Grammar Correction Questions for MAH – CET | Download PDF

Grammar Correction Questions
Grammar Correction Questions

Grammar Correction Questions for MAH – CET 2022 | Download PDF

Here you can download CMAT 2022 – important MAH – CET Grammar Correction Questions PDF by Cracku. Very Important MAH – CET 2022 and These questions will help your MAH – CET preparation. So kindly download the PDF for reference and do more practice.

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Read each of the following sentences to find out whether there is any error in it.The error,if any, will be in one part of sentence.The number of that part is the answer. If there is no error (E) (Ignore errors of punctuation, if any)

Question 1: There is lots of(A)/ supports from the employees(B)/ for the proposal to(C)/ merge with the parent company(D)/ No error(E).

a) (A)

b) (B)

c) (C)

d) (D)

e) (E)

Question 2: Experts have recommended that(A)/ the government reconsidered(B)/ restrictions imposed on foreign (C)/ investment in real estate(D)/ No error(E).

a) (A)

b) (B)

c) (C)

d) (D)

e) (E)

Question 3: The crucial point to(A)/ be discussed at the(B)/ meeting is how to(C)/ well implement the policy(D)/ No error(E).

a) (A)

b) (B)

c) (C)

d) (D)

e) (E)

Question 4: He wants to(A)/ set up a laboratory(B)/ to undertake research(C)/ into a vaccine for cancer(D)/ No error(E)

a) (A)

b) (B)

c) (C)

d) (D)

e) (E)

Question 5: According to him(A)/ two factors which are(B)/ needy for success(C)/ are discipline and diligence(D)/ No error(E)

a) (A)

b) (B)

c) (C)

d) (D)

e) (E)

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Question 6: Because of the pace at(A) which the company is growing(B)/ I believe it will easily(C)/ achieve their target(D)/ No error(E)

a) (A)

b) (B)

c) (C)

d) (D)

e) (E)

Question 7: It is truth(A)/ that India(B)/ is the largest consumer of(C)/ gold in the world(D)/No error(E)

a) (A)

b) (B)

c) (C)

d) (D)

e) (E)


Read each sentence to find out whether there is any grammatical mistake/error in it. The error any, will be in one part of the sentence. Mark the number of the part with errors as your answer. If there is ‘No error’, mark (5)

Question 8: If you have made a mistake A(1)/ while filling up the form B(2) you should be informed C(3)/the Income Tax Department immediately. D(4)/ No error E(5)

a) A

b) B

c) C

d) D

e) E

Question 9: Reading newspaper will A(1)/ help you B(2)/in understand banking C(3)/and business concepts./D(4) No error E(5)

a) A

b) B

c) C

d) D

e) E

Question 10: Government departments should A(1)/ share information with B(2)/ one another so that C(3)/they records are up-to-date D(4)/ No error E(5)

a) A

b) B

c) C

d) D

e) E


In each of the questions given below a sentence is given which is then divided into five parts out of which last part is correct. There is an error in three part of the sentence and only one part is correct. You have to choose the part as your answer.

Question 11: A long table was spread on the center (A)/ of the great dining-hall from the palace (B)/ and the splendor of the decoration were (C)/ acknowledged to be the most magnificent seen (D)/ that any of the guests had ever seen. (E)

a) A long table was spread on the center

b) of the great dining-hall from the palace

c) and the splendor of the decoration were

d) that any of the guests had ever seen.

e) All are incorrect

Question 12: Both the shaggy man and Dorothy looking (A)/ grave and anxious, for they (B)/ were sorrow that such (C)/ a misfortunately had overtaken (D)/ servants in white aprons. (E)

a) Both the shaggy man and Dorothy looking

b) grave and anxious, for they

c) were sorrow that such

d) a misfortunately had overtaken

e) All are incorrect

Question 13: Both the shaggy man and Dorothy looking (A)/ grave and anxious, for they (B)/ were sorrow that such (C)/ a misfortunately had overtaken (D)/ servants in white aprons. (E)

a) Both the shaggy man and Dorothy looking

b) grave and anxious, for they

c) were sorrow that such

d) a misfortunately had overtaken

e) All are incorrect

Question 14: The captain led them with (A)/ many rooms, were richly dressed kings (B)/ were sitting on beautiful chairs and (C)/ sipped tea, which was being passed around by (D)/ servants in white aprons. (E)

a) The captain led them with

b) many rooms, were richly dressed kings

c) were sitting on beautiful chairs and

d) sipped tea, which was being passed around by

e) All are incorrect

Question 15: If the present instructions (A)/ the individual are required (B)/ to linking id proof (C)/ from mobile number (D)/ to open a new account. (E)

a) If the present instructions

b) the individual are required

c) to linking id proof

d) from mobile number

e) All are incorrect

Question 16: I asked him what trade could be (A)/ so dreadful as the one he following, (B)/ where he ran the continnual peril of his life, (C)/ nothing alone from wind and sea, (D)/ but by the horrid cruelty of his masters. (E)

a) I asked him what trade could be

b) so dreadful as the one he following,

c) where he ran the continnual peril of his life,

d) nothing alone from wind and sea,

e) All are incorrect

Question 17: Nobody, except these (A)/ happily gifted individuals (B)/ which can see but one (C)/ aspects of an intricate infinitude, (D)/ imagines any simple solution. (E)

a) Nobody, except these

b) happily gifted individuals

c) which can see but one

d) aspects of an intricate infinitude,

e) All are incorrect

Question 18: I certainly did not (A)/ begin to realized (B)/ one of most important aspect (C)/ of this questions until I (D)/ reached the land of opportunities. (E)

a) I certainly did not

b) begin to realized

c) one of most important aspect

d) of this questions until I

e) reached the land of opportunities.

Question 19: I am full aware of (A)/ the generous, the nobility (B)/ of sentiment who underlies (C)/ the German objection to (D)/ any hindrance to immigration. (E)

a) I am full aware of

b) the generous, the nobility

c) of sentiment who underlies

d) the German objection to

e) All are incorrect

Question 20: Let me tried now (A)/ and make some sort (B)/ off general picture of the (C)/ India nation as it impresses (D)/ itself upon me. (E)

a) Let me tried now

b) and make some sort

c) off general picture of the

d) India nation as it impresses

e) All are incorrect

Question 21: The materials factors (A)/ on a nation’s future (B)/ are subordinate factors, (C)/ they had present (D)/ advantages or disadvantages. (E)

a) The materials factors

b) on a nation’s future

c) are subordinate factors

d) they had present

e) All are incorrect

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Answers & Solutions:

1) Answer (B)

The error is in part B.

The correct statement would read as:

There is lots of support from the employees for the proposal to merge with the parent company.

2) Answer (B)

The error is in part B.

The sentence is in present perfect tense while past form of the verb has been wrongly used.

Hence, the correct option is B.

3) Answer (D)

The error is in part D.

The position of preposition is wrong.

Hence, the correct option is D.

4) Answer (E)

The sentence is gramatically correct and has no errors.

5) Answer (C)

In part C, ‘needy’ has been used instead of ‘necessary’.

Therefore, the sentence should read as:

According to him two factors which are necessary for success are discipline and diligence.

Hence, the correct option is option C.

6) Answer (D)

The error is in part D.

The statement should read as:

Because of the pace at which the company is growing I believe it will easily achieve it’s target.

7) Answer (A)

The error is in part A.

The statement should read as:

It is true that India is the largest consumer of gold in the world.

8) Answer (C)

There is grammatical error in part C of the sentence.
The correct senetence would read as-
If you have made a mistake while filling up the form you should inform the Income Tax Department immediately.
Option C is correct.

9) Answer (C)

There is grammatical error in part C of the sentence.
The correct sentence would read as:
Reading newspaper will help you in understanding banking and business concepts.
Option C is correct.

10) Answer (D)

There is gramatical error in part D of the sentence.
The correct sentence would read as:
Government departments should share information with one another so that their records are up-to-date.
Option D is correct.

11) Answer (E)

‘On’ in A must be replaced with ‘in’ for A to be correct.
The hall is ‘of the palace’ and not ‘from the palace’.
Since the decoration is singular, ‘were’ in C must be replaced with ‘was’.
The thing that one sees is ‘sight’. Hence, ‘seen’ in D must be replaced with ‘sight’.
Hence, option E is the right choice.

12) Answer (B)

The sentence is in past tense, so ‘looking’ in A must be replaced with ‘looked’.
In C adjective form of ‘sorrow’ must be used. Hence, ‘sorrowful’ must replace ‘sorrow’ for C to be correct.
‘Misfortunately’ in D must be replaced with ‘misfortunate’ in D.
Hence, option B is the correct answer.

13) Answer (B)

The sentence is in past tense, so ‘looking’ in A must be replaced with ‘looked’.
In C adjective form of ‘sorrow’ must be used. Hence, ‘sorrowful’ must replace ‘sorrow’ for C to be correct.
‘Misfortunately’ in D must be replaced with ‘misfortunate’ in D.
Hence, option B is the correct answer.

14) Answer (C)

One leads others ‘through’ rooms and not ‘with’. Thus, A is incorrect.
‘Were’ in B must be replaced with ‘where’ as the room is a place.
Since the tense is present continuous, ‘sipped’ in D must be replaced with ‘sipping’.
Part C is correct.
Hence, the answer is option C.

15) Answer (E)

‘As per the’ must replace ‘If’ in A for the part to be correct.
Since ‘are’ is used in B, ‘individuals’ and not ‘individual’ must be used.
‘To linking’ in C is incorrect instead ‘to link’ must be used.
One links something ‘with’ other thing. So ‘from’ in D must be replaced with ‘with’.
Hence, option E is the correct choice.

16) Answer (A)

Since the sentence is in past tense, ‘following’ in B must be replaced with ‘followed’.
In C, the spelling of ‘continnual’ is incorrect. It must be replaced with ‘continual’.
‘Nothing alone’ in D does not fit in. It must be replaced with ‘not alone’.
Part A is correct.
Hence, option A is the correct choice.

17) Answer (B)

‘These’ in A must be replaced with ‘those’ as it is the plural form of ‘that’ and ‘these’ is the plural form of ‘this’.
Since ‘individuals’ is used ‘which’ in C must be replaced with ‘who’.
With ‘but one’ in C, ‘aspect’ must be used in D.

Hence, option B is the right choice.

18) Answer (A)

Usage of ‘to realized’ in B is incorrect and must be ‘to realize’.
Usage of ‘of’ is C is redundant.
If ‘this’ is used in D, then ‘question’ must be used instead of ‘questions’.
A is correct.
Hence, option A is the correct answer.

19) Answer (D)

The adverb form ‘fully’ must be used in part A.
The ‘generous.. of sentiment’ in B is incorrect instead ‘generousity’ must be used.
‘Sentiment’ is not a person, so ‘who’in C must be replaced with ‘which’.
D is correct and must be the right choice.

20) Answer (B)

Since the sentence is in the present tense, the use of ‘tried’ in A is incorrect and must be replaced with ‘try’.
Use of ‘off’ in C is incorrect and instead ‘of’ must be used.
In part D ‘Indian nation’ must be used instead of ‘India nation’.
Part B is correct.
Hence, option B is the correct choice.

21) Answer (C)

‘In’ is used to denote a moment enclosed in time. While ‘on’ is used with specific days or date. Thus, ‘on’ in part B is incorrect and must be replaced with ‘in’.
The ‘materials’ in part A must be singular.
The use of ‘had’ in part D is not incorrect.
Only part C is right.
Hence, option C is the correct choice.

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