SSC CGL Questions on Fundamental Rights

ssc cgl questions on fundamental rights
ssc cgl questions on fundamental rights

SSC CGL Questions on Fundamental Rights

Download SSC CGL Fundamental Rights questions with answers PDF based on previous papers very useful for SSC CGL exams. 20 Very important Fundamental Rights objective questions for SSC exams.

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Question 1: Which Fundamental Right of the constitution deals with the Freedom of Speech?

a) Article 16

b) Article 18

c) Article 17

d) Article 19

Question 2: In which supreme court case has the Right to Privacy been declared Fundamental Right?

a) Bareendrakumar case

b) Shankariprasad case

c) Keshavananda case

d) K.S.Puttaswamy case


Read the passage and answer the following questions.

The United States and India, two of the world’s largest and oldest democracies, are both governed on the basis of written constitutions. One of the inspirations for the Constitution of India, drafted between 1947 and 1950, was the US Constitution. Both Indians and Americans revere their ‘constitutional rights’ – especially the ‘fundamental right’ of free speech, and the separation of state and religion. Both countries support critical traditions that focus on particular clauses of the constitution. In India, Article 356, which allows for the suspension of state legislative assemblies to permit ‘direct rule by the centre’, has provoked considerable critique, while in the US, the Second Amendment is a source of perpetual political and legal discord. The Indian and US supreme courts both enjoy the power of judicial review, to declare acts of other branches of government illegitimate, and so a measure of ‘supremacy’ over their respective legislative branches. For this reason, both constitutions are ‘undemocratic’ in their arrogation of too much political power to the judicial bench – a group of unelected public servants.

The US and Indian constitutions diverge in their ‘stability’ or ‘flexibility’. The US Constitution is very difficult to change and, thanks to a religious American sensibility that treats it as a sacral document, it has simply not evolved, impervious to the changing needs of a growing and progressing nation and world. The Constitution of India suffers from the converse flaw; in less than 75 years, it has been amended, at last count, 103 times. This kind of recipe for political instability is precisely the worry cited by those who resist attempts to make it easier to amend the US Constitution.

How flexible should constitutions be? How often, and how, should they change? Is a written constitution – unlike the unwritten British one – an invitation to the political polarities of instability or stasis? There is no simple answer to these questions. But history offers some guidance. Law, when it emerged in the great ancient Mesopotamian civilisations, was a ‘tool of government’. Such a demystified, pragmatic view of law suggests legal constitutions are technologies for governing, designed and implemented to bring about socially negotiated outcomes. Depending on the histories and needs of their ‘parent societies’, different kinds of constitutions come about, generating histories of political, legal and economic evolution, and being altered by them in turn. The histories of the US and Indian constitutions show two related political and legal systems evolving over time, their variations underwritten by their country’s historical experiences. The history of the Indian state and constitution includes a pragmatic American influence, with which the US would now benefit being reacquainted.

Samir Chopra

This article was originally published at Aeon and has been republished under Creative Commons.

Question 3: According to the passage should a country’s constitution be flexible or rigid?

a) This question has not been answered in the passage.

b) A nation’s constitution must be flexible since it has to change with the times.

c) A nation’s constitution must be rigid, so that the values of the constitution are not altered.

d) A constitution should be rigid or flexible dependent on the status and values of the country.

e) A constitution should be rigid or flexible dependent on circumstances and history of the country.

Question 4: What can be inferred about the author’s stance from the concluding paragraph?

a) As per the author, the Indian constitution is more practical than the American constitution.

b) As per the author, the American constitution is more practical than the Indian constitution.

c) The author wants America to be reminded of the pragmatic influence it had on India’s constitution

d) According to the author, both the constitutions have many similarities and differences.

e) As per the author, the American constitution is as practical as the Indian constitution.

Question 5: What is the primary purpose of the passage?

a) To determine the factors which influence a constitution and discuss the political and legal systems of India and America.

b) To compare the American and Indian constitutions and discuss the ideal level of flexibility a constitution should have.

c) To explain the influence that constitutions have on a country’s political stability

d) To discuss the constitutions of the two largest democracies of the world

e) To explain why so much political power is accorded to the judicial bench

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Question 6: Under which article high courts are authorized to issue writs for the enforcement of Fundamental rights in India?

a) Article 226

b) Article 32(2)

c) Article 61

d) Article 74

Question 7: Which of the following is NOT a Fundamental Right provided in the Indian Constitution?

a) Right to Property

b) Right to Education

c) Right to Freedom

d) Right to Equality

Question 8: Which recent supreme court case has upheld the Right to Privacy under Fundamental Rights 14, 19 & 21 ?

a) Minervamills case

b) K.S.Puttaswamy case

c) Waman Rao case

d) A.K.Gopalan case

Question 9: Which fundamental right of the constitution deals with the abolition of titles?

a) Article 18

b) Article 16

c) Article 15

d) Article 14

Question 10: Which of the following ideals of the Constitution of India were inspired from Russia?

a) Amendment procedure

b) Fundamental Rights

c) Fundamental Duties

d) Directive Principles


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Question 11: Who was the chairman of the Fundamental Rights sub-committee of the constituent assembly?

a) Alladi Krishna Swamy Ayyar

b) Vallabhai Patel

c) Jawaharlal Nehru

d) J.B.Kripalni

Question 12: Which articles guarantee freedom of religion in India?

a) Fundamental rights 29-30

b) Fundamental rights 25-28

c) Fundamental rights 15-19

d) Fundamental rights 22-24

Question 13: A statement is followed by two arguments. Decide which of the arguments is/are strong with respect to the statement.
Should too much revealing dress be banned?
1. Yes, it disturbs the people and create abuse.
2. No, wearing cloths of their choice is the fundamental right of the individual

a) Neither argument l and 2 is strong

b) Only argument 1 is strong

c) Only argument 2 is strong

d) Either argument 1 or 2 is strong

Question 14: Five sentences related to a topic are given below. Four of them can be put together to form a meaningful and coherent paragraph. Identify the sentence which does not belong to the paragraph and enter its number as the answer.
1. The characteristic differences between music and architecture are the same as those which subsist between time and space.
2. The energy which everywhere animates form is a type of time within space; the mind working in and through the body is another expression of the same thing.
3. Now time and space are such abstract ideas that they can be dealt with best through their corresponding correlatives in the natural world, for it is a fundamental theosophic tenet that nature everywhere abounds in such correspondences.
4. Sculpture accentuates and enriches, painting adorns, works of literature are stored within it, poetry and the drama awake its echoes, while music thrills to its uttermost recesses, like the very spirit of life tingling through the body’s fibres.
5. That nature, in its myriad forms, is indeed the concrete presentment of abstract unities.

Question 15: Which Fundamental Right of constitution protects against untouchability?

a) Article 17

b) Article 19

c) Article 22

d) Article 14

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Question 16: Which of the following is NOT a fundamental right of an Indian Citizen?

a) Right to Equality

b) Right to Privacy

c) Right to Life

d) Right against Exploitation

Question 17: Which fundamental right is called as the ‘heart and soul of the Constitution’ by Dr. B R Ambedkar?

a) Cultural and Educational rights

b) Right against exploitation

c) Right to equality

d) Right to Constitutional remedies


Read the following passage and answer the set of five questions that follow.

When we think of the future, it very naturally seems to be ‘open’. But are we right to think about the future this way?

Some philosophers argue that the only way to explain the differences in how we look at the past and future is to employ a certain ‘metaphysical’ picture of time. According to this view, time itself is unfolding, and the future has very different basic properties from the past. According to a ‘growing-block’ theory of time, for example, events in the past and present exist, but events in the future do not – they are yet to be. The reason, then, that we think of the future as open is that it doesn’t exist yet.

But there are at least a couple of problems with this metaphysical approach. Firstly, it doesn’t fit well with science. Fundamental physics doesn’t indicate that there’s anything like a growing-block picture of time, or any kind of account where time itself changes. From the point of view of physics, future events are just as real as those in the past and present – even if we can’t engage with them.

There’s another problem with using a metaphysical picture to explain why the future seems open. Human minds aren’t geared to intuit what fundamental reality is like. Typically, it takes a lot of empirical work to figure out the way things are. It was very natural at one time to think of air as weightless, and of solid objects as filled with matter. But we’ve learnt that air is weighty, and that solid things are mostly empty space – even if we can also make good sense of why these things seemed otherwise. Given these lessons, it would be very surprising if we had direct insight into the fundamental nature of time.

So what else might explain why the future seems open? My own approach is somewhat unusual. I think about cases of hypothetical time travel, particularly cases where someone journeys backwards in time to interact with events that happened before she left. The broad consensus is that such time travel isn’t going to happen in our world, at least not anytime soon. But philosophers, particularly since David Lewis, the American author of On the Plurality of Worlds (1986), have argued that such cases are nevertheless logically possible – they are conceptually coherent. Using just a single timeline, we can tell consistent stories involving time travel. Under this approach, time travellers don’t go back and change events from being one way to being another, as in the film Back to the Future (1985). Instead, time travel is more like what you see in 12 Monkeys (1995): it was always already the case that the time traveller was there in the past, participating in the events that made the future the way it is.

This article was originally published at Aeon and has been republished under Creative Commons.

Question 18: Had the author continued, what could have been the next topic of discussion?

a) Other theories which have been propounded to explain why the future seems open to us.

b) How time travel can facilitate our understanding of the open future?

c) Some other movies which have depicted different forms of time travel.

d) How can time be travelled?

Question 19: Why did the author mention the examples of air and solid objects in the penultimate paragraph?

a) To elaborate why metaphysical theory fails to explain our belief in ‘open-future’.

b) To show the fallibility of our knowledge and contentions.

c) To argue against the metaphysical theory by stating that our intuitive understanding of time may be wrong.

d) To emphasize that a lot of empirical work and effort are required to discover the fundamental reality.

Question 20: What is the primary purpose of the author in the passage?

a) To educate the readers about various theories which explain why we consider the future events to be less real.

b) To propound the author’s theory which explains why we consider the future to be open.

c) To refute the metaphysical approach as a valid explanation of why the future is considered to be open by us.

d) To illuminate the possibility of time travel in the near future.

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Answers & Solutions:

1) Answer (D)

2) Answer (D)

3) Answer (E)

Option E is the correct answer since in the concluding paragraph of the passage the author asks this question and goes on to state that legal constitutions are ‘technologies for governing’ and a constitution’s flexibility should be dependent on the histories and needs of their parent societies.

Option A is incorrect because although the author says it is a difficult question to answer he proceeds to answer it with the help of history.
Options B and C are incorrect because the author does not make a blanket statement about whether constitutions should be rigid or flexible but says that they should depend on the nation’s needs and histories.
Option D is incorrect because although the author does say that a constitution’s stability is dependent on certain factors, the factors here-status and values are incorrect.

4) Answer (C)

Option A and Option B are incorrect because the author does not call either constitution more practical than the other.
Instead, he states that the Indian constitution was heavily influenced by the American constitution and it was a pragmatic influence. However, he goes on to say that the American constitution should remember its pragmatic influence which means that he believes they are no longer as practical as they were. Option C is correct because it correctly states both that he wants them to remember the practicality aspect and that the Indian constitution was influenced by the American constitution. Option D is incorrect since the similarities and differences are stated in an earlier paragraph. Option E is incorrect because he does not call them equally pragmatic.

5) Answer (B)

The passage begins by introducing the constitutions of two of the world’s largest democracies-America and India. It goes on to explain the similarities between the two and then the differences. One of the main differences discussed is that they vary in the degree of flexibility given to the constitution. Since Option B accurately describes this, it is correct.

Option A is incorrect because the political and legal systems of the two nations are barely discussed, also the main factor cited is historical needs, and multiple factors are not stated.
Option C is incorrect because it states only a small part of the passage and does not capture its essence.
Option D is limited since it does not mention the flexibility and rigidity debate that is integral to the passage. Option E is a line stated in the passage, no reason for it has been given.

6) Answer (A)

7) Answer (A)

8) Answer (B)

9) Answer (A)

10) Answer (C)

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11) Answer (D)


12) Answer (B)

13) Answer (C)

14) Answer: 4

The correct order is 1352. Option 1 introduces the topic-that the differences between music and architecture are the same as those between time and space. Option 3 elaborates on time and space as ideas and tries to make comparisons with correlatives in the natural world. Option 5 explains why making comparisons with nature is ideal and option 2 concludes by comparing time and space with the mind working through the body. The reason Option 4 is incorrect is because it speaks of different art forms which have not been mentioned anywhere in the paragraph. Moreover, the pronoun “it” in 4 has no antecedent anywhere in the remaining lines. Hence, the right answer is option 4.

15) Answer (A)

16) Answer (B)

17) Answer (D)

18) Answer (B)

To answer this question, we should keep in mind that the next paragraph must be about something related to the passage as well as in continuation with the last paragraph. In the last paragraph, the author has mentioned that time travel could be a feasible explanation of open future. So, in the next paragraph, she should be discussing what time travel could teach us about open future. This has been perfectly captured in option B.
The author has already stated the existing theories and refuted them and has started explaining her reasoning. Option A does not seem plausible.
Option C is a distortion of the primary purpose of the author.
Option D is out of scope and unrelated to the passage.
Hence, option B is the correct answer.

19) Answer (C)

From the first two lines of the penultimate paragraph, we can infer that the author focuses on the imperfectness of humans in intuiting the fundamental reality. Later on, she gives the examples of air and solid objects to emphasize that our intuitive understanding of time might be incorrect. Thus, through the example she is pointing out a pitfall of the metaphysical theory. Of the options, only option C captures these points.
Hence, option C is the correct answer.

20) Answer (B)

The author starts the passage by stating the popular metaphysical theory about why people consider the future to be open and then she goes on to point out the pitfalls in that theory. Later, in the last passage, she states her own theory about why it seems natural to consider the future to be open. Option B is thus the most appropriate option as it captures the true purpose behind writing the passage.
Though the author has mentioned metaphysical theory, her main purpose is not to educate the readers about it. She has mentioned it only to refute it later. Therefore, neither option A nor option C is the primary purpose of the author.
Option D is a distortion of what is given in the passage.
Hence, option B is the correct answer.

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