How To Prepare For SSC CGL At Home Without Coaching?

How To Prepare SSC CGL With Out Coaching
How To Prepare SSC CGL With Out Coaching

 How To Prepare For SSC CGL At Home Without Coaching?

 Staff selection commission(SSC) is expected to release the official notification for the combined graduation level (CGL)-2019 on 31st October, 2019. SSC CGL application form 2019 will be available for filling the application form from then. An applicant who is eligible & interested in the exam can start preparing for the exam from now.


SSC CGL Tier -1 Exam Pattern: Subjects No. Of questions No. Of marks Time allocated
1 English 25 50 60 minutes
2 Quantitative Aptitude 25 50
3 Reasoning 25 50
4 General Awareness 25 50
total 100 200

Note :

1) The negative marking of 0.5 marks for each and every wrong answer

2) Marks will not be deducted if the questions not attempted by the candidate.

3) There is no sectional cut off

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SSC CGL Tier-2 Exam Pattern Subject Total number of questions Total number of marks Allocated time
1 English & reading comprehension 200 200 2 hours
2 Quantitative Aptitude 100 200 2 hours
3 reasoning 100 200 2 hours
4 General science (economy & financial) 100 200 2 hours
5 Total Marks 500 800  


Negative: 1) There will be negative marking of 0.25 for each and every wrong answer.

2) Marks will not be deducted if the questions not attempted by the candidate.

3) There is no sectional cut off.

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How To Prepare English for SSC CGL At Home:

  1. Solve at least 2 to 3 comprehension  passages regularly. This will helps you to increase the reading speed.
  2. Read the English news paper regularly and note down new words, idioms & phrases and revise regularly.
  3. Candidates should put more effort on vocabulary, because Good command on vocabulary is most important to get more marks in English.
  4. Give online mock test regularly and analyse you performance like time, how many questions you did a mistake, this is important to know.
  5. Get the complete command on grammar. To improve your grammar, work on prepositions, conjunctions, Active & passive voice and tenses etc..

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How to prepare Quantitative Aptitude for SSC CGL At Home:

  1. Understand the concept and practise more number of questions in each and every topic.
  2. Put more effort on  Trigonometry, Algebra & Geometry etc.. because this sections are interesting and also take more to solve the questions.
  3. At the time of your preparation try to note some important formulas, and recall these formulas in your free time and practise similar questions based on the formulas.
  4. Try to spend at least 2 to 3 hours on quantitative section.
  5. Write sectional mock test regularly it will helps  you to become expert in the subject.
  6. Try to spend more time on your weaker section and try to solve more difficulty problems. It will help you to face difficult problems in the exam.
  7. Try to solve previous question papers it will helps you to find the which type of questions that are asked in the in the exam, the difficulty level etc..
  8. To increase your speed try practising regularly. 

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How to prepare Reasoning For SSC CGL At Home:

  1. Solve the puzzles regularly it helps you to improve your logical thinking.
  2. Practise more questions on important topics like puzzles, blood relations, figure problems, odd one out etc..
  3. Try to Practise as many previous question papers as possible. Because it gives you an idea on how the questions paper might appear.
  4. Don’t stop your preparation because regular practise is important in improving your performance.
  5. Give the online mock test regularly and analyse your day-by-day performance.
  6. Try to perform SSC CGL quiz Regularly.

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How to prepare General Awareness for SSC CGL At Home:

  1. Make a habit of reading news paper regularly because it place a vital role in the preparation of the current affairs.
  2. Analyse the exam syllabus of SSC CGL for GA Section and identify your strength and weaker subjects and put more effort on your weaker sections. 
  3. Reading the news paper regularly gives an idea about recent events and the related historical incidents as well.
  4. Read the current affairs regularly and perform quiz.
  5. Watch the English news channel and read the magazines regularly to know the trending economic of the nation.
  6. Browse the internet for regular updated information on economy.
  7. Allocate specific time for revising the topic regularly.


 General Tips – How to prepare for SSC CGL without coaching

  1. Try to practise topic-wise questions which will help you to get complete command on the subjects. 
  2.  While preparing try to solve tricky questions within time because it provides a capability to solve difficult questions at the examination.
  3. Allocate 8 to 9 hours per day to your SSC CGL exam preparation.
  4. Give more online mock tests before going to the exam. It will help you how to manage the time in the examination.
  5. Try to spend more time on your weaker section and important topics.
  6. Note down some important points while preparation and revise it in your free time.
  7. Making a habit of reading newspaper regularly it helps you to build your current affairs knowledge.
  8. Try to practice more topic-wise questions on your weaker topics based on your mock analysis.
  9. Don’t make unnecessary assumptions while solving the problem. Use smart tricks and method for solving any problem.
  10. To improve the logical skill candidate solve puzzles and mind games in free time.

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