) Learning arithmetic

c) Working in groups

d) Working from home

7) Answer (A)


The first paragraph says ‘The division of labour made it possible for various groups to specialize, that is, to acquire greater skill and learn better techniques in doing one kind of work.’. Hence, Option A is the right answer.


A passage is given with 5 questions following it. Read the passage carefully and choose the best answer to each question out of the four alternatives and click the button corresponding to it.

My brother, David, was always close to our grandmother. Both of them shared a love of Mother Nature and of food that they had grown themselves. Whenever his schedule permitted, he would drop in for a short visit and a cup of coffee. One day, when he found no one home, he left a chunk of dirt on her porch. This started what was later to be known as his “calling card”. Grandmother would come home occasionally and instantly know that Dave had been by when she spotted the chunk of dirt on her porch.

Although Grandmother had a poor upbringing in Italy, she managed to do well in the United States. She was always healthy and independent and enjoyed a fulfilling life. Recently she had a stroke and died. Everyone was saddened by her death. David was disconsolate. His life-long friend was now gone.

Question 8: Grandmother’s death made everyone

a) sad including David

b) disconsolate excluding David

c) happy and disconsolate

d) sad excluding David

8) Answer (A)


From the last paragraph, we can say that the Grandmother’s death made everyone sad including David.


A passage is given with 5 questions following it. Read the passage carefully and choose the best answer to each question out of the four alternatives and click the button corresponding to it.
He waited a moment in surprise, wondering why she did not come nearer, and then, maddened by hunger, he dived at the fish. With a loud scream he fell outwards and downwards into space. His mother had soared upwards. As he passed beneath her, he heard the swish of her wings. Then a monstrous terror seized him and his heart stood still. He could hear nothing. But it only lasted a moment. The next moment, he felt his wings spread outwards. The wind rushed against his breast feathers, then under his stomach and against his wings. He could feel the tips of his wings cutting through the air. He was not falling headlong now. He was soaring gradually downwards and outwards.

He was no longer afraid. He just felt a bit dizzy. Then, he flapped his wings once and he soared upwards. he uttered a joyous scream and flapped them again. He soared higher. He raised his breast and banked against the wind. His mother swooped past him, her wings making a loud noise. He answered her with another scream.

Question 9: The young seagull dived at the fish

a) maddened by hunger

b) maddened by want

c) out of spite

d) out of loneliness

9) Answer (A)


From the first paragraph, we can say that the young seagull dived at the fish maddened by hunger.


You have brief passage with 5 questions following each passage. Read the passages carefully and choose the best answer to each question out of the four alternatives.

What, one wonders, is the lowest common denominator : of Indian culture today? The attractive Hema Malini? The songs of vividh Bharati? Or the mouth-watering Masala Dosa? Delectable as these may be, each yields pride of place to that false (?) symbol of a new era – the synthetic fibre. In less than twenty years the nylon sari and the terylene shirt have swept the countryside, penetrated to the farthest comers of the land and persuaded every common man, woman and child that the key to success in the present day world lies in artificial fibres: glass nylon, crepe nylon, tery mixes, polyesters and what have you. More than the bicycles, the wristwatch or the transistor radio, synthetic clothes have come to represent the first step )’ away from the village square. The village lass treasures the e flashy nylon sari in her trousseau most lovingly; the village youth gets a great kick out of his cheap terry cot shirt and u trousers, the nearest he can approximate to the expensive s synthetic sported by his wealthy city bred contemporaries. And the Neo-rich craze for ‘phoren’ is nowhere more apparent a than in the price that people will pay for smuggled, stolen, begged or borrowed second hand or thrown away synthetics. Alas, even the unique richness of the traditional tribal costume is being fast eroded by the deadening uniformity of nylon.

Question 10: ‘The lowest common denominator’ of the Indian culture today is

a) Hema Malini

b) songs of Vividh Bharati

c) Masala Dosa

d) synthetic fibre

10) Answer (D)


In the third line of the passage, it is mentioned that ‘The lowest common denominator’ of the Indian culture today is synthetic fibre.

=> Ans – (D)

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