IBPS Clerk Expected Cut Off 2019 Prelims & Mains (State Wise) & Previous Year 2018 Cut Offs

IBPS Clerk Prelims & Mains Expected Cut off 2019 to 2020
IBPS Clerk Prelims & Mains Expected Cut off 2019 to 2020

IBPS Clerk 2019 Expected Cut Off 2019 – Prelims & Mains Previous Year 2018 Cut Off State-wise 

Institute of personal banking selection (IBPS) has released the PDF notification for the post of office assistant across India. This year the number of vacancies are increased compared to the previous year. IBPS has released a total 12075 number of vacancies this year it is nearly 50% more compared to the previous year.

Online application for prelims started from 17 September 2019. IBPS going to conduct prelims exam for the Clerk post on 7th, 8th, 14th and 21st December. IBPS Clerk selection will be made on merit basis on the score obtained in the mains exam. There is no interview for this clerk post. The prelims marks are only needed to qualify for the mains exam.

In this article, we are Going to explain IBPS Clerk Expected cut off, IBPS  Clerk mains expected cut off 2019, IBPS Clerk Previous Year Cut off, what are the factors for increasing the cut-off, IBPS clerk cut off 2018 prelims state wise and category wise, IBPS Clerk expected Cut Off 2019, what is the safe score for IBPS Clerk prelims etc. 

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IBPS Clerk 2019 Notification Details:

Application Mode   Online
Mode of exam Online mode only
Total number of vacancies 12075
Negative Marking 1/4 of marks
The difficulty level of exam in Prelims Easy to moderate
The difficulty level of exam in Mains Moderate to difficulty
Prelims exam important dates 7th, 8th, 14th & 24th December 2019
Exam Conducted Body Institute Of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS)


IBPS has scheduled the prelims exam in the month of December 2019. IBPS Clerk online preparation will help you to complete your preparation with in the short period of time. Before going to mains, it is must to clear the sectional cut off and score more marks in total to qualify in prelims. There is a time limit for each section in IBPS Clerk. The sectional Time limit for each section is 20 minutes.

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Important Factors To Determine The IBPS Clerk Cut off :

The selection process of IBPS Clerk is based on the merit basis, so the candidate who scores more marks will qualify in IBPS Clerk Exam (also based on category and state applied). Generally, state-wise number of vacancies determines the IBPS Clerk Cut off. The following are the important factors to affects the IBPS Clerk Cut Off.

  1. The total number of vacancies for the exam.
  2. The total number of candidate apply for the exam.
  3. The difficulty level of the exam.

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IBPS Previous Years’ Cutoffs for Prelims & Mains

IBPS Clerk Cut Off 2018 Prelims

IBPS Pre cut off 2018 Sectional & category-wise cut off

Category English Reasoning Quantitative
General 9.75 10.75 11.75
OBC 6.75 6.25 8.00
SC 6.75 6.25 8.00
ST 6.75 6.25 8.00


IBPS has released the state-wise vacancies for the post of Office Assistant. It is necessary to clear sectional cut off and also score good marks to get a place in the merit list.  Prelims marks will not be calculated at the time of your final selection.  IBPS Clerk Prelims Cut off differ from state to state. In the following table, we have mentioned statewise IBPS Clerk Prelims cut off.

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IBPS Clerk Prelims 2018 State-wise Cut Off:

Name Of The State Cut Off
Andhra Pradesh  75.75 
Tamil Nadu  57.75
Madhya Pradesh 71.25
Uttar Pradesh 74.00 
Delhi  71.75 
Bihar 73.50 
Gujarat  67.75 
Rajasthan  73.00 
Odisha  72.75 
Haryana  73.00 
Telangana  58.25 
Karnataka   66.25 
Himachal Pradesh  73.00 
Jharkhand  74.00 
Maharashtra  63.25 
West Bengal  73.50 
Assam  67.25 
West Bengal  73.50 
Chandigarh  66.75
Punjab  73.25 


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IBPS Clerk Prelims Expected Cut Off 2019-2020:

The total number of vacancies is increased compared to last year. The difficulty level of the IBPS Clerk prelims examination is expected to be easy to moderate level. The expected cut off to be increased two to three marks compared to the previous year.

IBPS Clerk Prelims Safe Score 2019:

IBPS has mentioned clearly in the notification it is necessary to clear the sectional cut off from each section to write mains exam. In 2018 prelims the sectional cut off is close to 10-12 marks (general category). We can consider 13 to 15 to be a safe score to clear each section this year.

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IBPS Clerk 2018 Mains Cut Off (Previous Year):

IBPS Clerk Mains Section-wise & Category-wise Cut Off 2018:

Category General English Reasoning & Computer Aptitude Quantitative Aptitude General Awareness
General 12.50 15.50 17.75 10.25
OBC 9.25 14.50 12.75 6.5
SC 9.25 14.50 12.75 6.5
ST 9.25 14.50 12.75 6.5

IBPS Clerk Mains Cut Off 2018

The score of the applicant in the mains examination is the only criterion used while preparing the final merit list. Therefore, aspirants should try to score more marks in the mains exam. The following table shows the state-wise cut off for mains exam for each category.

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Name of the       state General OBC SC ST
NEW DELHI 55.83 50.6 44.35 39.18
JAMMU & KASHMIR 54.93 44  39.35 33.48
KERALA 53.58 51.5 39.68 28.85
WEST BENGAL 53.28 44.2 40.73 34.73
RAJASTHAN 53.18 51.23 40.88 31.75
TAMIL NADU 52.43 52.35 43.95 32.55
HIMACHAL PRADESH 53.05 45.15 40.28 40.38
KARNATAKA 51.95 49.8 42.78 36.83
UTTRAKHAND 52.5 44.55 41.15 46.45
UTTAR PRADESH 51.45 44.88 37.13 27.8
BIHAR 51.78 49.1 36.6 35.28
ODISHA 51.28 49.78 37.9 24.68
TELANGANA 51.75 49.5 43.53 37.23
MADHYA PRADESH 51.18 47.05 37.33 27.78
JHARKHAND 50.63 46.03 28.93 26.53
ANDHRA PRADESH 50.98 48.1 41.43 32.95
CHATTISGARH 49.88 48.05 34.55 26.35
MAHARASHTRA 50.05 48.2 46.1 33.93
ASSAM 49.83 44.2 43.4 38.48
GUJARAT 48.45 42.3 39.83 25.38
PUNJAB  56.58 48.45 40.88       —
HARYANA 56.43 50.03 44.18
CHANDIGARH 55.18 48.38 43.63       —


IBPS Clerk Mains Expected Cut Off 2019:

There has not been any major change in the pattern of the mains exam. The number of vacancies increased compared to the previous year.  Therefore, we can expect the cutoffs to increase by 5 to 8 marks compared to last year cut-offs, the level of the exam remains the same.

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IBPS Clerk Mains Cut Off 2017

IBPS Clerk Prelims Section-wise Cut Off 2017

  1. Reasoning Ability: 14.50
  2. Quantitative Aptitude: 13.50
  3. English Language:  9.50

IBPS Clerk Prelims 2017 State-wise Cut Off:

State Cut off
Andhra Pradesh 73.5
Assam 70.75
Bihar 74.75
Chattisgarh 70.25
Daman & Diu 70.75
Delhi 76.75
Goa 67.75
Gujarat 67
Haryana 76
Himachal Pradesh 75
Jammu & Kashmir 76
Jharkhand 74.25
Karnataka 61.25
Kerela 77
Madhya Pradesh 74.25
Maharashtra 64.5
Odisha 76.5
Punjab 74
Rajasthan 73.25
Tamil Nadu 53
Telangana 70
Uttar Pradesh 76.25
Uttarakhand 78.75
West Bengal 77.25

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IBPS Clerk 2017 Mains Cut off (State-wise & Category-wise):

State General OBC SC ST
Andaman & Nicobar
Andhra Pradesh 50.78 48.31 40.27 31.84
Arunachal Pradesh 46.43 41.49
Assam 47.17 43.43 40.79 36.16
Bihar 53.43 50.95 38.86 37.27
Chandigarh 54.07 47.95 46.39  
Chhattisgarh 50.43 50.34 39.46 24.49
Dadra & Nagar Haveli 39.02
Daman & Diu 45.92 36.91
New Delhi 53.82 47.81 42.68 38.03
Goa 44.7 44.07 24.43
Gujarat 47.53 44.04 39.95 23.68
Haryana 52.72 46.81 39.21
Himachal Pradesh 52.88 43.17 43.99 40.74
Jammu & Kashmir 52.31 42.71 39.74
Jharkhand 47.29 46.21 34.24 31.02
Karnataka 44.56 43.67 36.77 31.42
Kerala 52.32 50.52 40.68 30.89
Madhya Pradesh 48.89 45.03 36.43 26.63
Maharashtra 45.95 43.93 42.91 26.38
Manipur 44.21 62.36 45.77 41.74
Meghalaya 39.09 37.82 38.31
Mizoram 40.79
Nagaland 40.45 39.74
Odisha 51.22 50.64 37.07 31.32
Puducherry 48.06 47.47 41.27
Punjab 53.16 45.22 37.88
Rajasthan 52.93 48.17 38.28 34.7
Sikkim 49.67 47.21
Tamil Nadu 48.49 48.27 39.39 35.29
Telangana 49.97 48.72 40.18 34.17
Tripura 48.86 45.68 25.5
Uttar Pradesh 51.13 44.24 37.2 33.53
Uttarakhand 53.16 47.11 40.16 38.11
West Bengal 54.47 45.06 42.14 39.95


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we hope this article will help you to know the IBPS Clerk 2019 expected cut off. Want free guidance for IBPS Clerk from Experts, Whatsapp ‘IBPS Clerk ’ to 7661025557.


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