Idioms and Phrases For SSC GD PDF

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idioms and phrases for ssc gd pdf

Idioms and Phrases For SSC GD PDF

SSC GD Constable Idioms and Phrases Question and Answers download PDF based on previous year question paper of SSC GD exam. 10 Very important Idioms and Phrases questions for GD Constable.




Question 1: Choose the option that captures the meaning of the given idiom: Bread and butter

a) Edible items

b) Itemized deductions

c) Start afresh

d) Main source of income

Question 2: Choose the option that captures the meaning of the given idiom: Bury the hatchets

a) Risk your integrity to get the work done

b) Assign significant importance to someone

c) End a conflict and become friendly

d) Kill an enemy

Question 3: Choose the option that captures the meaning of the given idiom: Bed of thorns

a) Full of difficulties

b) Extreme patriotism

c) Supporting anti-incumbency movements

d) Work half-heartedly towards a definite goal

Question 4: Choose the option that captures the meaning of the given idiom:
Back on one’s feet

a) Venturing into different avenues

b) To be healthy again after sickness

c) Portray sophisticated tantrums

d) Early taste of success

Question 5: Choose the option which is nearest to the meaning of given idioms/phrases. Bronx cheer

a) To cheer with vigour

b) To punish someone

c) To cheer sarcastically

d) To cheer for an opponent team recognizing their play.



Question 6: Choose the option which is nearest to the meaning of given idioms/phrases. Neck of the woods

a) A thickly forested area

b) To be in deep trouble

c) Just the beginning of something

d) A neighbourhood

Question 7: Choose the option which is nearest to the meaning of given idioms/phrases. Beet red

a) To thrash someone mercilessly

b) To be embarrassed or angry

c) To be saddened by a bitter experience

d) To beat the opponent by a good margin

Question 8: Choose the option which is nearest to the meaning of given idioms/phrases. Kitty corner

a) A place where useless stuff is stored.

b) A place assigned to someone who is important.

c) A place that is diagonally opposite to the given place.

d) A place that is isolated and located far away.

Question 9: Choose the option which is nearest to the meaning of given idioms/phrases. Get the boot

a) Join the Military

b) Get promoted

c) Get fired

d) Do the preparatory work for a task to be accomplished

Question 10: Choose the option which is nearest to the meaning of given idioms/phrases. Ace in the hole

a) A crucial resource that is hidden till its use is required.

b) A talented person who is chained by his circumstances.

c) A person who is considered a doyen in his field.

d) A person whose capabilities are limited to a particular field.


Question 11: Choose the option that captures the meaning of the given idiom: Run helter-skelter

a) Risking life for unnecessary adventures

b) Dream about tidy situations

c) Reaching the venue at the last moment

d) A carelessly hurried situation

Question 12: Choose the option that captures the meaning of the given idiom: Throw out of gears

a) Get excited about unplanned adventures

b) Lose control overgrowth

c) Disturb the working of the existing system

d) Speed up the growth

Question 13: Choose the option that captures the meaning of the given idiom: Turn the tables

a) Get into an argument

b) Reverse the situation

c) Showing aggressive characteristics

d) Disturbing the working of the existing system

Question 14: Choose the option that captures the meaning of the given idiom: Quite the thing

a) Very fashionable and popular

b) Friendly attitude towards relatives

c) Audacious mind

d) Significant importance

Question 15: Choose the option which is nearest to the meaning of given idioms/phrases. All mouth no trousers

a) A poor man

b) To talk boastfully without any intention of acting on one’s words

c) An empty threat

d) A responsible man


Question 16: Choose the option which is nearest to the meaning of given idioms/phrases. Donkey’s years

a) A period of high work pressure

b) A year full of failures

c) A very long time

d) A waste of time

Question 17: Choose the option which is nearest to the meaning of given idioms/phrases. A different kettle of fish

a) A hostile environment

b) A different mindset

c) A difficult situation

d) A muddle or awkward state of affairs

Question 18: Choose the option which is nearest to the meaning of given idioms/phrases. Bob’s your uncle

a) It is all set

b) Carelessness

c) Fear

d) A bad habit

Question 19: Choose the option which is nearest to the meaning of given idioms/phrases. When pigs fly

a) When someone is very happy

b) An impossible event

c) When the situation is favourable

d) When the conditions are adverse

Question 20: Choose the option which is nearest to the meaning of given idioms/phrases. Curiosity killed the rat

a) Being scared is better than being curious

b) Someone who does not help anybody

c) Too much arrogance can lead to the downfall

d) Being inquisitive can lead to an unpleasant situation

Answers & Solutions:

1) Answer (D)

‘Bread and butter’ is an idiom which means ‘the main source of income’. Therefore, option D is the right answer.

2) Answer (C)

‘Bury the hatchets’ is an idiom which means ‘End a conflict and become friendly’. Therefore, option C is the right answer.

3) Answer (A)

‘Bed of thorns’ is an idiom which means ‘Full of difficulties’. For example, the path to success is usually a bed of thorns. Therefore, option A is the right answer.

4) Answer (B)

‘Back on one’s feet’ is an idiom which means ‘To be healthy again after sickness’. For example, I was back in my feet after recovering from fever. Therefore, option B is the right answer.

5) Answer (C)

’Bronx cheer’ means to cheer sarcastically. The phrase carries a negative connotation. Therefore, option C is the right answer.


6) Answer (D)

’Neck of the woods’ is a term used to describe that a place is located nearby. Therefore, option D is the right answer.

7) Answer (B)

’Beet red’ means to be severely embarrassed or angry. Therefore, option B is the right answer.

8) Answer (C)

’Kitty corner’ is a term that is used to describe a place that is located diagonally opposite to the given place. Therefore, option C is the right answer.

9) Answer (C)

’To get the boot’ means to get fired. Therefore, option C is the right answer.

10) Answer (A)

’Ace in the hole’ is a term used to describe a resource that is deliberately hidden until its need arises. Therefore, option A is the right answer.

11) Answer (D)

‘Run helter-skelter’ is an idiom used to indicate a carelessly hurried or disorderly situation. Therefore, option D is the right answer.

12) Answer (C)

‘Throw out of gears’ is an idiom which means not working properly. For example, many small online firms are thrown out of gears because of sugary discounts culture adopted by multinational e-commerce entrants. Therefore, option C is the right answer.

13) Answer (B)

‘Turn the tables’ is an idiom which means reverse the condition. For example, with some latest invention in the pharma industry, Indian research agencies are looking strong to turn the table about the Indian healthcare system. Therefore, option B is the right answer.

14) Answer (A)

‘Quite the thing’ is an idiom which means ‘very fashionable and popular’. For example, the latest trends in the apparel industry are quite a thing. Therefore, option A is the right answer.

15) Answer (B)

‘All mouth no trousers’ means to talk boastfully without any intention of acting on one’s word.
Hence, option B is the correct answer.

16) Answer (C)

“Donkey’s years” means a very long time.
Hence, option C is the correct answer.

17) Answer (D)

‘A different kettle of fish’ means a muddle or awkward state of affairs.
Hence, option D is the correct answer.

18) Answer (A)

‘Bob’s your uncle’ means that it is all set.
Hence, option A is the correct answer.

19) Answer (B)

‘When pigs fly’ is used to represent an impossible event.
Hence, option B is the correct answer.

20) Answer (D)

‘Curiosity killed the rat’ means being inquisitive can lead to an unpleasant situation.
Hence, option D is the correct answer


We hope this idioms and phrases questions for SSC GD will be highly useful for your preparation.


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