Jumbling Questions for RRB Group-D PDF

Jumbling Questions for RRB Group-D PDF
Jumbling Questions for RRB Group-D PDF

Jumbling Questions for RRB Group-D PDF

Download Top-15 RRB Group-D Jumbling Questions PDF. RRB GROUP-D Jumbling questions based on asked questions in previous exam papers very important for the Railway Group-D exam.

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Question 1: Four sentences are given below. These sentences, when rearranged in proper order, form a logical and meaningful paragraph. Rearrange the sentences and choose the correct order as the answer.
A. It is advisable to practice this kind of jumping at first without a run.
B. The pole which is used for the exercise should be of sound ash, rounded throughout its length.
C. For this purpose he who is about to jump fixes the end of the pole in the ground in front of him.
D. It should be in proportion to the height of the jumper and the space to be jumped over.





Question 2: Four sentences are given below. These sentences, when rearranged in proper order, form a logical and meaningful paragraph. Rearrange the sentences and choose the correct order as the answer.
A. But they were sadly disappointed to learn that a telescope costs so much money that he could not think of buying even one of the smallest size.
B. They knew the chief constellations and the place of the planets among the stars.
C. The parson’s boys were very fond of astronomy.
D. Their father told them how splendidly the moon and the planets look through a telescope.





Question 3: Four sentences are given below. These sentences, when rearranged in proper order, form a logical and meaningful paragraph. Rearrange the sentences and choose the correct order as the answer.
A. The winter wore away by degrees.
B. Amid the noise and thunder of avalanches, the sun exercised its silent but mighty influence renewing the greenery.
C. The warm south wind crept slowly through the valleys, melting the snow from the mountain-sides, and calling into life hundreds of sparkling streams.
D. Waterfalls foamed, and enormous masses of snow came crashing down from the mountain-peaks.





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Question 4: Four sentences are given below. These sentences, when rearranged in proper order, form a logical and meaningful paragraph. Rearrange the sentences and choose the correct order as the answer.
A. He could scarcely hope to continue such a dangerous struggle much longer.
B. He was becoming faint from terror, and his left hand was fast growing benumbed with grasping the rock.
C. He tried to seize the vulture’s throat and strangle it, but the bird was too active and made all such attempts perfectly useless.
D. In this dreadful crisis, Walter pressed as hard as he could against the rocky crag, having but one hand at liberty to defend himself against the furious attack of the bird.





Question 5: Four sentences are given below. These sentences, when rearranged in proper order, form a logical and meaningful paragraph. Rearrange the sentences and choose the correct order as the answer.
A. At last, they determined to decide the matter in the old knightly manner through one on one match.
B. James and Henry were two school-mates and warm friends who went to the same school.
C. Each tried to be the captain and lead the team against the close rivals.
D. Great rivalry arose once between them on account of a football match.





Question 6: Four sentences are given below. These sentences, when rearranged in proper order, form a logical and meaningful paragraph. Rearrange the sentences and choose the correct order as the answer.
A. When he first came to his crown, in order to obtain a knowledge of affairs, took great pleasure in night excursions, attended by a trusty minister.
B. Once as he was passing through a street he heard loud voices of three brothers and approached them.
C. Kosroushah was named the new emperor of Persia.
D. He often walked in disguise through the city and met with many adventures.





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Question 7: The question below consists of a set of labelled sentences. Out of the four options given, select the most logical order of the sentences to form a coherent paragraph.

Life is never meant to
A-country like India
B-be easy, especially if you
C-live in a developing

a) BAC

b) ACB

c) BCA

d) ABC

Question 8: The question below consists of a set of labelled sentences. Out of the four options given, select the most logical order of the sentences to form a coherent paragraph.

Inform all the other
A-would be punished
B-giving them a lift too
C-officers that anyone

a) CAB

b) BCA

c) CBA

d) BAC

Question 9: The question below consists of a set of labelled sentences. Out of the four options given, select the most logical order of the sentences to form a coherent paragraph.
In order to
A-regulate the technology and boost
B-the rankings, we need our
C-teachers to do exponential thinking

a) CBA

b) CAB

c) BCA

d) ABC

Question 10: The question below consists of a set of label|ed sentences. Out of the four options given, select the most logical order of the sentences to form a coherent paragraph.
Contrast this with
A-the attitude of the general
B-public in the advanced
C-countries towards senior citizens

a) ABC

b) CBA

c) CAB

d) BCA

Download General Science Notes PDF

Question 11: The question below consists of a set of labelled sentences. Out of the four options given, select the most logical order of the sentences to form a coherent paragraph.
In the entire
A : process of discoveries
B : and development, ethics
C : was exiled

a) CBA

b) ABC

c) CAB

d) BCA

RRB Group-D Important Questions (download PDF)

Question 12: The question below consists of a set of labelled sentences. Out of the four options given, select the most logical order of the sentences to form a coherent paragraph.
With global warming on
A-the rise, we have to do
B-save the environment
C-every bit that we can to

a) ABC

b) ACB

c) CAB

d) BAC

Question 13: The question below consists of a set of labelled sentences. Out of the four options given, select the most logical order of the sentences to form a coherent paragraph.

The smoke rises and
A-chokes my apartment
B-gets trapped in the
C-tree-tops and

a) BAC

b) ACB

c) BCA

d) ABC

Question 14: The question below consists of a set of labelled sentences. Out of the four options given, select the most logical order of the sentences to form a coherent paragraph.

So apart from having
A-colleagues would go out for tea at periodic intervals
B-the routine coffee served
C-from the cafeteria my

a) BAC

b) BCA

c) ACB

d) ABC

Question 15: The question below consists of a set of labelled sentences. Out of the four options given, select the most logical order of the sentences to form a
coherent paragraph.

There were too
A : many doubts that cropped up every
B : seniors for clarity and resolution
C : now and then and I would run to my

a) ACB

b) ABC

c) CBA

d) CAB

General Science Notes for RRB Exams (PDF)

Answers & Solutions:

1) Answer (A)

On carefully reading the sentences we see that the topic of the discussion is about the pole leaping exercise. Thus sentence B which introduces the pole must be the starting sentence. ‘It’ in sentence D refers to the length of the pole as described in sentence B. Thus sentence D logically follows sentence B. Sentence A gives advice about how to start with the exercise and sentence C further adds information. Thus AC is a pair and must come after D.

Hence, the correct order of the sentence is BDAC.
Hence, option A is the right answer.

2) Answer (B)

On carefully reading the sentences we see that the topic of the discussion is about the parson’s boys love of astronomy. Thus sentence C which introduces the topic must be the starting sentence. In sentence B the author substantiates his claim by giving details about knowledge of astronomy of the boys. Thus B must come after C. According to sentence D the boys were introduced to the telescope by their father, but sentence A points out the disappointment of the boys due to the financial constraint in buying one telescope. Thus DA is a pair which must follow after sentence B.
Hence, the correct order of the sentence is CBDA.
Hence, option B is the right answer.

3) Answer (D)

On carefully reading the sentences we see that the topic of the discussion is about the summer arrival of summer which caused melting of snow and forming of streams. Thus sentence A which starts by stating the end of winter must be the introductory sentence. Sentence C further elaborates by stating the warmth came after the winter went away. Thus, C logically follows A. Sentence D talks about the avalanche and B explains the formation of greenery amid the noises of the avalanche. Thus DB is a pair and must come after C.

Hence, the correct order of the sentence is ACDB.
Hence, option D is the right answer.

4) Answer (B)

On carefully reading the sentences we see that the topic of the discussion is about Walter being viciously attacked by a vulture. Thus sentence D which introduces the topic must be the starting sentence. Sentence C gives further details about how Walter tried to save himself but failed. Thus, C must be directly after D. Sentence A tells how Walter had fewer hopes of saving himself and sentence B gives the reason why the hopes of continuing the struggle were less. Thus AB forms a pair and must come directly after C.
Hence, the correct order of the sentence is DCAB.
Hence, option B is the right answer.

5) Answer (A)

On carefully reading the sentences we see that the topic of the discussion is about the start of a rivalry between two friends who wanted to lead their school football team. Sentence B which introduces the friends must be the starting sentence. Sentence D highlights the start of a rivalry between them and sentence C gives specific detail about why the rivalry started. Hence, DC must be a pair and must come after B. Sentence A finally talks about how the friends decided to end the matter and thus, must be the concluding sentence.
Hence, the correct order of the sentence is BDCA.
Hence, option A is the right answer.

6) Answer (C)

On carefully reading the sentences we see that the topic of the discussion is about the new Emporer of Persia and about his night excursions in his kingdom. Thus, the sentence C which introduces the employer must be the starting sentence. Sentence A gives information about the night excursions just after the new Emporer was crowned and sentence D gives further details about the night excursion. Ths, AD is a pair and must come after C. Sentence B gives a specific instance of Emporer meeting the three brothers during one of his night excursions.
Hence, the correct order of the sentence is CADB.
Hence, option C is the right answer.

7) Answer (C)

8) Answer (C)

9) Answer (D)

10) Answer (A)

11) Answer (B)

12) Answer (B)

13) Answer (C)

14) Answer (B)

15) Answer (A)


We hope this Jumbling Questions  PDF for RRB Group-D Exam will be highly useful for your preparation.


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