High level reasoning puzzles for CAT

High level reasoning puzzles for CAT
High level reasoning puzzles for CAT

High level reasoning puzzles for CAT:

Download logical reasoning puzzles of CAT exam level based on previous CAT LR asked questions. Download CAT level LR problems with solutions and detailed explanations.

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Question 1: Kiran : First aid dispensaries can save lives. I believe that every apartment in this city should be equipped with a dispensary.
Jaipal : I disagree with your proposal. Dispensaries are just as important for safety in private houses as they are in apartment.
It can be inferred that Jaipal has interpreted Kiran’s statement to mean that.

a) The rate of accidents in apartments is usually high.
b) Safety for people living in private houses is not as important as for people living in apartments.
c) The governments should be responsible for providing first-aid kits to every apartment.
d) Houses should not be equipped with first-aid dispensaries.

Question 2: In certain code language, BOARD is coded as CQDVI, what is the code for the word CONSULTING?


Question 3: P and Q are sisters and R and S are brothers. P’s daughter is S’s sister. How is Q related to R?

a) Maternal aunt
b) Niece
c) Nephew
d) GrandMother

Question 4: Pointing to a photograph a man Bhargav says, “She is the daughter of the only son of my grandfather.” How is the woman in the photograph related to Bhargav?

a) Sister
b) Cousin
c) Aunt
d) Cannot be determined

Question 5: The brother of X’s mother is the only son of Y’s mother’s father. How is Y’s mother related to X?

a) Mother
b) Daughter
c) Grandmother
d) Can’t be determined

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Question 6: X’s only brother is the father of Y’s daughter’s father? If both X and Y are male, how is X related to Y?

a) Father
b) Uncle
c) Grandfather
d) Cousin

Question 7: X is the only daughter of Y. Y’s son is the maternal uncle of Z. How is X related to Z’s father?

a) Wife
b) Sister
c) Sister-in-law
d) Can’t be determined

Question 8: Five brothers A,B,C,D and E are standing in a straight line in order of their ages, with the youngest, D, at the front.

Statement 1: A and B are not standing next to each other.
Statement 2: C and D are standing next to each other.
Statement 3: E and C are not standing next to each other.

Who is standing second from last in the group?

a) A
b) C
c) E
d) Can’t be determined

Question 9: Five brothers A,B,C,D and E are standing in a straight line in order of their ages, with the youngest, D, at the front.

Statement 1: A and B are not standing next to each other.
Statement 2: C and D are standing next to each other.
Statement 3: E and C are not standing next to each other.

If A is the oldest of the brothers, who is standing in the middle?

a) B
b) C
c) E
d) Can’t be determined

Question 10: Five brothers A,B,C,D and E are standing in a straight line in order of their ages, with the youngest, D, at the front.

Statement 1: A and B are not standing next to each other.
Statement 2: C and D are standing next to each other.
Statement 3: E and C are not standing next to each other.

The exact positions of how many brothers can be determined ?

a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4

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Solutions for High level reasoning puzzles for CAT:


1) Answer (B)

Jaipal states that “Dispensaries are just as important for safety in private houses…”this shows Jaipal thinks that Kiran is not considering the safety of private house as important as that of the apartments. So the correct answer is option B.

2) Answer (C)

B+1 -C
O+2 -Q
A+3 -D
R+4 -V
D+5 -I
Similarly the code for the word CONSULTING is DQQWZRAQWQ.

3) Answer (A)

Given P’s daughter is S’s sister ==> R and S are children of P.
==> Q is the maternal aunt of R and S.

4) Answer (D)

If the grandfather was his father’s father then she would be Bhargav’s sister.
If the grandfather was his mother’s father then she would be Bhargav’s cousin.
Hence the answer cannot be determined.

5) Answer (D)

X’s maternal uncle is the same as Y’s maternal uncle.
If their mothers are the same, then Y’s mother is X’s mother.
Otherwise, Y’s mother is X’s aunt. Hence, the relationship can’t be determined


6) Answer (B)

X’s only brother is the father of Y’s daughter’s father.
So, X’s only brother is the father of Y.
So, X is Y’s uncle.

7) Answer (A)

Y’s son is X’s brother and as X is the only daughter of Y, X is Z’s mother.
Hence, Z’s father is Y’s husband.

8) Answer (C)

As D is standing in the front and is the youngest of all, statement 2 implies that C is the second youngest.
So, statement 1, implies that E is standing fourth in the group.

9) Answer (A)

As D is standing in the front and is the youngest of all, statement 2 implies that C is the second youngest.
Given that A is standing last, it implies that B is standing in the middle

10) Answer (C)

Since D is the youngest D stands at the front. Since D and C stand together C is at the second position. Also, A and B cannot stand together => E is at the fourth position. A and B can be at the 3rd or 5th position, thus the exact positions of only 3 brothers can be determined.

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