High Level Reasoning for SBI PO

High Level Reasoning for SBI PO
High Level Reasoning for SBI PO

The Reasoning section makes up a huge chunk of the total questions asked in both the SBI PO – prelims  (35 out of 100) and Mains Examination (45 out of 155). Ample time and effort is required to become adept at solving many questions in the high level reasoning for SBI PO exams. Thus, a serious candidate hoping to achieve decent marks in the SBI PO exam cannot afford to take this section lightly.

First, let’s look at some of the most frequently asked Reasoning topics in SBI P.O exams categorised according to their difficulty levels.

High Level Reasoning for SBI PO

 The topics under this category are generally difficult and take more time and effort to solve.

    1. Seating arrangement
      The seating arrangement questions in high level reasoning for SBI PO contains four different types.They are:
  1. Single Row Arrangement
  2. Double Row Arrangement
  3. Circular Arrangement
  4. Rectangular Arrangement

In the arrangement questions for high level reasoning for SBI PO prelims you can usually expect questions with only one attribute. But in high level reasoning for SBI PO mains exams there would be several sets with more than one attribute such as the color of people’s shirt, cities etc. One or two sets containing five questions each can be expected from this category.

  1. Puzzles – Einstein’s puzzles are the most common type of puzzles asked in the high level reasoning for SBI PO exams. Einstein’s puzzles generally contain descriptions of 5 people along with some attributes like people’s mode of travel, their respective city etc. Another type is based on scheduling in which tasks or activities are scheduled at a different time.

In the high level reasoning for SBI PO you can expect anywhere between 2-3 sets containing five questions each.

  1. Input and output – In this category of questions in the high-level reasoning for SBI PO, you will be given a set of inputs and corresponding outputs. Based on the logic of the example set you are required to produce the output of another input asked. Around 5 questions are generally asked from this type in high level reasoning for SBI PO.

Medium Level Reasoning for SBI P.O

These category of questions are generally easily solvable if the candidate is willing to put the required effort.

  1. Coding and Decoding – In this type of questions, a coded form is generally given to the student. He then has to find the logic behind the conversion of the code. After understanding the logic behind the code, you are asked to either code or decode another word. SBI PO exams generally ask 5 questions from this type.
  2. Syllogism – This category of questions contain two or more statements followed by two or more conclusions. You are then required to choose those conclusions that follow the given statements logically. You can expect a maximum of 5 questions from syllogism.
  3. Data sufficiency – This type generally contains a question followed by two statements. We are required to find if the given statements are sufficient to arrive at the solution of the question asked. Even though generally no questions from this category are asked in the SBI PO Prelims, about 5 questions are generally asked in the SBI PO mains exam.
  4. Blood relations – You can expect blood relation questions in one of the two forms:
  1. Direct Blood relation question
  2. Coded blood relation question

In both the question types, we are required to trace the relation between two family members. Typically around three questions are asked in SBI PO exams.

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Easy Level Reasoning for SBI PO

These are the easiest topics to master and one should be able to solve these question sets under 2-3 minutes.

  1. Inequalities – This type of questions consists of one or more statements followed by two conclusions. The inequalities could either be
  1. Direct Mathematical Inequalities
  2. Coded Mathematical Inequalities

Generally, 5 questions are asked from this question type.

  1. Direction Sense: This category of questions examines one’s sense of direction and the ability to visualise information. The candidate is then asked to find the final direction and distance travelled by tracing the path of an object from an initial point.

Mostly 2-3 questions are asked from this topic and a candidate well versed with the basics can easily solve them.

  1. Five number series – In this category, five different numbers are given. We are then asked to find the output after performing certain mathematical and sequencing operations. A maximum of five questions could be expected from this topic.

Now let’s look at the different Tips to keep in mind while attempting the Reasoning section:


  1. Careful reading of sets – Ensure that you read the information given in a question very carefully. Missing even a minute detail could ruin the entire effort you committed to a question set. This is especially true for high-level reasoning puzzles which contain a large amount of data.
  2. Proper selection of question sets- Before the actual exam be well versed with your strengths and weaknesses. It is advisable to attempt the high-level reasoning questions only after you are done with the easier question types.
  3. Adequate Sectional Time Division – Make certain that you fix a particular time limit for the SBI PO reasoning section. Each section must be allotted sufficient time as sectional cut-offs are important. For the SBI PO prelims exams do not spend more than 20 – 22 minutes in the Reasoning section.
  4. Do not Waste Time for a single question set – On the day of the actual exam, it may happen that you are unable to solve a particular question type you are usually comfortable with. Leave the question set after spending 3-4 minutes. Come back only after you are done with all the other solvable questions. Wasting more than adequate time on any particular set could significantly reduce your chances of clearing the exam.


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