SBI Junior Associate 2021 Exam Preparation Tips

SBI Junior Associate 2021 Exam Preparation Tips
SBI Junior Associate 2021 Exam Preparation Tips

SBI Junior Associate 2021 Exam Preparation Tip

The State Bank of India’s Junior Associate Exam is also known as the SBI Clerk Exam. Junior Associates Exam 2021 Preliminary Examination will be conducted tentatively in June 2021, and Main Examination will be conducted tentatively on 31.07.2021. We’ll go through some SBI Junior Associate Exam preparation tips that candidates while studying for the exam.

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SBI Clerk Mains Exam Pattern

Sections Number of Questions/ Maximum Marks Duration
 General/Financial Awareness 50/50 35 Min
 General English 40/40 35 Min
 Quantitative Aptitude 50/50 45 Min
 Reasoning Ability and Computer Aptitude 50/60 45 Min
 Total 190/200 2hr 40 Min.

SBI Junior Associate Exam Preparation Guidelines

  • Candidates should prepare ahead of time by the SBI Clerk exam pattern.
  • To continue with the study planning for the next few days, a topic-by-topic approach should be devised.
  • The path to success is practice. Bank examinations can be aced with only a little preparation and dedication.
  • Mock tests can aid preparation. Before answering a question on the examination, keep in mind the negative marking method.
  • Solving SBI Clerk previous year papers is one of the most critical things you can do. This will assist you with analysing and comprehending your results depending on the final ranking.


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The SBI Mains exam is used to evaluate the final merit list. Candidates who cleared the prelims & Mains exams will be selected to attend the interview process.

The time limit for the SBI Clerk Prelims test is one hour. It’s divided into three sections:

  1. Reasoning Ability
  2. Quantitative Aptitude
  3. English Language

The SBI Clerk Mains examination is 2hrs 40min i.e, 160 minutes and consists of the following sections:

  1. General/ Financial Awareness
  2. Quantitative Aptitude
  3. Reasoning Ability & Computer Aptitude
  4. General English

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SBI Clerk Section-wise Preparation

1. Reasoning Ability– SBI Clerk Reasoning Ability segment is a high-scoring section with a high percentage of questions focused on abstract reasoning such as syllogisms, blood relations, puzzles, and so on.

  • With repetition and focus, the puzzles can also be solved in less time.
  • Input-Output, Blood Relations, Coding-Decoding, Puzzles, Venn Diagrams, Seating Arrangements, and other significant topics concentrate on the Reasoning area.
  • This section is combined with the Computer Aptitude section of the SBI Clerk Mains test, so candidates must have enough time to complete all of the questions.
  • Candidates can practise Coding-Decoding questions, so they are simple to solve and score.

Besides that, since this section is used in both the prelims and mains phases of the SBI Junior Associate examination, candidates must answer more and more questions from each team to pass the exam.

2. Quantitative Aptitude– SBI Junior Associates Clerk exam is crucial because candidates can improve their scores in this section using the quantitative aptitude section.

  • This section assesses numerical abilities as well as problem-solving abilities.
  • The importance of pace and precision in this situation cannot be overstated. Any equations are complex and time-consuming, so that more practice would be beneficial. Data interpretation(DI) questions should be practised more often.
  • Percentages, Decimal and Fractions, Profit and Loss, Averages, Interest, Simple Interest, Compound Interest, Bar-Diagram, Pie-Chart & Number Series are some of the main topics to focus on in the Quantitative section.
  • Candidates should approach this section strategically.

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3. English Language– Candidates must balance their time well in the English Language section of the SBI Clerk exam. In this segment, more emphasis should be placed on topics such as comprehension and cloze tests.

  • Fill in the blanks, Cloze evaluation, Comprehension, Spot the Error, and other significant topics to focus on in this section.
  • Candidates should pay close attention to score well in this segment and risk losing marks, as the sectional cut-off is crucial for clearing the SBI Clerk Exam.

4. Computer Knowledge– Basic programming skills, MS Word & MS Excel shortcuts, LAN, Modem, and other big topics to concentrate on in this section.

  • To do well on the Computer Knowledge section of the SBI Clerk exam, applicants must learn the fundamentals of computers. Since the syllabus is not extensive, this is a scoring section.
  • The majority of the questions are implementation-related, and candidates are expected to ask the questions on the general works on computers.


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5. General Awareness– The majority of the questions in SBI exams are from current events so be prepared with the current affairs.

  • Candidates must be prepared to discuss current events from around the world.
  • Negative marking is essential in some cases since incorrect answers will reduce your chances of being selected in mains.

Preparation for the interview – The SBI specifies the interview marks. Candidates must meet such cut-off marks in order to be considered. SBI-related facts, finance and banking-related current events, RBI-related information, and other basic awareness are the main topics that should be concentrated on.

SBI Junior Associates Clerk 2021 Selection Procedure

For the selection to the post of Clerical Cadre through the SBI Clerk (Junior Associates) 2021 exam, candidates are selected through two phases of exams- SBI Clerk Prelims and SBI Clerk Mains exam. It is compulsory for all candidates to clear both phases to secure the appointment letter from SBI.

Stay tuned for more updates about exams.

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