RRB NTPC Analogy Questions PDF

RRB NTPC Analogy Questions PDF
RRB NTPC Analogy Questions PDF

RRB NTPC Analogy Questions PDF

Download RRB NTPC Analogy Questions and Answers PDF. Top 25 RRB NTPC Analogy questions based on asked questions in previous exam papers very important for the Railway NTPC exam.

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Question 1: Which of the following options bears the same relationship with the term given in the latter part of the question as the terms given in the former part of the question bear with each other: IE:D :: VJ : ?

a) J

b) K

c) L

d) M

Question 2: Choose the option that bears the same relationship with the letter given in the second part of the question as the letters given in the first part of the question: D:P :: E: ?

a) O

b) J

c) Y

d) V

Question 3: Find the option which should replace (?), so that the second pair shares the same relation as the first pair.
QE : L :: XJ : ?

a) D

b) O

c) T

d) N


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Question 4: Find the option which should replace (?), so that the second pair shares the same relation as the first pair.
EL : I :: ? : B

a) FM

b) DT

c) BS

d) AN

Question 5: Which of the following options will bear the same relationship as the numbers given in the first part of the question? 236:1331::342::?

a) 1728

b) 4913

c) 512

d) 729

Question 6: Find the word which should replace (?), so that the second pair shares the same relation as the first pair.
Cat : Kitten :: Horse : ?

a) Pony

b) Sow

c) Calf

d) Fawn

Question 7: Which of the following options will bear the same relationship as the words given in the first part of the question? Brazil : Itaipu :: China : ?

a) Hoover dam

b) Three gorges dam

c) Grand Coulee dam

d) Longtan dam

Question 8: Which of the following options will bear the same relationship as the words given in the first part of the question? India : Hindi :: World : ?

a) English

b) Spanish

c) Mandarin

d) French

Question 9: In each of the following question select the related numbers/words/letters from the given options.
AF : LU : : PJ : ?

a) AY

b) BY

c) AX

d) BX

Question 10: In each of the following question select the related numbers/words/letters from the given options.
27 : 80 : : 34 : ?

a) 59

b) 63

c) 57

d) 65

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Question 11: In each of the following question select the related numbers/words/letters from the given options.
Nepal : Volleyball : : Bangladesh : ?

a) Cricket

b) Kabaddi

c) Water

d) Wrestling

Question 12: Find the ratio of curved surface area and volume of a sphere of diameter 14 cm ?

a) 1:12

b) 2:13

c) 3:14

d) 5:16

Question 13: Find the word which should replace (?), so that the second pair shares the same relation as the first pair.
Water : Hydrogen :: Laughing gas : ?

a) Oxygen

b) Laughter

c) Sulphur

d) Nitrogen

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Question 14: Find the word which should replace (?), so that the second pair shares the same relation as the first pair.
Chicken : Coop :: Pigeon : ?

a) Coup

b) Flock

c) Pen

d) Loft

Question 15: Select the option that bears the same relationship as the terms given in the question: NBP : OCQ :: RFT : ?

a) SGU

b) SHU

c) SFT

d) SGT

Question 16: Select the option that bears the same relationship as the terms given in the question: AN : CP :: ER : ?

a) GU

b) GT

c) HT

d) HU

Question 17: Select the option that bears the same relationship as the words given in the question: Sultan: Delhi :: Nizam : ?

a) Arcot

b) Mysore

c) Awadh

d) Hyderabad

Question 18: In the following question, select the related letters from the given alternatives.
74 : 46 : : 81 : ?

a) 62

b) 68

c) 54

d) 73

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Question 19: In the following question, select the related letters from the given alternatives.
VF : RI : : NA : ?

a) KE

b) JD

c) KD

d) JE

Question 20: In each of the following question select the related numbers/words/letters from the given options.
DE : PQ : : NO : ?

a) VW

b) ZA

c) JK

d) IJ

Question 21: Choose the option which has the same relationship with the second number as displayed by the first pair of numbers.
17 : 64 :: 23 : ?

a) 49

b) 25

c) 54

d) 32

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Question 22: Choose the option which has the same relation with the second word as displayed by the first pair.
D:P :: E: ?

a) S

b) V

c) Y

d) X

Question 23: Choose the option which has the same relationship as displayed by the first pair.
Deer: Fawn :: ? : fry

a) fish

b) squid

c) chicken

d) octopus

Question 24: Choose the option which has the same relationship with the number as displayed by the first pair.
321: 444 :: 113 : ?

a) 226

b) 424

c) 222

d) 235

Question 25: Select the option that bears the same relationship as the words given in the question: Dog:Puppy::Deer:?

a) Lamb

b) Fawn

c) Cub

d) Mule

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Answers & Solutions:

1) Answer (C)

Let us replace the letters with their positions in the alphabetical series.

I – 9
E – 5

IE – 9-5 = 4 = D.

Using the same logic,
V – 22
J – 10
VJ – 22-10 = 12 = L
Therefore, option C is the right answer.

2) Answer (C)

Let us replace the letter with its position in the alphabetical series.

D – 4
P – 16

Therefore, the logic used can be either $4*x$ or $x^2$.
Therefore, the answer must be either T (20) or Y(25).
Since T is not in the options, Y is the right answer. Hence, option C is the right answer.

3) Answer (D)

The following relation is followed

QE : (Q(17) – E(5)) = QE : I (12)

XJ : (X(24) – J(10)) = XJ : N (14)

4) Answer (B)

The sum of the first pair is subtracted from 26 and the corresponding letter is written.
EL : (26 – (E + L))
EL : (26 – (17))
EL : 9

DT : (26 – (4 + 20)
DT : B

5) Answer (D)

$236 = 2+3+6 = 11$
$11^3 = 1331$

$342 = 3+4+2 = 9$
$9^3 = 729$

Therefore, option D is the right answer.

6) Answer (A)

The offspring of cat is called kitten. The offspring of a horse is called pony. Thus, option A is the correct answer.

7) Answer (B)

Itaipu is the largest dam in Brazil. Similarly, 3 gorges is the largest dam in China (and the world).

8) Answer (C)

Hindi is the largest spoken language in India. Similarly, the largest spoken language in the World is Mandarin. Therefore, option C is the right answer.

9) Answer (A)

A + 11 = L
F – 11 = U
P + 11 = A
J – 11 = Y
Hence, option A is the right answer.

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10) Answer (A)

80 = 27 + 2^2 + 7^2 = 80
34 + 3^2 + 4^2 = 59
Hence, option A is the right answer.

11) Answer (B)

National game of Nepal is Volleyball, and national game of Bangladesh is Kabaddi.
Hence, option B is the right answer.

12) Answer (C)

Curved surface area of Sphere = $4\pi r^2$

Volume of sphere = $\frac{4}{3}\pi r^3$

Ratio = $3/r = 3/14$

So the answer is option C.

13) Answer (D)

Hydrogen is the major component of water. Similarly, nitrogen is the major component of laughing gas.

14) Answer (D)

A place where chickens are kept is called coop. Similarly, the place where pigeons are kept is called loft.
Hence, option D is the correct answer.

15) Answer (A)

Let us replace the letters with their positions in the alphabetical series.

NBP = (14, 2 , 16)

OCQ = (15, 3, 17).

RFT = (18, 6, 20).

Using the same logic between NBP and OCQ, the next term must be (19, 7, 21) = SGU.
Therefore, option A is the right answer.

16) Answer (B)

A and N have 12 letters between them. The next term starts with C ( A letter that is 2 places after A in the alphabetical series).

C and P have 12 letters between them in the alphabetical series.

E and R have 12 letters between them in the alphabetical series. The next term must start with G.
G and T have 12 letters between them. Therefore, GT must be the next term. Hence, option B is the right answer.

17) Answer (D)

Sultans ruled Delhi. Similarly, Nizams ruled Hyderabad.
Nawabs ruled Arcot and Awadh. Wodeyars ruled Mysore.
Therefore, option D is the right answer.

18) Answer (D)

74 – 7*4 = 46
81 – 8*1 = 73
Hence, option D is the correct option.

19) Answer (B)

V – 4 = R
F + 3 = I
N – 4 = J
A + 3 = D
Hence, option B is the correct option.

20) Answer (B)

DE and PQ are adjacent alphabets. E + 11 = P.
So, O + 11 = Z. Thus the answer must be ZA.
Hence, option B is the right answer.

21) Answer (B)

In the first pair of numbers, the second number is the square of the sum of the digits of the first number.
i.e. 7 + 1 = 8
Square of 8 is 64
Using the same logic, the required number will be 2 + 3 = 5
5*5 = 25

22) Answer (C)

The relation which is displayed by the first set of letters is that the numerical position of the second letter is square of the numerical position of the first letter.
So we have D = 4 and P = 16
Using the same logic, we know that E = 5. Hence, the required word must be square of 25 which gives Y.
Thus, option C is the correct answer.

23) Answer (A)

Baby Deer is called Fawn. In the same manner, baby fish is called fry.

24) Answer (B)

The reverse of the first number is added back to the first number to get the second number.
321 : (321 + 123) 444

113 : (113 + 311) 424

Hence, option B is the correct answer.

25) Answer (B)

Young dogs are known as Puppies. Young deers are known as fawns.
Young goats are known as lambs.
Young tigers and bears are known as cubs.
Young donkeys are known as mules.

Therefore, option B is the right answer.

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