Para Summary Questions For CAT PDF Set-2

Para Summary Questions For CAT Set-2 PDF
Para Summary Questions For CAT Set-2 PDF

Para Summary Questions For CAT Set-2 PDF:

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Question 1: From the options given for each question, select the one that best summarizes the paragraph.

The village of Birlstone is a small and very ancient cluster of half-timbered cottages on the northern border of the county of Sussex. For centuries it had remained unchanged; but within the last few years its picturesque appearance and situation have attracted a number of well-to-do residents, whose villas peep out from the woods around. These woods are locally supposed to be the extreme fringe of the great Weald forest, which thins away until it reaches the northern chalk downs. A number of small shops have come into being to meet the wants of the increased population; so there seems some prospect that Birlstone may soon grow from an ancient village into a modern town. It is the centre for a considerable area of country, since Tunbridge Wells, the nearest place of importance, is ten or twelve miles to the eastward, over the borders of Kent.

a) There is a bright prospect of Birlstone, a small and ancient village in Sussex, transforming into a modern town because of many people settling there and many small businesses cropping up.
b) There is a bright chance that Birlstone, a small and ancient town in Sussex, will transform into a truly great modern town. This is because many people are opting to settle there and many businesses are being opened to cater to the needs of these people.
c) There is a good chance that the sleepy town of Birlstone will transform into a modern town because of the surge in the number of people opting to settle down in the town in recent years. This may be because of the picturesque locations and the great Weald forest on the border of the town.
d) It is not surprising that the town of Birlstone is transforming into a modern town given its picturesque locations. In recent years, many people have opted to settle there and many small shops have come up to cater to their growing needs.

Question 2: From the options given for each question, select the one that best summarizes the paragraph.

Twice already in his career had Holmes helped him to attain success, his own sole reward being the intellectual joy of the problem. For this reason the affection and respect of the Scotchman for his amateur colleague were profound, and he showed them by the frankness with which he consulted Holmes in every difficulty. Mediocrity knows nothing higher than itself; but talent instantly recognizes genius, and MacDonald had talent enough for his profession to enable him to perceive that there was no humiliation in seeking the assistance of one who already stood alone in Europe, both in his gifts and in his experience. Holmes was not prone to friendship, but he was tolerant of the big Scotchman, and smiled at the sight of him.

a) The Scotchman was a mediocre person whereas Sherlock Holmes was a talented guy. This realization soon dawned on the Scotchman and he sought Holmes’ assistance in every difficulty thereafter.
b) The Scotchman realized early in his career that Sherlock Holmes was a very talented guy and his assistance would be required to solve difficult cases. So, setting aside humiliation, he sought Holmes’ assistance whenever required.
c) The Scotchman was a talented person. Unlike many mediocre people, who are full of themselves, he realized the unique gifts of Sherlock Holmes and gave him the opportunity to assist him in every difficulty.
d) The Scotchman was talented enough to realize the genius of Sherlock Holmes and seek his assistance in every difficult matter. Holmes, on his part, was satisfied with just the intellectual joy of the problem.

Question 3: From the options given for each question, select the one that best summarizes the paragraph.

Not only in judgements, however, but even in conceptions, is an a priori origin manifest. For example, if we take away by degrees from our conceptions of a body all that can be referred to mere sensuous experience–colour, hardness or softness, weight, even impenetrability–the body will then vanish; but the space which it occupied still remains, and this it is utterly impossible to annihilate in thought. Again, if we take away, in like manner, from our empirical conception of any object, corporeal or incorporeal, all properties which mere experience has taught us to connect with it, still we cannot think away those through which we cogitate it as substance, or adhering to substance, although our conception of substance is more determined than that of an object. Compelled, therefore, by that necessity with which the conception of substance forces itself upon us, we must confess that it has its seat in our faculty of cognition a priori.

a) Not only in judgements, but even in conceptions, is an a priori origin manifest
b) When the degrees from our conceptions of a body are taken away, what remains is a mere sensuous experience. From this we can conclude that an a priori origin is manifest in our conceptions
c) An a priori origin is manifest in our conceptions and there are several examples to prove it
d) The conceptions of body and substance suggest that a priori origin is manifest in our judgements and conceptions

Question 4: From the options given below, select the one that best summarizes the given paragraph.

Earth day is all about saving the earth. It’s funny how after hundreds or even thousands of years’ worth of human life, we are just starting to care about our earth. I mean maybe it’s because we feel like we are getting crowded here on the earth. The truth is the earth will only get more populated and we do need to change both the way we live and our perspective on our world.
The world is more important than we can imagine. We won’t be able to find another earth we can live on for thousands of years and that’s only if we can make it that long. The sources of energy that are here on the earth are starting to run low. One day there will have to be a change in everything. I just hope that we can be more prepared for that day now.

by: Ricky Haggard

a) People are just starting to care about the earth after thousands of years of human life because the earth is now getting crowded and energy sources are starting to run low. This has to be changed if we are to continue our existence
b) People have realized the importance of earth after hundreds of years of human life. There are many reasons for this and the most important reason is that the earth is getting crowded for the ever-increasing population
c) People have just realized the importance of earth. Hopefully, they will continue to keep its value in mind and prolong the existence of the human race for the next thousand years
d) People have realized the importance of protecting the earth after a lot of struggle. This is important for the survival of the human race because humans cannot survive without energy sources

Question 5: From the options given below, select the one that best summarizes the given paragraph.

Ptolemy’s errors of calculation would not have been so extensive but that he adopted a method of measurement which made them accumulative. If he had chosen Alexandria for the point of departure in measuring longitude, the errors he made when reckoning westward would have been counterbalanced by those reckoning eastward, and would not have resulted in any serious distortion of the truth; but instead of this, he adopted as his point of departure the Fortunatae Insulae, or Canary Islands, and every degree measured to the east of these was one-fifth too great, since he assumed that it was only fifty miles in length. I may mention that so great has been the influence of Ptolemy on geography, that, up to the middle of the last century, Ferro, in the Canary Islands, was still retained as the zero-point of the meridians of longitude.

a) Ptolemy adopted a method of measurement that has led to his errors being accumulated. This was because he chose his point of departure as Canary Islands. Had he not done this, his influence on Geography would have been much more
b) Ptolemy chose Canary Islands as his point of departure and because of his huge influence on geography, these have remained the zero-point of the meridians of longitude till today
c) Ptolemy adopted a method of measurement that has led to his errors being accumulated. This was because he chose his point of departure as Canary Islands. Because of his huge influence on geography, these islands erroneously remained the zero-point of the meridians of longitude even until the middle of the last century.
d) Ptolemy chose the Canary Islands is the zero-point of the meridians of longitude. This has resulted in erroneous measurements

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Answers & Solutions:

1) Answer (A)

Option b) is incorrect because of the use of the words ‘great modern town’, which is not what the original paragraph conveys. Option c) states that the surge in the number of people might be because of the picturesque locations and the great Weald forest, which is something that is not conveyed in the paragraph. Option a) provides a succinct summary of the paragraph.

In the passage, it is given that there seems some prospect that Birlstone may soon grow from an ancient village into a modern town.
The tone of the author here is that of uncertainty.
He is not saying that it’ll become or it is becoming rather the author is saying that there is a prospect that it might.
In option D, it is given that the village is transforming which is not what the author is conveying. Thus, option D is incorrect.

2) Answer (D)

Option a) is incorrect. It is mentioned in the paragraph that the Scotchman was a talented guy. Option c) talks about the Scotchman ‘giving an opportunity’ to Sherlock Holmes, which is incorrect. Between b) and d), d) is a better summary of the paragraph. It covers all the important points mentioned in the paragraph, including the one about Holmes’ reward. Option d) is the correct answer.

3) Answer (C) 

The paragraph is about a priori origins in conceptions. Option a) includes judgements also and hence is incorrect. The conceptions of body and substance are examples and hence are to be avoided in a summary. Options b) and d) include this and hence are incorrect. Option c) is an apt summary of the paragraph and hence is the correct answer.

4) Answer (A)

The essence of the paragraph is that people are beginning to realize the importance of the earth just now, after thousands of years of human life. This is because the earth is getting crowded and the energy sources are running low. We cannot find another earth and so the way we live on this earth must be changed if we are to continue our existence. Option a) is the best summary of the paragraph. Option b) is incorrect because it misses out on one of the reasons. Option c) misses out on both the reasons. Option d) also misses out on the reason of ‘overcrowding’. Option a) is the correct answer.

5) Answer (C)

The essence of the paragraph is that people are beginning to realize the importance of the earth just now, after thousands of years of human life. This is because the earth is getting crowded and the energy sources are running low. We cannot find another earth and so the way we live on this earth must be changed if we are to continue our existence. Option a) is the best summary of the paragraph. Option b) is incorrect because it misses out on one of the reasons. Option c) misses out on both the reasons. Option d) also misses out on the reason of ‘overcrowding’. Option a) is the correct answer.

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