Para Jumble Questions For IBPS Clerk Set-2 PDF

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Para Jumble Questions For IBPS Clerk Set-2 PDF

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The following sentences when properly arranged for a coherent paragraph. Answer the questions based on the correct order of sentences.

A. We have a firm belief that it will rise in the future, because it has risen in the past.

B. The interesting doubt is as to whether the laws of motion will remain in operation until tomorrow.

C. Of course it might be doubted whether we are quite certain that there is nothing outside to interfere, but this is not the interesting doubt.

D. If this doubt is raised, we find ourselves in the same position as when the doubt about the sunrise was first raised.

E. It is obvious that if we are asked why we believe that the sun will rise to-morrow, we shall naturally answer ‘Because it always has risen every day’.

F. If we are challenged as to why we believe that it will continue to rise as heretofore, we may appeal to the laws of motion: the earth, we shall say, is a freely rotating body, and such bodies do not cease to rotate unless something interferes from outside, and there is nothing outside to interfere with the earth between now and tomorrow.

Question 1: What is the fourth sentence after rearrangement?

a) A

b) B

c) C

d) D

e) E

Question 2: What is the sixth sentence after rearrangement?

a) A

b) B

c) C

d) D

e) E

Question 3: What is the first sentence after rearrangement?

a) A

b) E

c) C

d) F

e) B

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Question 4: What is the third sentence after rearrangement?

a) A

b) C

c) F

d) D

e) B

Question 5: What is the second sentence after rearrangement?

a) A

b) F

c) B

d) D

e) C


Rearrange the following six sentence / group of sentence (1), (2), (3), (4), (5) and (6) in the proper sequence to form a meaningful paragraph; then answer the question given below them.
(1) The merchant greedily counted his gold and said “The purse I dropped had 200 pieces of gold in it. You’ve already stolen more than the reward ! I Go away or I will tell the police”.
(2) The judge, looking towards the merchant said, “you stated that the purse you lost contained 200 pieces of gold. Well ,that’s a considerable cost. But the purse this beggar found had only 100 pieces of gold”.
(3) Being an honest man, the beggar came forward and handed the purse to the merchant saying , “Here is your purse . May I have my reward now?”
(4) “This purse therefore cannot be the one who finds my leather purse”?
(5) A beggar found a leather purse that someone had dropped in the marketplace. On opening it, he discovered that it contain 100 pieces of gold. Then he heared a merchant shout, “A Reward ! A reward to the one who finds my leather purse”.
(6) “I am an honest man,” said the beggar defiantly. “let us take this matter to the court. The judge patiently listened to both sides of the story.

Question 6: Which of the following should be the FIRST sentence after rerrangment ?

a) 5

b) 2

c) 4

d) 3

e) 6

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Question 7: Which of the following should be the FOURTH sentence after the rerrangment ?

a) 4

b) 6

c) 2

d) 5

e) 3

Question 8: Which of the following should be the FIFTH sentence after the rerrangment ?

a) 5

b) 4

c) 2

d) 3

e) 6

Question 9: Which of the following should be the SIXTH (LAST) sentence after the rerrangment ?

a) 1

b) 4

c) 2

d) 5

e) 3

Question 10: Which of the following sentence should be the SECOND sentence after the rerrangment ?

a) 1

b) 4

c) 6

d) 2

e) 3

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Rearrange the following six sentence/group of sentence (1),(2),(3),(4),(5)and (6) in the proper sequence to form a meaningful paragraph; then

answer the question given below:

1.To his surprise, a little honeybee came before his throne and said, “Of all the gifts you could give me, only one will do. I’ d like the power to inflict great pain

whenever I choose to.”

2. I hereby give you a sharp sting. But, I am sure you will use this weapon carefully only in times of anger and strife.

3.”What an awful wish !” said great Zeus, “But I will grant it”.

4. And to this day, the little honeybee dies after it stings.

5. One day, Zeus, the king of Mount Olympus, was giving out gifts to beasts, birds and insects.

6. “You will get to use it only once, for using it will cost you your life.”

Question 11: Which of the following should be the FOURTH sentence after rearrangement ?

a) (4)

b) (6)

c) (2)

d) (5)

e) (3)

Question 12: Which of the following should be the SECOND sentence after the rearrangement ?

a) (1)

b) (4)

c) (6)

d) (2)

e) (5)

Question 13: Which of the following should be the FIRST sentence after the rearrangment ?

a) (5)

b) (2)

c) (4)

d) (1)

e) (3)

Question 14: Which of the following should be the SIXTH (LAST) sentence after the rearrangement ?

a) (1)

b) (4)

c) (6)

d) (5)

e) (3)

Question 15: Which of the following should be the FIFTH sentence after the rearrangement ?

a) (5)

b) (4)

c) (2)

d) (3)

e) (6)


Rearrange the following six sentence (A),(B),(C),(D),(E) and (F) in the proper sequence to form a meaningful paragraph then answer the question given below them.
(A)Its prevalence reflects very badly on a society that is not able to stop this evil.
(B)Though elimination of child labour is an impossible task considering the current socio-economic scenario of these poor families the Indian government is committed to the task of ensuring that no child remains illiterate hungry and without medical care,
(C)Therefore unless the socio-economic status of the poor families is improved India has to live with child labour
(D)The members of these households have to send their children to work even if the future of these innocent children is ruined as that is the only choice open for them to survive in the world
(E)Child labour is no doubt an evil that should be done away with at the earliest
(F)But in a society where many households may have to suffer the pangs of hunger if the children are withdrawn from work beggars can’t be choosers

Question 16: Which of the following should be the FIRST sentence after rearrangement ?

a) A

b) E

c) C

d) F

e) D

Question 17: Which of the following should be the THIRD sentence after rearrangement ?

a) B

b) A

c) C

d) F

e) E

Question 18: Which of the following should be the SECOND sentence after rearrangement ?

a) A

b) F

c) D

d) B

e) C

Question 19: Which of the following should be the FIFTH sentence after rearrangement ?

a) E

b) A

c) F

d) C

e) D

Question 20: Which of the following should should be the SIXTH sentence after rearrangement ?

a) A

b) C

c) E

d) D

e) B

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Answers & Solutions:

1) Answer (C)

The opening sentence is E – it opens the paragraph with a question. This is followed by sentence A, which gives an answer to the question asked in E. Next is F, which describes the answer further. This is followed by C, which talks about certain talks about a doubt. Next is B, which describes what this doubt is. The last sentence is D. So, the correct order of sentences is EAFCBD.

So, the fourth sentence after rearrangement is C.

2) Answer (D)

The opening sentence is E – it opens the paragraph with a question. This is followed by sentence A, which gives an answer to the question asked in E. Next is F, which describes the answer further. This is followed by C, which talks about certain talks about a doubt. Next is B, which describes what this doubt is. The last sentence is D. So, the correct order of sentences is EAFCBD.

So, the sixth sentence after rearrangement is D.

3) Answer (B)

The opening sentence is E – it opens the paragraph with a question. This is followed by sentence A, which gives an answer to the question asked in E. Next is F, which describes the answer further. This is followed by C, which talks about certain talks about a doubt. Next is B, which describes what this doubt is. The last sentence is D. So, the correct order of sentences is EAFCBD.

So, the first sentence after rearrangement is E.

4) Answer (C)

The opening sentence is E – it opens the paragraph with a question. This is followed by sentence A, which gives an answer to the question asked in E. Next is F, which describes the answer further. This is followed by C, which talks about certain talks about a doubt. Next is B, which describes what this doubt is. The last sentence is D. So, the correct order of sentences is EAFCBD.

So, the third sentence after rearrangement is F.

5) Answer (A)

The opening sentence is E – it opens the paragraph with a question. This is followed by sentence A, which gives an answer to the question asked in E. Next is F, which describes the answer further. This is followed by C, which talks about certain talks about a doubt. Next is B, which describes what this doubt is. The last sentence is D. So, the correct order of sentences is EAFCBD.

So, the second sentence after rearrangement is A.

6) Answer (A)

The para after reaarangement should read as:

(Here, the sentence number in question has been left unchanged for ease of understanding.)

(5) A beggar found a leather purse that someone had dropped in the marketplace. On opening it, he discovered that it contain 100 pieces of gold. Then he heared a merchant shout, “A Reward ! A reward to the one who finds my leather purse”. (A character of beggar, merchant is introduced along with event of beggar having found a purse. Hence, this is the first sentence.)

(3) Being an honest man, the beggar came forward and handed the purse to the merchant saying , “Here is your purse . May I have my reward now?” (This will logically be the next sentence as now beggar will give the purse to merchant as merchant has lost the purse which he has found.)

(1) The merchant greedily counted his gold and said “The purse I dropped had 200 pieces of gold in it. You’ve already stolen more than the reward ! I Go away or I will tell the police”.(The natural thing for merchant to do is count whether the money is intact or not and hence this forms the third sentence)

(6) “I am an honest man,” said the beggar defiantly. “let us take this matter to the court. The judge patiently listened to both sides of the story.(Beggar having been wrongfully accused of theft will want this matter to be settled in court so that he gets justice.)

(2) The judge, looking towards the merchant said, “you stated that the purse you lost contained 200 pieces of gold. Well ,that’s a considerable cost. But the purse this beggar found had only 100 pieces of gold”.(The character of judge will now enter the storyline.)

(4) “This purse therefore cannot be the one you lost”? (This is the last sentence as all others have been arranged to for the para.)

Hence, the option is A.

7) Answer (B)

The para after reaarangement should read as:

(Here, the sentence number in question has been left unchanged for ease of understanding.)

(5) A beggar found a leather purse that someone had dropped in the marketplace. On opening it, he discovered that it contain 100 pieces of gold. Then he heared a merchant shout, “A Reward ! A reward to the one who finds my leather purse”. (A character of beggar, merchant is introduced along with event of beggar having found a purse. Hence, this is the first sentence.)

(3) Being an honest man, the beggar came forward and handed the purse to the merchant saying , “Here is your purse . May I have my reward now?” (This will logically be the next sentence as now beggar will give the purse to merchant as merchant has lost the purse which he has found.)

(1) The merchant greedily counted his gold and said “The purse I dropped had 200 pieces of gold in it. You’ve already stolen more than the reward ! I Go away or I will tell the police”.(The natural thing for merchant to do is count whether the money is intact or not and hence this forms the third sentence)

(6) “I am an honest man,” said the beggar defiantly. “let us take this matter to the court. The judge patiently listened to both sides of the story.(Beggar having been wrongfully accused of theft will want this matter to be settled in court so that he gets justice.)

(2) The judge, looking towards the merchant said, “you stated that the purse you lost contained 200 pieces of gold. Well ,that’s a considerable cost. But the purse this beggar found had only 100 pieces of gold”.(The character of judge will now enter the storyline.)

(4) “This purse therefore cannot be the one you lost”? (This is the last sentence as all others have been arranged to for the para.)

Hence, the correct option is B.

8) Answer (C)

The para after reaarangement should read as:

(Here, the sentence number in question has been left unchanged for ease of understanding.)

(5) A beggar found a leather purse that someone had dropped in the marketplace. On opening it, he discovered that it contain 100 pieces of gold. Then he heared a merchant shout, “A Reward ! A reward to the one who finds my leather purse”. (A character of beggar, merchant is introduced along with event of beggar having found a purse. Hence, this is the first sentence.)

(3) Being an honest man, the beggar came forward and handed the purse to the merchant saying , “Here is your purse . May I have my reward now?” (This will logically be the next sentence as now beggar will give the purse to merchant as merchant has lost the purse which he has found.)

(1) The merchant greedily counted his gold and said “The purse I dropped had 200 pieces of gold in it. You’ve already stolen more than the reward ! I Go away or I will tell the police”.(The natural thing for merchant to do is count whether the money is intact or not and hence this forms the third sentence)

(6) “I am an honest man,” said the beggar defiantly. “let us take this matter to the court. The judge patiently listened to both sides of the story.(Beggar having been wrongfully accused of theft will want this matter to be settled in court so that he gets justice.)

(2) The judge, looking towards the merchant said, “you stated that the purse you lost contained 200 pieces of gold. Well ,that’s a considerable cost. But the purse this beggar found had only 100 pieces of gold”.(The character of judge will now enter the storyline.)

(4) “This purse therefore cannot be the one you lost”? (This is the last sentence as all others have been arranged to for the para.)

Hence, the correct option is C

9) Answer (B)

The para after reaarangement should read as:

(Here, the sentence number in question has been left unchanged for ease of understanding.)

(5) A beggar found a leather purse that someone had dropped in the marketplace. On opening it, he discovered that it contain 100 pieces of gold. Then he heared a merchant shout, “A Reward ! A reward to the one who finds my leather purse”. (A character of beggar, merchant is introduced along with event of beggar having found a purse. Hence, this is the first sentence.)

(3) Being an honest man, the beggar came forward and handed the purse to the merchant saying , “Here is your purse . May I have my reward now?” (This will logically be the next sentence as now beggar will give the purse to merchant as merchant has lost the purse which he has found.)

(1) The merchant greedily counted his gold and said “The purse I dropped had 200 pieces of gold in it. You’ve already stolen more than the reward ! I Go away or I will tell the police”.(The natural thing for merchant to do is count whether the money is intact or not and hence this forms the third sentence)

(6) “I am an honest man,” said the beggar defiantly. “let us take this matter to the court. The judge patiently listened to both sides of the story.(Beggar having been wrongfully accused of theft will want this matter to be settled in court so that he gets justice.)

(2) The judge, looking towards the merchant said, “you stated that the purse you lost contained 200 pieces of gold. Well ,that’s a considerable cost. But the purse this beggar found had only 100 pieces of gold”.(The character of judge will now enter the storyline.)

(4) “This purse therefore cannot be the one you lost”? (This is the last sentence as all others have been arranged to for the para.)

Hence, the correct option is B.

10) Answer (E)

The para after reaarangement should read as:

(Here, the sentence number in question has been left unchanged for ease of understanding.)

(5) A beggar found a leather purse that someone had dropped in the marketplace. On opening it, he discovered that it contain 100 pieces of gold. Then he heared a merchant shout, “A Reward ! A reward to the one who finds my leather purse”. (A character of beggar, merchant is introduced along with event of beggar having found a purse. Hence, this is the first sentence.)

(3) Being an honest man, the beggar came forward and handed the purse to the merchant saying , “Here is your purse . May I have my reward now?” (This will logically be the next sentence as now beggar will give the purse to merchant as merchant has lost the purse which he has found.)

(1) The merchant greedily counted his gold and said “The purse I dropped had 200 pieces of gold in it. You’ve already stolen more than the reward ! I Go away or I will tell the police”.(The natural thing for merchant to do is count whether the money is intact or not and hence this forms the third sentence)

(6) “I am an honest man,” said the beggar defiantly. “let us take this matter to the court. The judge patiently listened to both sides of the story.(Beggar having been wrongfully accused of theft will want this matter to be settled in court so that he gets justice.)

(2) The judge, looking towards the merchant said, “you stated that the purse you lost contained 200 pieces of gold. Well ,that’s a considerable cost. But the purse this beggar found had only 100 pieces of gold”.(The character of judge will now enter the storyline.)

(4) “This purse therefore cannot be the one you lost”? (This is the last sentence as all others have been arranged to for the para.)

Hence, the option is option E

11) Answer (C)

The sentences after correct arrangement would read as:
(The sentence number in question has been left unchanged for ease of understanding.)

5. One day, Zeus, the king of Mount Olympus, was giving out gifts to beasts, birds and insects. (There is introduction of an event and it’s characters. Hence, this will be first sentence of the para.)

1.To his surprise, a little honeybee came before his throne and said, “Of all the gifts you could give me, only one will do. I’ d like the power to inflict great pain.” (This will naturally form the second sentence of the para as it is in sync with first sentence.)

3.”What an awful wish !” said great Zeus, “But I will grant it”. (This follows as here Zeus replies.)

2. I hereby give you a sharp sting. But, I am sure you will use this weapon carefully only in times of anger and strife. (Zeus gives the gift what bee has asked  for.)

6. “You will get to use it only once, for using it will cost you your life.” (Zeus,here, continues adding bane to the boon)

4. And to this day, the little honeybee dies after it stings. (This will naturally constitute the end of the paragraph.)

Hence, the correct option is C

12) Answer (A)

The sentences after correct arrangement would read as:
(The sentence number in question has been left unchanged for ease of understanding.)

5. One day, Zeus, the king of Mount Olympus, was giving out gifts to beasts, birds and insects. (There is introduction of an event and it’s characters. Hence, this will be first sentence of the para.)

1.To his surprise, a little honeybee came before his throne and said, “Of all the gifts you could give me, only one will do. I’ d like the power to inflict great pain.” (This will naturally form the second sentence of the para as it is in sync with first sentence.)

3.”What an awful wish !” said great Zeus, “But I will grant it”. (This follows as here Zeus replies.)

2. I hereby give you a sharp sting. But, I am sure you will use this weapon carefully only in times of anger and strife. (Zeus gives the gift what bee has asked  for.)

6. “You will get to use it only once, for using it will cost you your life.” (Zeus,here, continues adding bane to the boon)

4. And to this day, the little honeybee dies after it stings. (This will naturally constitute the end of the paragraph.)

Hence, the correct option is

13) Answer (A)

The sentences after correct arrangement would read as:
(The sentence number in question has been left unchanged for ease of understanding.)

5. One day, Zeus, the king of Mount Olympus, was giving out gifts to beasts, birds and insects. (There is introduction of an event and it’s characters. Hence, this will be first sentence of the para.)

1.To his surprise, a little honeybee came before his throne and said, “Of all the gifts you could give me, only one will do. I’ d like the power to inflict great pain.” (This will naturally form the second sentence of the para as it is in sync with first sentence.)

3.”What an awful wish !” said great Zeus, “But I will grant it”. (This follows as here Zeus replies.)

2. I hereby give you a sharp sting. But, I am sure you will use this weapon carefully only in times of anger and strife. (Zeus gives the gift what bee has asked for.)

6. “You will get to use it only once, for using it will cost you your life.” (Zeus,here, continues adding bane to the boon)

4. And to this day, the little honeybee dies after it stings. (This will naturally constitute the end of the paragraph.)

Hence, the correct option is A.

14) Answer (B)

The sentences after correct arrangement would read as:
(The sentence number in question has been left unchanged for ease of understanding.)

5. One day, Zeus, the king of Mount Olympus, was giving out gifts to beasts, birds and insects. (There is introduction of an event and it’s characters. Hence, this will be first sentence of the para.)

1.To his surprise, a little honeybee came before his throne and said, “Of all the gifts you could give me, only one will do. I’ d like the power to inflict great pain.” (This will naturally form the second sentence of the para as it is in sync with first sentence.)

3.”What an awful wish !” said great Zeus, “But I will grant it”. (This follows as here Zeus replies.)

2. I hereby give you a sharp sting. But, I am sure you will use this weapon carefully only in times of anger and strife. (Zeus gives the gift what bee has asked  for.)

6. “You will get to use it only once, for using it will cost you your life.” (Zeus,here, continues adding bane to the boon)

4. And to this day, the little honeybee dies after it stings. (This will naturally constitute the end of the paragraph.)

Hence, the correct option is B.

15) Answer (E)

The sentences after correct arrangement would read as:
(The sentence number in question has been left unchanged for ease of understanding.)

5. One day, Zeus, the king of Mount Olympus, was giving out gifts to beasts, birds and insects. (There is introduction of an event and it’s characters. Hence, this will be first sentence of the para.)

1.To his surprise, a little honeybee came before his throne and said, “Of all the gifts you could give me, only one will do. I’ d like the power to inflict great pain.” (This will naturally form the second sentence of the para as it is in sync with first sentence.)

3.”What an awful wish !” said great Zeus, “But I will grant it”. (This follows as here Zeus replies.)

2. I hereby give you a sharp sting. But, I am sure you will use this weapon carefully only in times of anger and strife. (Zeus gives the gift what bee has asked  for.)

6. “You will get to use it only once, for using it will cost you your life.” (Zeus,here, continues adding bane to the boon)

4. And to this day, the little honeybee dies after it stings. (This will naturally constitute the end of the paragraph.)

Hence, the correct option is E.

16) Answer (B)

The order of sentences to form meaningful paragraph is given as:
( The statement number in question has been left unchanged for ease of understanding.)

(E)Child labour is no doubt an evil that should be done away with at the earliest. (Here, premise of child labour is introduced and therefore this forms the first sentence.)

(A)Its prevalence reflects very badly on a society that is not able to stop this evil. (This will naturally be the second sentence, as there is continuation of explanation of the ‘evil’ of child labour.)

(F)But in a society where many households may have to suffer the pangs of hunger if the children are withdrawn from work beggars can’t be choosers. (Here, the most prevalent and primary reason for child labour is given. The paragraph is now taking turn towards explanation.)

(D)The members of these households have to send their children to work even if the future of these innocent children is ruined as that is the only choice open for them to survive in the world. (Again, further explanation is given.)

(C)Therefore unless the socio-economic status of the poor families is improved India has to live with child labour. (This should form penultimate sentence of the paragraph. Here, a sense of closure to the ongoing premise is apparent.)

(B)Though elimination of child labour is an impossible task considering the current socio-economic scenario of these poor families the Indian government is committed to the task of ensuring that no child remains illiterate hungry and without medical care. (This will form the last sentence of the paragraph mainly because it offers a sense of closure to the idea.)

Hence option B is correct.

17) Answer (D)

The order of sentences to form meaningful paragraph is given as:
( The statement number in question has been left unchanged for ease of understanding.)

(E)Child labour is no doubt an evil that should be done away with at the earliest. (Here, premise of child labour is introduced and therefore this forms the first sentence.)

(A)Its prevalence reflects very badly on a society that is not able to stop this evil. (This will naturally be the second sentence, as there is continuation of explanation of the ‘evil’ of child labour.)

(F)But in a society where many households may have to suffer the pangs of hunger if the children are withdrawn from work beggars can’t be choosers. (Here, the most prevalent and primary reason for child labour is given. The paragraph is now taking turn towards explanation.)

(D)The members of these households have to send their children to work even if the future of these innocent children is ruined as that is the only choice open for them to survive in the world. (Again, further explanation is given.)

(C)Therefore unless the socio-economic status of the poor families is improved India has to live with child labour. (This should form penultimate sentence of the paragraph. Here, a sense of closure to the ongoing premise is apparent.)

(B)Though elimination of child labour is an impossible task considering the current socio-economic scenario of these poor families the Indian government is committed to the task of ensuring that no child remains illiterate hungry and without medical care. (This will form the last sentence of the paragraph mainly because it offers a sense of closure to the idea.)

Hence option D is correct.

18) Answer (A)

The order of sentences to form meaningful paragraph is given as:
( The statement number in question has been left unchanged for ease of understanding.)

(E)Child labour is no doubt an evil that should be done away with at the earliest. (Here, premise of child labour is introduced and therefore this forms the first sentence.)

(A)Its prevalence reflects very badly on a society that is not able to stop this evil. (This will naturally be the second sentence, as there is continuation of explanation of the ‘evil’ of child labour.)

(F)But in a society where many households may have to suffer the pangs of hunger if the children are withdrawn from work beggars can’t be choosers. (Here, the most prevalent and primary reason for child labour is given. The paragraph is now taking turn towards explanation.)

(D)The members of these households have to send their children to work even if the future of these innocent children is ruined as that is the only choice open for them to survive in the world. (Again, further explanation is given.)

(C)Therefore unless the socio-economic status of the poor families is improved India has to live with child labour. (This should form penultimate sentence of the paragraph. Here, a sense of closure to the ongoing premise is apparent.)

(B)Though elimination of child labour is an impossible task considering the current socio-economic scenario of these poor families the Indian government is committed to the task of ensuring that no child remains illiterate hungry and without medical care. (This will form the last sentence of the paragraph mainly because it offers a sense of closure to the idea.)

Hence option A is correct.

19) Answer (D)

The order of sentences to form meaningful paragraph is given as:
( The statement number in question has been left unchanged for ease of understanding.)

(E)Child labour is no doubt an evil that should be done away with at the earliest. (Here, premise of child labour is introduced and therefore this forms the first sentence.)

(A)Its prevalence reflects very badly on a society that is not able to stop this evil. (This will naturally be the second sentence, as there is continuation of explanation of the ‘evil’ of child labour.)

(F)But in a society where many households may have to suffer the pangs of hunger if the children are withdrawn from work beggars can’t be choosers. (Here, the most prevalent and primary reason for child labour is given. The paragraph is now taking turn towards explanation.)

(D)The members of these households have to send their children to work even if the future of these innocent children is ruined as that is the only choice open for them to survive in the world. (Again, further explanation is given.)

(C)Therefore unless the socio-economic status of the poor families is improved India has to live with child labour. (This should form penultimate sentence of the paragraph. Here, a sense of closure to the ongoing premise is apparent.)

(B)Though elimination of child labour is an impossible task considering the current socio-economic scenario of these poor families the Indian government is committed to the task of ensuring that no child remains illiterate hungry and without medical care. (This will form the last sentence of the paragraph mainly because it offers a sense of closure to the idea.)

Hence option D is correct.

20) Answer (E)

The order of sentences to form meaningful paragraph is given as:
( The statement number in question has been left unchanged for ease of understanding.)

(E)Child labour is no doubt an evil that should be done away with at the earliest. (Here, premise of child labour is introduced and therefore this forms the first sentence.)

(A)Its prevalence reflects very badly on a society that is not able to stop this evil. (This will naturally be the second sentence, as there is continuation of explanation of the ‘evil’ of child labour.)

(F)But in a society where many households may have to suffer the pangs of hunger if the children are withdrawn from work beggars can’t be choosers. (Here, the most prevalent and primary reason for child labour is given. The paragraph is now taking turn towards explanation.)

(D)The members of these households have to send their children to work even if the future of these innocent children is ruined as that is the only choice open for them to survive in the world. (Again, further explanation is given.)

(C)Therefore unless the socio-economic status of the poor families is improved India has to live with child labour. (This should form penultimate sentence of the paragraph. Here, a sense of closure to the ongoing premise is apparent.)

(B)Though elimination of child labour is an impossible task considering the current socio-economic scenario of these poor families the Indian government is committed to the task of ensuring that no child remains illiterate hungry and without medical care. (This will form the last sentence of the paragraph mainly because it offers a sense of closure to the idea.)

Hence option E is correct.

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