Logical Reasoning Questions for SBI Clerk

Logical Reasoning Questions for SBI Clerk
Logical Reasoning Questions for SBI Clerk

Logical reasoning and puzzles form the important part of reasoning, if you could able to understand the given logical reasoning puzzle set question, you can solve all the following questions of the given set. If you are given a given puzzle questions just like below, if you can’t able to comprehend the question, it is better to skip the question for later solving. We given some logical reasoning/reasoning questions important for the SBI Clerk exam based on previous papers.

Logical Reasoning Questions for SBI Clerk:

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For more questions visit SBI Clerk Previous question papers (solved)

Question 1:
What should come next in the following letter series ?
a) R
b) T
c) A
d) B
e) None of these

Question 2:
What should come next in the following numbers sequence ?
2 2 3 2 3 4 2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5 6 2 3 4 5 6 7 2 3 4
a) 8
b) 5
c) 6
d) 2
e) None of these

Question 3:
What should come next in the following letter series based on English alphabet ?
a) STW
b) WUS
c) SWU
d) UWS
e) None of these

Question 4:
If in the English alphabet, all letters at odd numbered positions are written in serial order from left to right followed by the letters at even numbered positions written in reverse order, which letter will be sixth to the left of seventeenth letter from left ?
a) D
b) B
c) V
d) U
e) None of these

Question 5:
What should come next in the following letter series ?
a) B
b) C
c) F
d) D
e) None of these

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Question 6:
What should come next in the following letter series based on English alphabet ?
a) STW
b) WUS
c) SWU
d) UWS
e) None of these

Question 7:
What should come next in the following letter series ?
a) R
b) T
c) A
d) B
e) None of these

Question 8:
Which of the following three digit number will be second largest among them after 2 is subtracted from the middle digit of each number and the positions of the first and the third digits are interchanged ?
a) 572
b) 853
c) 974
d) 368
e) 489

Question 9:
The positions of how many alphabets will remain the same if each of the alphabets in the word DETRIMENT is rearranged in the alphabetical order from left to right?
a) None
b) One
c) TWO
d) Three
e) More than three

Question 10:
If all the letters of the word PURCHASE are arranged in alphabetical order from left to right and then each vowel in the word is changed to the next letter in the English alphabetical series and each consonant is changed to the previous letter in the English alphabetical series, which of the following will be third from the right 7?
a) V
b) B
c) Q
d) N
e) R

SBI Clerk Previous question Papers

1) Answer (A)
The above series is the combination of two series i.e. :
After that, last alphabet of the first series is removed => PQRS & ABCDE
Then ,the last alphabet of the second series is removed => PQRS & ABCD
After that, S should be removed => PQR & ABCD
Clearly, the next letter is R.

2) Answer (B)
In the given number sequence, the 2 is repeated and at nth place staring from 2 to (n+1) number is repeated.
This can also be visualised by viewing the series as:
2 3
2 3 4
2 3 4 5
2 3 4 5 6
2 3 4 5 6 7
Hence, the next number in series, going by this logic would be 5. The correct option is B

3) Answer (D)
Here the pattern followed is the sixth letter from the starting letter of previous word is first written. Then the second word to th e rigt i swritten and subsquently second word to th e left is written. We are supposed to find fourth word. The initial letter of the previous word is O. The sixth letter from O is U. Second letter to th eright of U is W and to th eleft of O is S. Hence, then word is UWS. Option D is correct answer.

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4) Answer (D)
If all letters at odd positions are written in serial order from left to right, then this series will be :
After this even positioned letters are written in reverse, the series becomes :
A C E G I K M O Q S U W Y , Z X V T R P N L J H F D B
Now, 17th letter from left end = T
6th letter to the left of T = U
Thus, Ans – (D)

5) Answer (B)
This series is made from a combination of two series from the first 15 alphabets of the English alphabet.
First series is : The letters at odd positions => A C E G I K M O
Second series is : The letters at even positions => B D F H J L N
Then, the last letter from each series is removed. Thus making it : A C E G I K M B D F H J L
Again, after removing the last letter(i.e. M & L) => A C E G I K B D F H J
Clearly, the next letter after A is ‘C’.

6) Answer (D)
Based on the English alphabet, the above arrangement follows the following pattern :
The first alphabet in each word is
C –(+6)–> I –(+6)–> O –(+6)–> U
The second alphabet is
C –(+2)–> E
∴ U –(+2) –> W
And the third alphabet is
C –(-2)–> A
∴ U –(-2) –> S
Thus, UWS wil be the next letter in the series.

7) Answer (A)
Here, there is repetition of series twice and then subsequent truncation. First PQRS…series is truncated and next ABCD…is truncated. Going by this pattern, PQRS will be truncated. However the next letter is R in the series. Option A is correct answer.

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8) Answer (D)
If first and third digits are interchanged and 2 is subtracted from middle digit. Then, the numbers become :
572 -> 255 [ 5 \leftrightarrow↔ 2 & 7-2 = 5]
853 -> 338 [ 8 \leftrightarrow↔ 3 & 5-2 = 3]
974 -> 459 [ 9 \leftrightarrow↔ 4 & 7-2 = 5]
368 -> 843 [ 3 \leftrightarrow↔ 8 & 6-2 = 4]
489 -> 964 [ 4 \leftrightarrow↔ 9 & 8-2 = 6]
∴ The second largest no. is 843 \Leftrightarrow⇔ 368

9) Answer (D)
If all the alphabets of the word DETRIMENT are rearranged in alphabetical order, then
DETRIMENT \Leftrightarrow⇔ DEEIMNRTT Clearly, the position of only 3 alphabets have remain same, i.e. D, E(first), T(second).

10) Answer (C)
The letters of the word PURCHASE when arranged in alphabetical order becomes ‘ ACEHPRSU’ Each vowel is changed to next alphabet, and each consonant is changed to previous alphabet, then :
A (+1) = B
C (-1) = B
E (+1) = F
H (-1) = G
P (-1) = O
R (-1) = Q
S (-1) = R
U (+1) = V
Third alphabet from right end = Q.

All this logical reasoning questions and answers will be helpful for SBI Clerk preparation

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