SBI PO Level Profit And Loss Questions

sbi po level profit and loss questions
sbi po level profit and loss questions

SBI PO Level Profit And Loss Questions

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Question 1: To meet the demand during summer, a milkman mixed water with pure milk in 2:5. Then he sold the same mixture at 20% more than normal price. By what percent his revenue will increase during summers? (Water is available without any cost)

a) 60 percent

b) 50 percent

c) 40 percent

d) 68 percent

e) 63 percent

Question 2: A retailer bought 5 dozen notebooks. He got these notebooks at 30% less than printed price. To clear his stock soon he offered 1 notebook free on buying 4 notebooks. If the retailer sold all notebooks on printed price, what’s is retailer’s profit percentage in this transaction?

a) 28.57%

b) 21.35%

c) 12.48%

d) 42.89%

e) 14.28%

Question 3: Krishna purchased a new laptop. After 2 years, he sold it to Pradeep at a discount of 30% when compared to the actual cost price. Pradeep spent 680 for repairing the laptop after purchase. After using it for 2 years, he sold it to Ravi at a discount of 30% when compared to the total amount he invested in the laptop. If Ravi paid exactly half the amount which Krishna paid, find the amount that Krishna paid when he purchased the laptop?

a) 47600

b) 36600

c) 68000

d) 72000

e) None of the above.

Question 4: Gugan sold a computer to Raj by marking the price up by 20%. Raj then sold the computer to Hari at a profit of 30%. Hari sold the computer to Balu at a profit of 50%. If Balu bought the computer by paying Rs. 1560 more than the price at which Hari bought the computer, what is the actual cost price of the computer?

a) Rs.1000

b) Rs.2000

c) Rs.3000

d) Rs.4000

e) Rs.5200

Question 5: A shopkeeper marks up the price of an article by x%. Then, he offers a discount of (x/2)%.If he ends up with a loss of 48%, then the value of x is

a) 120

b) 80

c) 140

d) 160

e) 60

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Question 6: A shopkeeper buys pencils at the prize of Rs. 150 a dozen. Then, he marks up the price of each pencil by 20%. If he offers 2 consecutive discounts of 10%, what is his overall profit/loss percentage?

a) 1.25% profit

b) 1.2% profit

c) 1.4% profit

d) 1.4% loss

e) 2.8% loss

Question 7: A shopkeeper buys a dozen fruits for Rs. 3. At what price must he sell the fruits if he wants to realize a profit of 20 %?

a) 9 fruits for 30 rupees

b) 6 fruits for 15 rupees

c) 10 fruits for 6 rupees.

d) 90 fruits for 30 rupees

e) 50 fruits for 15 rupees

Question 8: Mukesh buys a pen at a certain price. He marks up the price of the pen by 30 percent. He then starts offering a discount of 20 percent. If Mukesh makes a profit of 16 rupees in the transaction then find the price at which he bought the pen.

a) 500

b) 600

c) 400

d) 800

e) 1000

Question 9: A shopkeeper buys some pins at 5 pins a rupee. How should he sell the pins if he wants to realize a profit of 50% ?

a) 20 pins for 5 rupees

b) 8 pins for 2 rupees

c) 12 pins for 4 rupees

d) 30 pins for 5 rupees

e) 10 pins for 3 rupees

Question 10: Mukesh buys a pen at a certain price. He marks up the price of the pen by 30 percent. He then starts offering a discount of 20 percent. If Mukesh makes a profit of 16 rupees in the transaction then find the price at which he bought the pen.

a) 500

b) 600

c) 400

d) 800

e) 1000

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Question 11: If an article is sold at Rs. 304.5, the shopkeeper incurs a loss of 13%. What should be his selling price to gain a profit of 13%?

a) Rs. 395.5

b) Rs. 387.5

c) Rs. 399

d) Rs. 391.5

e) Rs. 401

Question 12: A shopkeeper buys 120 articles. He marks up the price of the article by 50%. Which of the following plans must the shopkeeper offer if he wants to end up with a profit of 20%?

a) Buy 2 get 1 free

b) Buy 1 get 1 free

c) Buy 5 get 1 free

d) Buy 4 get 1 free

e) Buy 3 get 2 free

Question 13: Aman bought 10 apples at a price of Rupees 60. The shopkeeper offered had offered him a discount of 20 percent on the cost price. Aman marked the price of apples 20 percent above the cost price of the apples and then offered a discount of 10 percent to his customers. What is the profit (in %) made by Aman in the entire transaction?

a) 25 %

b) 35 %

c) 40 %

d) 30 %

e) 20 %

Question 14: A shopkeeper buys 80 oranges. 20% of the oranges get spoiled during transportation. Of the remaining oranges, he sells 12.5% of the oranges at a loss of 20%. What must be the mark up percentage (approximate) on the remaining oranges if the shopkeeper wants to break even (no profit or loss)?

a) 23.6%

b) 42.4%

c) 36.8%

d) 31.4%

e) 28.6%

Question 15: Raghu buys 10 shares of company A at Rs. 80 a share and 5 shares of company B at Rs. 120 a share. After 10 days, the share price of company A increased by 20% and the share price of company B dipped by 20%. Raghu sold all the shares of company A and bought shares of company B. After another 10 days, the price of a share of company B increased by Rs. 12. Finally, Raghu sold all shares of company B. The total profit of Raghu in the entire transaction is

a) Rs. 200

b) Rs. 220

c) Rs. 240

d) Rs. 260

e) Rs. 280

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Question 16: A shopkeeper buys an article for a certain amount. He marks up the price twice by x% and then offers a discount of 25% and ends up with a profit of 8%. What is the value of x?

a) 12%

b) 14%

c) 16%

d) 18%

e) 20%

Question 17: Ram buys toys at 8 pieces per 70 rupees. He sells toys in boxes containing 5 toys. At what price must he sell a box if he wants to realize a profit percentage of 60%?

a) Rs. 50

b) Rs. 60

c) Rs. 70

d) Rs. 80

e) Rs. 90

Question 18: A shopkeeper buys an article. He marks up the price of the article by some percentage and then offers some discount. The discount percentage is a sixth of the markup percentage. Finally, the shopkeeper ends up with a profit of 100%. What is the discount percentage?

a) 25%

b) 33.33%

c) 50%

d) 66.66%

e) Either 50% or 33.33%

Question 19: Ramesh bought 12 bananas at the rate of Rupees 15 for 3 bananas. While bringing them home, 3 of bananas got damaged and cannot be sold. At what price should he sell the remaining 9 bananas so that he makes a profit of 20 percent in the entire transaction.

a) 8

b) 7.5

c) 6

d) 6.5

e) 7

Question 20: A salesman makes a profit of 30% when he gives a discount of 35% on the marked price. What will be the profit if the discount given is 20%?

a) 45%

b) 50%

c) 63%

d) 55%

e) 60%

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Answers & Solutions:

1) Answer (D)

Let us assume that on a normal day he sells milk at x rupee per litre and he sells y litre of milk
So revenue generated on normal day = x*y = xy

He mixed water with milk in ratio of 2:5 so net quantity = $\frac{2+5}{5} * y$ = 1.4y
New selling price during summer = 1.2x rupees per litre

So revenue generated in summers = 1.4y * 1.2x = 1.68xy
Hence we can say that revenue will go up by 68 percent.

2) Answer (E)

Number of notebooks that retailer bought = 5 * 12 = 60

Let us assume that printed price on each notebook = 100

The retailer bought these notebooks at 30% less = 70 Rupees/notebook

Sum invested by the retailer = 60*70 = 4200

By selling 60 notebooks he will get money for = $\frac{4}{5}*60$ = 48 notebooks

Money collected by the retailer by selling these notebooks = 48*100 = 4800

Hence, retailer’s profit percentage = $\frac{4800-4200}{4200}*100$ = 14.28%

3) Answer (A)

Let assume Krishna paid 100x when he purchased the laptop.
So Krishna sold it to Pradeep for = $\frac{100-30}{100}*100x$ = 70x
And Pradeep also spent 680 rupees for repairing
So total amount invested by Pradeep = 70x+680
So the amount Ravi paid to Pradeep = $\frac{100-30}{100}*(70x+680)$ = 49x+476
We also know that Ravi paid exactly half of what Krishna paid
i.e. 0.5*(100x) = 49x+476
$\Rightarrow$ x = 476
So the amount for which Krishna purchased the laptop = 100*476 = 47600

4) Answer (B)

Let the worth of the computer to be Rs. x.
Let the price at which Raj bought the computer be 1.2x.
Price at which Hari bought = 1.3*1.2x = 1.56x
Price at which Balu bought = 1.5*1.56x = 2.34x
Difference between the prices at which Balu and Hari bought = 2.34x – 1.56x = 0.78x
It has been given that 0.78x = 1560
x = Rs. 2000.
Therefore, option B is the right answer.

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5) Answer (D)

Let the price of the article be $P$.
Let us consider $x$ in decimal form for the ease of calculation.
$(1+x)(1-x/2)P = 0.52P$
$(1+x)(2-x) = 1.04$
$2-x+2x -x^2 = 1.04$
$-x^2+x = -0.96$
$x^2-x-0.96 = 0$
$x = 1.6$ or $x = -0.6$
We can ignore the negative root since it has been given that the shopkeeper marks up the price of the product.

=> $x = 160$% and hence, option D is the right answer.

6) Answer (E)

Cost of a pencil = Rs. 150/12 = Rs.12.5
Marked price = 1.2*12.5 = Rs. 15
The shopkeeper offers 2 consecutive discounts of 10%.
Therefore, the selling price of the pencil will be 0.9*0.9*15 = Rs. 12.15

Profit/loss percentage of the shopkeeper = (12.15 – 12.5)/12.5 = 2.8% loss.
Therefore, option E is the right answer.

7) Answer (E)

Cost price of a fruit = 3/12 = Rs. 0.25
Selling price = 1.2*0.25 = Rs.0.3

Let us check the options one by one.

9 fruits/ 30 rupees => Cost of 1 fruit = 30/9 = Rs.3.33
6 fruits/15 rupees => Cost of 1 fruit = 15/6 = Rs. 2.5
10 fruits/ 6 rupees => Cost of 1 fruit = 6/10 = Rs. 0.6
90 fruits/30 rupees => Cost of 1 fruit = 30/90 = Rs. 0.33
50 fruits/ 15 rupees => Cost of 1 fruit = 15/50 = Rs. 0.3

Therefore, option E is the right answer.

8) Answer (C)

Let the price at which he bought the pen be 100x.
He marks it at 130x and then sells it at 130x*.8 = 104x
Thus, he makes a profit of 4x.
We know that 4x = 16
=> x = 4
Hence, he bought the pen for 400.

9) Answer (E)

It has been given that the shopkeeper buys 5 pins a rupee.
Therefore, cost of a pin = 1/5 = 20 paise.

After marking up by 50%, the price of the pin will be 30 paise per pin.

20 pins for 5 rupees = 25 paise per pin
8 pins for 2 rupees = 25 paise per pin
12 pins for 4 rupees is 33.33 paise per pin
30 pins for 5 rupees is 60 paise per pin
10 pins for 3 rupees in 30 paise per pin

Therefore, option E is the right answer.

10) Answer (C)

Let the price at which he bought the pen be 100x.
He marks it at 130x and then sells it at 130x*.8 = 104x
Thus, he makes a profit of 4x.
We know that 4x = 16
=> x = 4
Hence, he bought the pen for 400.

11) Answer (A)

Let cost price be ‘cp’, and the two selling prices be ‘sp1’ and ‘sp2’ respectively.
Loss% = (cost price – selling price) *100/ (cost price)
0.13*cp = cp – sp1
sp1 = 0.87*cp
cp = 304.5 / 0.87 = 350
Profit% = ( – cost price + selling price) *100/ (cost price)
0.13 *350 = sp2 – 350
sp2 = Rs. 395.5
Hence, option A is the right choice.

12) Answer (D)

Let the CP of the article be x.
SP of the article = 1.5x
Let ‘n’ be the number of articles bought by paying the price and ‘k’ be the number of articles given free of cost to the customer.

We know that,
n*1.5x = 1.2*(n+k)*x
1.5n = 1.2n + 1.2k
0.3n = 1.2k
n = 4k.
Therefore, for every 4 articles, the shopkeeper can give one article for free. Therefore, option D is the right answer.

13) Answer (B)

We have been given that Aman got a discount of 20 percent on the price of the apples. Hence, the cost price of the apples would have been 60/.8 = 75.
Now he marked the price 20 % above the cost price. Hence, the marked price will be 75*1.2 = 90
Thus, price after discount will be 90*.9 = 81
Hence, he earned a profit of 21.
Profit % = 21*100/60 = 35 %

14) Answer (D)

Let us assume the cost price of one orange to be Rs. 100 for ease of calculation.
Total cost incurred by the shopkeeper = 80*100 = Rs.8000

20% of the oranges get spoiled. Therefore, the shopkeeper would have 0.8*80 = 64 apples left.
He sells 12.5% of these oranges at 0.8*100 = Rs. 80
Therefore, the shopkeeper would have sold 8 oranges at Rs.80 netting Rs.640.
He must sell the remaining 56 oranges at Rs. 8000 – 640 = Rs. 7360 to break even.

Therefore, the selling price of 1 orange must be 7360/56 = 131.42

As we can see, the markup percentage must approximately be equal to 31.42%.
Hence, option D is the right answer.

15) Answer (B)

Price of share A = Rs. 80
Number of shares of company A bought = 10
Amount invested in share A = 80*10 = Rs. 800
Price of share B = Rs. 120
Number of shares of company B bought = 5
Amount invested in share A = 5*120 = Rs. 600

Total amount invested = 800 + 600 = Rs. 1400

After 10 days,
Price of shares of company A = 1.2*80 = Rs. 96
Raghu sold all the shares of company A. Therefore, he would have earned 96*10 = Rs.960
Price of shares of company B = 0.8*120 = Rs. 96
Therefore, Raghu would have bought 960/96 = 10 shares of company B. Raghu already holds 5 shares. Therefore, now Raghu holds 10+5 = 15 shares of company B in total.

After 10 days, price of share of company B increased by Rs. 12
Share price of company B = 96 + 12 = Rs. 108
Raghu sold all the shares.
Therefore, Raghu would have earned 108*15 = Rs. 1620

Profit earned by Raghu in the entire transaction = 1620 – 1400 = Rs. 220.
Therefore, option B is the right answer.

16) Answer (E)

Let us assume the CP of the article to be Rs. $100$.
We know that $(1+x)^2*0.75*100 = 108$
$(1+x)^2 = 1.44$
=>$(1+x) = 1.2$
=>$x = 0.2$ or $20$%.
Hence, option E is the right answer.

17) Answer (C)

Let us assume that Ram buys 40 pieces. He will buy 40 pieces for 70*5 = Rs.350.
Ram will pack these 40 pieces into 40/5 = 8 boxes.
Ram wants to realize a profit percentage of 60%.
=> Selling price of the 8 boxes = 1.6*350 = Rs.560
=> Selling price of 1 box = Rs. 560/8 = Rs. 70
Therefore, option C is the right answer.

18) Answer (E)

Let us assume the CP of the article to be Rs.$100$.
He ends up with a profit of 100%. Therefore, the final SP of the article = Rs. $200$.
This price is reached after marking up the price by x% and providing a discount of $x/6$ %.
Therefore, $100 (1+x) (1-(x/6)) = 200$
$(1+x)(6-x) = 12$
$6 -x + 6x – x^2 = 12$
$x^2 – 5x + 6 = 0$
$(x-2)(x-3) = 0$
$x = 2$ or $x = 3$
Therefore, the discount percentage can either be $2/6$ = $33.33$% or $3/6$ = $50$%.
Hence, option E is the right answer.

19) Answer (A)

Total amount spent by Ramesh = 15*4 = 60
Total amount that he needs so that there is a profit of 20 percent= 60*1.2 = 72
We know that he only has 9 bananas to sell. Hence, the selling price of each banana must be 72/9 = 8.

20) Answer (E)

Let ‘x’ be the marked price.
Discount of 35%, selling price will be = 0.65x
Since the profit is 30%,
cost price * 1.3 = 0.65x
cost price = 0.5x
When discount of 20%, selling price will be = 0.8x
Profit% = $\frac{0.8x – 0.5x}{0.5x}$*100 = 60%
Hence, option E is the right answer.

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