Last Minute Tips For SRCC GBO 2023

Last-minute Tips For SRCC GBO 2023
Last-minute Tips For SRCC GBO 2023

Last-minute Tips For SRCC GBO 2023

SRCC Global Business Operations (GBO) Exam is a popular management entrance exam for the 2-year Full-time Post Graduate Management Program offered by the Shri Ram College of Commerce (SRCC), Delhi University. The exam allows the candidates to pursue Post-Graduate Diploma in the Global Business Operations program at SRCC, Delhi University. The SRCC GBO 2023 has been scheduled for February 6, 2023, and the exam is in a week away. In this article, we will discuss some last-minute tips for SRCC GBO 2023, including exam tips.

SRCC GBO Exam Pattern 2023

SRCC GBO Exam is an MCQ-based online exam with 160 questions. There is a Negative Marking of -1 for each wrong answer in the exam. The exam has 4 sections, and it will be held for a duration of 2 hours. 4 marks will be awarded for each correct answer.

Sections Number of questions
English Comprehension and Language Ability 40
Quantitative Ability 40
Logical Ability 40
Data Interpretation 40
Total 160

SRCC GBO 2023 – Important Dates


SRCC GBO Exam Registration 2023 Start Date 28th Nov 2022 at 05:00 PM
SRCC GBO Registration 2023 last date Jan 05, 2023 at 11:55 PM
Admit card release date 1st Week of February (Tentative)
SRCC GBO Exam date February 6, 2023 (Monday, 3 pm to 5 pm)
Test duration 2 hours
SRCC GBO 2023 Results 4th week of February 2023 (Tentative)
GDPI Venue Delhi

Section-wise Tips for SRCC GBO 2023

There is only one week left for the examination. So this last week is very crucial to crack the SRCC GBO exam. Now let us see the section-wise tips to crack SRCC GBO 2023.

English Comprehension & Language Ability

In this section, the topics majorly include-  Reading comprehension, Para jumbles, Antonym/synonyms, Sentence/Error correction, Fill in the blanks (Grammar, Vocabulary), odd one out, para completions, etc. The questions are of moderate difficulty level.

It will help if you are well-versed in the Reading Comprehension passages. Take mock tests and analyse your scores and strategise accordingly. Practice language ability questions based on grammar, vocabulary, Antonym/synonyms, etc., in the last few days before the exam.

Quantitative Ability

Here, the major topics include Arithmetic, Algebra, Geometry, Mensuration, etc. One can easily score well in this section if one’s fundamentals are clear. Candidates should revise the important formulas thoroughly in these last few days before the exam.

Almost 70% of the questions will appear from the key concepts such as Arithmetics, Algebra and Geometry, and only 30% of the question will appear from the rest of the topics. So, it is recommended to be versed in the basics and fundamentals of the key concepts and practice many problems from mock tests and the previous year’s papers of the SRCC GBO exam.

Logical Ability

The topics here include- Critical Reasoning (Statements, Assumptions, COnclusions, Strengthen, Weaken, Courses of Action), Syllogisms, Venn Diagrams, Numeric Grid, Number Series, CLock & Calendars, Puzzles, Arrangements, Ranking, etc.

This is a scoring section of the exam. So, one should definitely not miss out on this section. During practice, solve various problems to get acquainted with this section. Revise essential concepts, take mocks and practice from previous papers.

Data Interpretation

The topics here include- Graphs, Clock and Calendars, Data Structures, Venn Diagrams, Tables, Caselets, etc. The trick here is to represent the data in an organised manner, which saves time during the calculation.



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