Input Output Questions for IIFT PDF


Input Output Questions for IIFT

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Some information is provided in the paragraph below. Answer the questions based on this information.

A number arrangement machine, when given a particular input, rearranges it using a particular rule. The following is the illustration and steps of the arrangement

Arrangement at Step V is the last for the given input

Question 1: What should be the fourth step of the following input?
64 326 187 87 118 432 219 348

a) 64 432 87 326 118 187 219 348

b) 64 432 87 348 326 187 118 219

c) 64 432 87 348 118 326 187 219

d) None of the above

Question 2: How many steps will be required to get the final output from the following input?
319 318 746 123 15 320 78 426

a) Four

b) Five

c) Six

d) Seven

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A word arrangement machine, when given a particular input, rearranges it following a particular rule upto step 4. The following is the illustration of the input and the steps of the arrangements. Study the inherent logic and the answer the following question.


Question 3: If the input is, don’t cry because it’s over smile since it actually happened’, then Step 4 will be:

a) it’s since actually happened cry smile don’t it over because

b) since cry it’s happened actually smile it don’t because over

c) since it’s actually cry happened smile don’t it because over

d) since it’s cry actually happened don’t smile it over because

Question 4: If Step 4 generates, ‘dog sea school star ice moon flower home rock ball’, then the input was:

a) flower star rock sea ball moon dog home school ice

b) rock flower sea ball dog star moon school home ice

c) flower ball star sea rock dog moon ice home school

d) star moon rock sea home flower ice ball dog school

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Study the information given below and answer the questions.

A word arrangement machine, when given a particular input, rearranges it using a particular rule. The following is the illustration and the steps of the arrangement
INPUT:   Smile Nile  Style   Mile   Shine Wine  Mine    Swine  Bovine Feline
STEP 1: Smile Nile  Style   Mile   Shine Wine  Bovine Feline  Mine    Swine
STEP 2: Style  Mile  Smile Nile    Shine Wine  Bovine Feline  Mine    Swine
STEP 3: Style  Mile  Smile Nile    Wine  Shine Bovine Feline  Mine    Swine
STEP 4: Mile   Style Nile    Smile Wine  Shine Feline  Bovine Swine  Mine
STEP 5: Nile   Smile Mile   Style  Wine  Shine Swine  Mine    Feline  Bovine
STEP 6: Nile   Smile Mile   Style  Wine  Shine Feline  Bovine Swine  Mine
STEP 7: Mile  Style  Nile    Smile Wine  Shine Feline  Bovine Swine  Mine

Question 5: Which of the following will be step 14 for the given input:

a) Style Mile Smile Nile Wine Shine Bovine Feline Mine Swine

b) Smile Nile Style Mile Shine Wine Mine Swine Bovine Feline

c) Mile Style Nile Smile Wine Shine Feline Bovine Swine Mine

d) Style Mile Smile Nile Shine Wine Bovine Feline Mine Swine

Question 6: Mark the arrangement that does not fall between step numbers 12 and 14.

a) Style Mile Smile Nile Wine Shine Bovine Feline Mine Swine

b) Mile Style Nile Smile Wine Shine Feline Bovine Swine Mine

c) Style Mile Smile Nile Shine Wine Bovine Feline Mine Swine

d) Smile Nile Style Mile Shine Wine Bovine Feline Mine Swine

Question 7: If the arrangement is repeated which of the steps given below is same as the INPUT row?

a) Step 9

b) Step 11

c) Step 20

d) Step 14

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Answer the questions based on the following information.

A number arrangement machine, when given a particular input, rearranges it following a particular rule. Illustrations of the input and the steps of arrangement is given below.
Input: 245, 316, 436, 519, 868, 710, 689
Step 1: 710, 316, 436, 519, 868, 245, 689
Step 2: 710, 316, 245, 519, 868, 436, 689
Step 3: 710, 316, 245, 436, 868, 519, 689
Step 4: 710, 316, 245, 436, 519, 868, 689
Step 4 is the last step for the given input

Question 8: If the input is given as “655, 436, 764, 799, 977, 572, 333”, which of the following step will be “333, 436, 572, 655, 977, 764, 799”?

a) Step Third

b) Step Second

c) Step Fourth

d) None of the above

Question 9: How many steps will be required to get the final output from the following input?
Input: 544, 653, 325, 688, 461, 231, 857

a) 6

b) 5

c) 4

d) None of these

Question 10: Step third for an input is “432, 433, 542, 666, 734, 355, 574” What will be the first step for the input?

a) 666, 542, 432, 734, 433, 574, 355

b) 542, 666, 734, 432, 433, 574, 355

c) 355, 574, 433, 432, 734, 666, 542

d) Cannot be determined

Question 11: What will be the third step for the following input?
Input: 653, 963, 754, 345, 364, 861, 541

a) 541, 345, 754, 963, 364, 816, 653

b) 541, 345, 364, 653, 963, 754, 861

c) 541, 345, 364, 963, 754, 861, 653

d) 541, 345, 364, 653, 861, 754, 963

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Answers & Solutions:

1) Answer (C)

As we can see in the 1st step the smallest number come to the 1st position from left.
In the 2nd step the largest number comes to the 2nd position from left.
In the 3rd step the 2nd smallest number come to the 3rd position from left and so on.
Thus, 64 326 187 87 118 432 219 348
Step 1:- 64 432 326 187 87 118 219 348
Step 2:- 64 432 87 326 187 118 219 348
Step 3:- 64 432 87 348 326 187 118 219
Step 4:- 64 432 87 348 118 326 187 219
Hence, option C is the correct answer.

2) Answer (D)

As we can see in the 1st step the smallest number come to the 1st position from left.
In the 2nd step the largest number comes to the 2nd position from left.
In the 3rd step the 2nd smallest number come to the 3rd position from left and so on.
Thus, 319 318 746 123 15 320 78 426
Step 1:- 15 319 318 746 123 320 78 426
Step 2:- 15 746 319 318 123 320 78 426
Step 3:- 15 746 78 319 318 123 320 426
Step 4:- 15 746 78 426 319 318 123 320
Step 5:- 15 746 78 426 123 319 318 320
Step 6:- 15 746 78 426 123 320 319 318
Step 7:- 15 746 78 426 123 320 318 319
Thus, 7 steps will be required to get the output.
Hence, option C is the correct answer.

3) Answer (C)

4) Answer (A)

5) Answer (C)

Divide the whole sequence into group of words of 4, 2 and 4 so in the input the-

First group will be– Smile Nile Style Mile

Second group will be – Shine Wine

Third group will be – Mine Swine Bovine Feline

In step 1 the 1 and 2 of Third group are exchanging their position with the 3 and 4 respectively i.e.  Mine Swine are exchanging their position with Bovine Feline respectively with everything else constant

therefore step 1 is- Smile Nile  Style   Mile   Shine Wine  Bovine Feline  Mine    Swine

In step 2 the 1 and 2 of First group are exchanging their position with the 3 and 4 respectively i.e. Smile Nile are exchanging their position with Style Mile respectively with everything else constant

therefore step 2 is- Style  Mile  Smile Nile    Shine Wine  Bovine Feline  Mine   Swine

In step 3 the 1 and 2 of Second group are exchanging their position i.e.  Shine is exchanging it’s position with Wine with everything else constant

therefore step 3 is- Style Mile Smile Nile Wine Shine Bovine Feline Mine Swine

In step 4 the 1 and 2 of First group are exchanging their position i.e.  Style is exchanging it’s position with Mile , 3 and 4 of First group are exchanging their position i.e.  Smile is exchanging it’s position with Nile and Similarly the 1 and 2 of Third group are exchanging their position i.e.  Bovine is exchanging it’s position with Feline , 3 and 4 of Third group are exchanging their position i.e. Mine is exchanging it’s position with Swine with the positions of Shine and Wine remaining same

therefor step 4 is- Mile Style Nile Smile Wine Shine Feline Bovine Swine  Mine

In step 5 the 1 and 2 of First group are exchanging their position with the 3 and 4 respectively i.e. Mile Style are exchanging their position with Nile Smile respectively and the 1 and 2 of Third group are exchanging their position with the 3 and 4 respectively i.e. Feline Bovine are exchanging their position with Swine Mine respectively with everything else constant

therefor step 5 is- Nile Smile Mile Style Wine Shine Swine Mine Feline Bovine

In step 6 the 1 and 2 of Third group are exchanging their position with the 3 and 4 respectively i.e. Swine Mine are exchanging their position with Feline Bovine respectively with everything else constant

therefor step 6 is- Nile Smile Mile Style Wine Shine Feline Bovine Swine  Mine

In step 7 the 1 and 2 of First group are exchanging their position with the 3 and 4 respectively i.e. Nile Smile are exchanging their position with Mile Style respectively with everything else constant

therefor step 7 is- Mile  Style  Nile    Smile Wine  Shine Feline  Bovine Swine  Mine

As can be observed the pattern is repeating

therefore step 8 will be Mile  Style  Nile    Smile Shine Wine Feline  Bovine Swine  Mine

step 9- Style Mile Smile Nile Shine Wine Bovine Feline Mine Swine

step 10- Smile Nile Style Mile Shine Wine Mine Swine Bovine Feline

step 11- Smile Nile Style Mile Shine Wine Bovine Feline Mine Swine

step 12- Style Mile Smile Nile Shine Wine Bovine Feline Mine Swine

step 13- Style Mile Smile Nile Wine Shine Bovine Feline Mine Swine

step 14- Mile Style Nile Smile Wine Shine Feline Bovine Swine Mine

Therefore the answer is option ‘C’

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6) Answer (D)

Divide the whole sequence into group of words of 4, 2 and 4 so in the input the-

First group will be– Smile Nile Style Mile

Second group will be – Shine Wine

Third group will be – Mine Swine Bovine Feline

In step 1 the 1 and 2 of Third group are exchanging their position with the 3 and 4 respectively i.e.  Mine Swine are exchanging their position with Bovine Feline respectively with everything else constant

therefore step 1 is- Smile Nile  Style   Mile   Shine Wine  Bovine Feline  Mine    Swine

In step 2 the 1 and 2 of First group are exchanging their position with the 3 and 4 respectively i.e. Smile Nile are exchanging their position with Style Mile respectively with everything else constant

therefore step 2 is- Style  Mile  Smile Nile    Shine Wine  Bovine Feline  Mine   Swine

In step 3 the 1 and 2 of Second group are exchanging their position i.e.  Shine is exchanging it’s position with Wine with everything else constant

therefore step 3 is- Style Mile Smile Nile Wine Shine Bovine Feline Mine Swine

In step 4 the 1 and 2 of First group are exchanging their position i.e.  Style is exchanging it’s position with Mile , 3 and 4 of First group are exchanging their position i.e.  Smile is exchanging it’s position with Nile and Similarly the 1 and 2 of Third group are exchanging their position i.e.  Bovine is exchanging it’s position with Feline , 3 and 4 of Third group are exchanging their position i.e. Mine is exchanging it’s position with Swine with the positions of Shine and Wine remaining same

therefor step 4 is- Mile Style Nile Smile Wine Shine Feline Bovine Swine  Mine

In step 5 the 1 and 2 of First group are exchanging their position with the 3 and 4 respectively i.e. Mile Style are exchanging their position with Nile Smile respectively and the 1 and 2 of Third group are exchanging their position with the 3 and 4 respectively i.e. Feline Bovine are exchanging their position with Swine Mine respectively with everything else constant

therefor step 5 is- Nile Smile Mile Style Wine Shine Swine Mine Feline Bovine

In step 6 the 1 and 2 of Third group are exchanging their position with the 3 and 4 respectively i.e. Swine Mine are exchanging their position with Feline Bovine respectively with everything else constant

therefor step 6 is- Nile Smile Mile Style Wine Shine Feline Bovine Swine  Mine

In step 7 the 1 and 2 of First group are exchanging their position with the 3 and 4 respectively i.e. Nile Smile are exchanging their position with Mile Style respectively with everything else constant

therefor step 7 is- Mile  Style  Nile    Smile Wine  Shine Feline  Bovine Swine  Mine

As can be observed the pattern is repeating

therefore step 8 will be Mile  Style  Nile    Smile Shine Wine Feline  Bovine Swine  Mine

step 9- Style Mile Smile Nile Shine Wine Bovine Feline Mine Swine

step 10- Smile Nile Style Mile Shine Wine Mine Swine Bovine Feline

step 11- Smile Nile Style Mile Shine Wine Bovine Feline Mine Swine

step 12- Style Mile Smile Nile Shine Wine Bovine Feline Mine Swine

step 13- Style Mile Smile Nile Wine Shine Bovine Feline Mine Swine

step 14- Mile Style Nile Smile Wine Shine Feline Bovine Swine Mine

As can be observed from steps 12-14 option D is not present

Therefore the answer is option ‘D’

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7) Answer (C)

Divide the whole sequence into group of words of 4, 2 and 4 so in the input the-

First group will be– Smile Nile Style Mile

Second group will be – Shine Wine

Third group will be – Mine Swine Bovine Feline

In step 1 the 1 and 2 of Third group are exchanging their position with the 3 and 4 respectively i.e.  Mine Swine are exchanging their position with Bovine Feline respectively with everything else constant

therefore step 1 is- Smile Nile  Style   Mile   Shine Wine  Bovine Feline  Mine    Swine

In step 2 the 1 and 2 of First group are exchanging their position with the 3 and 4 respectively i.e. Smile Nile are exchanging their position with Style Mile respectively with everything else constant

therefore step 2 is- Style  Mile  Smile Nile    Shine Wine  Bovine Feline  Mine   Swine

In step 3 the 1 and 2 of Second group are exchanging their position i.e.  Shine is exchanging it’s position with Wine with everything else constant

therefore step 3 is- Style Mile Smile Nile Wine Shine Bovine Feline Mine Swine

In step 4 the 1 and 2 of First group are exchanging their position i.e.  Style is exchanging it’s position with Mile , 3 and 4 of First group are exchanging their position i.e.  Smile is exchanging it’s position with Nile and Similarly the 1 and 2 of Third group are exchanging their position i.e.  Bovine is exchanging it’s position with Feline , 3 and 4 of Third group are exchanging their position i.e. Mine is exchanging it’s position with Swine with the positions of Shine and Wine remaining same

therefor step 4 is- Mile Style Nile Smile Wine Shine Feline Bovine Swine  Mine

In step 5 the 1 and 2 of First group are exchanging their position with the 3 and 4 respectively i.e. Mile Style are exchanging their position with Nile Smile respectively and the 1 and 2 of Third group are exchanging their position with the 3 and 4 respectively i.e. Feline Bovine are exchanging their position with Swine Mine respectively with everything else constant

therefor step 5 is- Nile Smile Mile Style Wine Shine Swine Mine Feline Bovine

In step 6 the 1 and 2 of Third group are exchanging their position with the 3 and 4 respectively i.e. Swine Mine are exchanging their position with Feline Bovine respectively with everything else constant

therefor step 6 is- Nile Smile Mile Style Wine Shine Feline Bovine Swine  Mine

In step 7 the 1 and 2 of First group are exchanging their position with the 3 and 4 respectively i.e. Nile Smile are exchanging their position with Mile Style respectively with everything else constant

therefor step 7 is- Mile  Style  Nile    Smile Wine  Shine Feline  Bovine Swine  Mine

As can be observed the pattern is repeating

therefore step 8 will be Mile  Style  Nile    Smile Shine Wine Feline  Bovine Swine  Mine

step 9- Style Mile Smile Nile Shine Wine Bovine Feline Mine Swine

step 10- Smile Nile Style Mile Shine Wine Mine Swine Bovine Feline

step 11- Smile Nile Style Mile Shine Wine Bovine Feline Mine Swine

step 12- Style Mile Smile Nile Shine Wine Bovine Feline Mine Swine

step 13- Style Mile Smile Nile Wine Shine Bovine Feline Mine Swine

step 14- Mile Style Nile Smile Wine Shine Feline Bovine Swine Mine

As can be seen the answer cannot be step 9/11/14 therefore by eliminating the options we get the answer as step 20

Therefore the answer is option ‘C’

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8) Answer (A)

The machine is arranging the numbers in the increasing order of the sum of the digits on the number.

Input: 245 (11), 316 (10), 436 (13), 519 (15), 868 (22), 710 (8), 689 (23).

The number in the bracket indicates the sum of digits of the given number.

Step 1: 710 (8), 316 (10), 436 (13), 519 (15), 868 (22), 245 (11), 689 (23).

 The machine has swapped 710 (8) with 245 (11).

Step 2: 710 (8), 316 (10), 245 (11), 519 (15), 868 (22), 436 (13), 689 (23).

Thus it has swapped 436 (13) with 245 (11).

Step 3: 710 (8), 316 (10), 245 (11), 436 (13), 868 (22), 519 (15), 689 (23).

Thus it has swapped 436 (13) with 519 (15).

Step 4: 710 (8), 316 (10), 245 (11), 436 (13), 519 (15), 868 (22), 689 (23).

Thus it has swapped 519 (15) with 868 (22).

Going by the logic mentioned above,

Input: 655 (16), 436 (13), 764 (17), 799 (25), 977 (23), 572 (14), 333 (9).

Step 1: 333 (9), 436 (13), 764 (17), 799 (25), 977 (23), 572 (14), 655 (16).

Step 2: 333 (9), 436 (13), 572 (14), 799 (25), 977 (23), 764 (17), 655 (16).

Step 3: 333 (9), 436 (13), 572 (14), 655 (16), 977 (23), 764 (17), 799 (25).

This is the required sequence which is achieved in Step 3.

Hence, option A is the correct answer.

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9) Answer (B)

10) Answer (D)

The machine is arranging the numbers in the increasing order of the sum of the digits on the number.

Input: 245 (11), 316 (10), 436 (13), 519 (15), 868 (22), 710 (8), 689 (23).

The number in the bracket indicates the sum of digits of the given number.

Step 1: 710 (8), 316 (10), 436 (13), 519 (15), 868 (22), 245 (11), 689 (23).

 The machine has swapped 710 (8) with 245 (11).

Step 2: 710 (8), 316 (10), 245 (11), 519 (15), 868 (22), 436 (13), 689 (23).

Thus it has swapped 436 (13) with 245 (11).

Step 3: 710 (8), 316 (10), 245 (11), 436 (13), 868 (22), 519 (15), 689 (23).

Thus it has swapped 436 (13) with 519 (15).

Step 4: 710 (8), 316 (10), 245 (11), 436 (13), 519 (15), 868 (22), 689 (23).

Thus it has swapped 519 (15) with 868 (22).

We are given the result obtained in step 3rd. We can’t go backward as there is no logic for processing backward. Hence, option D is the correct answer.

11) Answer (C)

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