SSC CGL Questions On Solar System

ssc cgl questions on solar system
ssc cgl questions on solar system

SSC CGL Questions On Solar System

Download SSC CGL Solar System questions with answers PDF based on previous papers very useful for SSC CGL exams. 20 Very important Solar System objective questions for SSC exams.

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Question 1: Which is the second largest planet in the solar system?

a) Uranus

b) Jupiter

c) Saturn

d) Neptune

Question 2: Which of the following is a small solar system body containing large quantity of ice?

a) Meteors

b) Asteroids

c) Comets

d) Quasar

Question 3: Which planet has the highest density in our solar system?

a) Mercury

b) Earth

c) Venus

d) Mars

Question 4: Which planet is known as red planet in our solar system?

a) Mars

b) Venus

c) Saturn

d) Mercury

Question 5: What is the name of largest moon in the solar system?

a) Callisto

b) Titan

c) Ganymede

d) Europa

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Question 6: Most of the asteroids in our solar system lie between

a) Juipiter and Saturn

b) Mars and Jupiter

c) Mercury and Venus

d) Venus and Earth

Question 7: Which planet is known as Morning star as well as the Evening star in our solar system?

a) Venus

b) Saturn

c) Jupiter

d) Mercury

Question 8: How many number of Planets are there in the Solar System ?


A sentence has been given in direct speech. Select the option that represents the given sentence in reported speech:

Question 9: Flint said to Mike “ Jupiter is the largest planet in the Solar system”.

a) Flint told Mike that Jupiter is the largest planet in the Solar system.

b) Flint said to Mike that Jupiter is the largest planet in the Solar system.

c) Flint told Mike that Jupiter was the largest planet in the Solar system.

d) Flint said to Mike that Jupiter was the largest planet in the Solar system.


Identify the diagram that best represents the relationship among classes given below

Question 10: Moon, Titan, Solar system






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Question 11: Asteroid Belt in the Solar system is located between the following planets.

a) Mercury

b) Earth

c) Mars

d) Jupiter

Question 12: Instructions: Identify the diagram that best represents the relationship among classes given below
Earth, Sun, Solar System





Question 13: Which is the second largest planet in the solar system?

a) Saturn

b) Uranus

c) Earth

d) Mars

Question 14: Which is the second largest planet in the solar system?

a) Saturn

b) Uranus

c) Earth

d) Mars

Question 15: Who is the planet moving in the opposite direction than other planets in Solar System?

a) Neptune

b) Pluto

c) Uranus

d) Saturn

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Question 16: Which of the following is the largest satellite of the Solar System?

a) Titan

b) Miranda

c) Moon

d) Ganymede

Question 17: NABARD has tied up with which of the following Organizations for installing rooftop solar systems on NABARD premises across the country?

a) Solar Energy Corporation of India

b) Moser Bear Solar Ltd

c) Tata Power Solar Systems Ltd

d) Kotak Urja Pvt Ltd

e) Websol Energy System Ltd

Question 18: Which of the following planets is the hottest planet in the solar system?

a) Mercury

b) Mars

c) Earth

d) Venus

Question 19: Which of the following planets in the solar system is also called the Swift- Planet?

a) Mercury

b) Venus

c) Earth

d) Saturn

Question 20: Direction of rotation of which of the following pair of planets is opposite to direction of the remaining planets in the solar system?

a) Jupiter and Mercury

b) Venus and Uranus

c) Earth and Mars

d) Neptune and Saturn

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Answers & Solutions:

1) Answer (C)

2) Answer (C)

3) Answer (B)

4) Answer (A)

5) Answer (C)

6) Answer (B)

7) Answer (A)

8) Answer: 8

9) Answer (A)

’Said to’ should be converted to ‘told’,. The quotation mark should be removed and ‘that’ should be used to connect the 2 parts of the sentences.
The part within the quotation is a general truth. General truths should always be expressed in the simple present tense. Therefore, there should be no change in the tense of the part within the quotes.

’Flint told Mike that Jupiter is the largest planet in the Solar system’ is the correct form and hence, option A is the right answer.

10) Answer (A)

Moon and Titan are two different satellites of Earth and Saturn respectively. They both are part of the Solar System. Hence, Option A is the correct answer.

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11) Answer (C)

12) Answer (B)

Earth is a planet and Sun is a star and they both are part of solar system. Hence Option B is correct answer

13) Answer (A)

14) Answer (A)

15) Answer (C)

16) Answer (D)

17) Answer (A)

18) Answer (D)

19) Answer (A)

20) Answer (B)

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