Para Jumbles Questions for SBI PO PDF

Para Jumbles Questions for SBI PO PDF
Para Jumbles Questions for SBI PO PDF

Para Jumbles Questions for SBI PO PDF:

Download Parajumbles questions with answers for bank PO PDF based on previous asked questions. Practice important exercise based on sentence arrangement.

Para Jumbles Questions for SBI PO PDF

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Directions (1-5): Rearrange the following six sentences (A), (B), (C), (D), (E) and (F) in the proper sequence to form a meaningful paragraph; then answer the questions given below them.

(A) To address these issues Indian corporate are increasingly turning eco-friendly
(B) At present however there are only a dozen green buildings in the private sector.
(C) However though an eco-friendly building may cost more upfront however it is cost effective because of lower operating costs in long run.
(D) Today there is growing concern about global warming, energy and water crises.
(E) The reason is the construction cost of an eco-friendly building is 15% to 20% more than putting up a conventional building.
(F) Planting trees, using energy saving lighting systems and constructing eco-friendly green buildings are some of the measure they are taking.

Question 1: Which of the following will be the FIRST sentence after rearrangement?

a) A
b) B
c) C
d) D
e) E

Question 2: Which of the following will be the SECOND sentence after rearrangement?

a) A
b) C
c) D
d) E
e) F

Question 3: Which of the following will be the THIRD sentence after rearrangement?

a) B
b) D
c) C
d) E
e) F

Question 4: Which of the following will be the FIFTH sentence after rearrangement?

a) C
b) D
c) E
d) F
e) A

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Question 5: Which of the following will be the SIXTH (LAST) sentence after rearrangement?

a) B
b) C
c) D
d) E
e) F


Directions (6 – 10): Rearrange the following sentences (A), (B), (C), (D), (E) and (F) to make a meaningful paragraph and answer the questions which follow. (A) However while reading they would not know when to pause and what to emphasize. (B) Since then their use has been regularized and the punctuation rules have been followed by all. (C) In earlier days, people learnt by reading out loud. (D) But not every day used the same punctuations for the same thing. (E) To address this problem, various signs depicting various punctuations were introduced. (F) Thus firmer guidelines regarding punctuations were framed so that everyone used them in similar way.

Question 6: Which of the following sentences should be the SECOND after rearrangement?

a) A
b) B
c) D
d) E
e) F

Question 7: Which of the following sentences should be the THIRD after rearrangement?

a) A
b) E
c) D
d) F
e) C

Question 8: Which of the following sentences should be the FIFTH after rearrangement?

a) B
b) C
c) A
d) E
e) F

Question 9: Which of the following sentences should be the SIXTH (LAST) after rearrangement?

a) C
b) E
c) D
d) B
e) F

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Question 10: Which of the following sentences should be the FIRST after rearrangement?

a) A
b) B
c) C
d) D
e) E


Answers & Solutions for Para Jumbles Questions for SBI PO PDF:

Answers from (1 – 5):

The first sentence in the paragraph is (d) because it introduces the subject and indicates the time and tense of the issue. Sentence (a) builds on it and is hence the second line. (f) is a continuation of (A) and gives some examples of how to be eco-friendly. (e) and (c) are the last two sentences as they close the discussion.

1) Answer (D)

2) Answer (A)
The meaningful paragraph should be: To day there is growing concern about globle warming energy and water crises. To address these issues……

3) Answer (E)

4) Answer (C)

5) Answer (B)

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Answers for (6 – 10):

The correct order after re-arrangement is CAEDFB

6) Answer (A)

7) Answer (B)

8) Answer (E)

9) Answer (D)

10) Answer (C)

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