SBI Clerk Quant Previous Year 2018 Questions Part-2 (With Video Explanations PDF)

SBI Clerk Quant Previous Questions Part-2
SBI Clerk Quant Previous Questions Part-2

SBI Clerk Quant Previous year 2018 asked Questions Part-2 With Video Explanations PDF

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These question are based on the following data.Study it carefully and answer the question that follow.
In a school having 400 students boys and girls are in the ratio of 3:5 The students speak Hindi,English or both the languages 12% of the boys speak only Hindi. 22% of the girls speak only English 24% of the total students speak only Hindi and the number of boys speaking both the languages is six times the number of boys speaking only Hindi

Question 1: How many boys speak Hindi ?

a) 18

b) 126

c) 108

d) 26

e) None of these

Question 2: How many girls speak only Hindi ?

a) 55

b) 117

c) 96

d) 78

e) None of these

Question 3: How many students speak English ?

a) 304

b) 79

c) 225

d) 117

e) None of these

Question 4: The number of girls speaking only Hindi is what percent of the total number of students speaking only Hindi ?

a) 38.2%

b) 71.8%

c) 31.2%

d) 78%

e) None of these

Question 5: What is the ratio of the number of boys to the number of girls speaking both the languages ?

a) 23:25

b) 12:25

c) 12:13

d) 25:13

e) None of these

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Question 6: Raghuvir bought 10 calculators and 16 watches for Rs. 56000 and sold them at an overall profit of 20%. At what price should he sell 15 calculators and 24 wathces so that he receives the same percentage of profit ?

a) 100980

b) 116176

c) 121176

d) 100800

e) 124132

Question 7: A vessel contains 64 litres of mixture of milk and water in the ratio 7 : 3 respectively. 8 litres of mixture is replaced by 8 litres of milk. What is the ratio of milk and water in the resulting mixture ?

a) 59 : 21

b) 35 : 22

c) 64 : 23

d) 65 : 21

e) None of these

Question 8: The compound interest earned by Suresh on a certain amount at the end of two years at the rate of 8 p.c.p.a was Rs. 1,414.4. What was the total amount that Suresh got back at the end of two years in the form of principal plus interest earned?

a) Rs. 9,414.4

b) Rs. 9,914.4

c) Rs. 9,014.4

d) Rs. 8,914.4

e) None of these

Question 9: A man can row three­quarters of a kilometre against the stream in 45/4 min and return in 15/2 min. The speed of the man in still water is :

a) 2 km/h

b) 3 km/h

c) 4 km/h

d) 5 km/h

e) 6 km/h

Question 10: 4 men and 3 women finish a job in 6 days, and 5 men and 7 women can do the same job in 4 days. How long will 1 man and 1 woman take to do the work ?

a) 22 2/7 days

b) 25 1/2 days

c) 5 1/7 days

d) 12 7/22 days

e) None of these

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What will come in place of the question mark (?) in the following questions ?

Question 11: 4/9 $\times$ 1701 + 2/11 $\times$ 1386=?

a) 180

b) 1080

c) 1008

d) 1800

e) None of these

Question 12: $\frac{1}{\sqrt{7744}}\times22=?$

a) 0.35

b) 0.025

c) 2.5

d) 0.25

e) None of these

Question 13: $\frac{\sqrt{6561}}{\sqrt[3]{729}}=?$

a) 13

b) 8

c) 99

d) 8

e) None of these

Question 14: $\sqrt{12.96}\div0.6=?$

a) 6

b) 0.06

c) 0.6

d) 60

e) None of these

Question 15: 25% of 960 + 55% of 740= ?

a) 689

b) 647

c) 650

d) 699

e) None of these

Answers & Solutions:

1) Answer (B)

The no. of boys speaking only hindi = 12% of 3/8 of 400= 18
The no. of boys speaking both Hindi and English = 6*18= 108
The total no. of boys speaking Hindi = 126

2) Answer (D)

24% speak only Hindi i.e 96 speak Hindi.

12% of 150 boy i.e 18 boys speak only Hindi

Of these 18 boys speak only Hindi and hence remaining 76 are girls speaking only hindi

3) Answer (A)

24% speak only Hindi.
Hence remaining 76% must speak English or English and Hindi both.
Total number of students = 400
76% of 400=304
Hence, option A is correct.

4) Answer (E)

Total number of students who speak only Hindi=24% of 400 = 96

Number of boys who speak only Hindi = 12% of 150 = 18

Number of girls who speak only Hindi = 78

The percent of girls speaking only Hindi  of the total number of students speaking only Hindi = $\frac{78}{96}\times100$ = 81.25

5) Answer (C)

Number of girls speaking both the langauge = (400- no. of boys speaking both language)- No. of girls speaking only english – No. of girls speaking only hindi = 400 – 108 – 44-96 =117

The ratio = 108/117

6) Answer (D)

Total S.P. of 10 calculators and 16 watches

= $56,000 \times \frac{120}{100}$ = Rs. $67,200$

Multiplying by $\frac{3}{2}$

=> S.P. of 15 calculators and 24 watches

= $67,200 \times \frac{3}{2}$ = Rs. $1,00,800$

7) Answer (A)

Solution of milk and water in vessel = 64 litres

ration of Milk:Water = 7:3


$\frac{water concentration final}{total} = \frac{initial water conc.}{total}(1- \frac{removed volume}{total})^n$

$\frac{water concentration final}{total} = \frac{3}{10}(1- \frac{8}{64})^1$

$\frac{water concentration final}{total} = \frac{3}{10}(1- \frac{1}{8})^n$

$\frac{water concentration final}{total} = \frac{21}{80}$

water : milk in new solution after replacement = 21: 59


8) Answer (B)

Compound Interest after 2 years = 1414.4

$P(1+\frac{8}{100})^2 – P$ = 1414.4

=> $P(1.08)^2 – P$ = 1414.4

=> 0.1664P = 1414.4

=> P = 8500

Therefore amount = 8500 + 1414.14 = 9914.14

9) Answer (D)

$speed = \frac{distance}{time}$

=> Upstream speed = $\frac{\frac{3}{4}}{\frac{45}{4} \times \frac{1}{60}}$

= $\frac{3 \times 60}{45} = 4$ km/h

Downstream speed = $\frac{\frac{3}{4}}{\frac{15}{2} \times \frac{1}{60}}$

= $\frac{3 \times 2 \times 60}{15 \times 4} = 6$ km/h

$\therefore$ Speed of man in still water = $\frac{1}{2}$ (downstream + upstream)

= $\frac{1}{2} (6 + 4)$

= $\frac{10}{2} = 5$ km/h

10) Answer (A)

Let the time taken to complete the work = $x$ days

=> $(4 M + 3 W) \times 6 = (5 M + 7 W) \times 4$

=> $24 M + 18 W = 20 M + 28 W$

=> $4 M = 10 W$ —————Eqn(1)

Acc to ques,

=> $(4 M + 3 W) \times 6 = (1 M + 1 W) \times x$

Using eqn(1), we get :

=> $(10 + 3) \times 6 = (\frac{10}{4} + 1) \times x$

=> $78 = \frac{7}{2} x$

=> $x = \frac{78 \times 2}{7} = \frac{156}{7}$

=> $x = 22\frac{2}{7}$ days

11) Answer (C)

4/9 $\times$ 1701 + 2/11 $\times$ 1386.
Hence, Option C is correct.

12) Answer (D)

13) Answer (E)

14) Answer (A)

15) Answer (B)

25% of 960 + 55% of 740.
Hence, Option B is correct.

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