GK Capitals Questions for CMAT & TISSNET 2022 – Download PDF

GK Capitals Questions for CMAT & TISSNET 202
GK Capitals Questions for CMAT & TISSNET 202

GK Capitals Questions for CMAT & TISSNET 2022 – Download PDF

Here you can download CMAT & TISSNET 2022 – Important GK Capitals questions [PDF] by Cracku. Very Important GK Capitals Questions for CMAT & TISSNET 2022 based on asked questions in previous exam papers. These questions will help your CMAT & TISSNET exams preparation. So kindly download the PDF for reference and do more practice.

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Question 1: ‘Stockholm’ is the capital of which of the following countries?

a) Mongolia

b) South Africa

c) El Salvador

d) Sweden

e) Zambia

Question 2: What is the capital of Tajikistan?

a) Yerevan

b) Riyadh

c) Beirut

d) Tbilisi

e) Dushanbe

Question 3: What is the capital of ‘Morocco’?

a) Berne

b) Rabat

c) Caracas

d) Banjul

e) Kigali

Question 4: Which among the following is the capital of the country Morocco?

a) Accra

b) Dublin

c) Rabat

d) Lima

e) Berne

Question 5: Which of the following countries’ capital is ‘Suva’?

a) Gabon

b) Latvia

c) Fiji

d) Cyprus

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Question 6: Which of the following is the capital of Congo?

a) Amsterdam

b) Ulaanbaatar

c) Brazzaville

d) Stockholm

e) San Salvador

Question 7: Match the following counties with their capital cities.
Country                 Capital
(a)Armenia            (i) Wellington
(b)Georgia             (ii) Yerevan
(c) New Zealand    (iii) Ankara
(d) Turkey              (iv) Tashkent
(e) Uzbekistan       (v) Tbilisi

a) (a)-(iii), (b)-(v), (c)-(ii), (d)-(i), (e)-(iv)

b) (a)-(ii), (b)-(v), (c)-(i), (d)-(iii), (e)-(iv)

c) (a)-(ii), (b)-(i), (c)-(v), (d)-(iii), (e)-(iv)

d) (a)-(iii), (b)-(v), (c)-(i), (d)-(ii), (e)-(iv)

Question 8: What is the capital of Denmark?

a) Copenhagen

b) Malabo

c) Cairo

d) Monrovia

e) Zagreb

Question 9: What is the capital of Spain?

a) Lisbon

b) Brussels

c) Madrid

d) Vienna

e) Paris

Question 10: What is the capital of Zambia?

a) Yerevan

b) Zagreb

c) Sarajevo

d) Banjul

e) Lusaka

Question 11: What is the capital of Kenya?

a) Windhoek

b) Abuja

c) Lusaka

d) Nairobi

e) Niamey

Question 12: What is the capital of the Netherlands?

a) Cairo

b) Brussels

c) Prague

d) Damascus

e) Amsterdam

Question 13: What is the capital city of Nepal?

a) Tripoli

b) Kathmandu

c) Kuwait

d) Abuja

Question 14: What is the capital of Mongolia?

a) Canberra

b) Ulaanbaatar

c) Yerevan

d) Vienna

Question 15: What is the capital of Finland?

a) Thimphu

b) Bucharest

c) Helsinki

d) Zagreb

e) Mogadishu

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Question 16: Helsinki is the capital of which country?

a) Finland

b) Switzerland

c) Japan

d) Afghanistan

Question 17: What is the capital of Kyrgyzstan?

a) Nur-Sultan

b) Bishkek

c) Dushanbe

d) Baku

e) Yerevan

Question 18: Rabat is the capital of which country?

a) Morocco

b) Japan

c) Sweden

d) Namibia

Question 19: What is the capital of Assam?

a) Kohima

b) Shillong

c) Dispur

d) Itanagar

Question 20: What is the capital of Zambia?

a) Yerevan

b) Zagreb

c) Sarajevo

d) Banjul

e) Lusaka

Question 21: Addis Ababa is the capital of which country?

a) Iran

b) Ethiopia

c) China

d) Dubai

Question 22: What is the capital of Norway?

a) Stockholm

b) Oslo

c) Helsinki

d) Tallinn

e) Copenhagen

Question 23: What is the capital of Albania?

a) Kabul

b) Algiers

c) Andorra

d) Tirana

e) Canberra

Question 24: What is the capital of Seychelles?

a) Victoria

b) Bangui

c) Bucharest

d) Dodoma

e) Bamako

Question 25: What is the capital of Jordan?

a) Beirut

b) Tripoli

c) Amman

d) Nicosia

e) Heraklion

Question 26: The capital and currency of Austria is ?

a) Vienna and Austro

b) Vienna and Euro

c) Baku and Manat

d) Brussels and Euro

Question 27: What is the capital city of Hungary?

a) Budapest

b) Reykjavik

c) Dublin

d) Berlin

e) Accra

Question 28: What is the capital of Mozambique?

a) Maputo

b) Comoros

c) Luanda

d) Bujumbura

e) Cape Town

Question 29: What is the capital of the most beautiful “Maldives”

a) Port Blair

b) Kathmandu

c) Male

d) Port Louis

Question 30: Vienna is the capital of which country?

a) Australia

b) Afghanistan

c) Austria

d) Bahrain

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Answers & Solutions:

1) Answer (D)

‘Stockholm’ is the capital of Sweden.
Hence, option d is the correct answer.

2) Answer (E)

The capital of Tajikistan is Dushanbe.
Hence, option e is the correct answer.

3) Answer (B)

Rabat is the capital of ‘Morocco’.
Hence, option b is the correct answer.

4) Answer (C)

Rabat is the capital of the country Morocco.

5) Answer (C)

‘Suva’ is the capital of Fiji.
Hence, option c is the correct answer.

6) Answer (C)

Brazzaville is the capital of Congo.

7) Answer (B)

Armenia ⇒ Yerevan
Georgia ⇒ Tbilisi
New Zealand ⇒ Wellington
Turkey ⇒ Ankara
Uzbekistan ⇒ Tashkent
Hence, option b is the correct answer.

8) Answer (A)

Copenhagen is the capital of Denmark.
Hence, option a is the correct answer.

9) Answer (C)

Madrid is the capital of Spain and currency is Euro.
Hence, option c is the correct answer.

10) Answer (E)

The capital of Zambia is Lusaka.
Hence, option e is the correct answer.

11) Answer (D)

Nairobi is the capital of Kenya.
Hence, option d is the correct answer.

12) Answer (E)

Amsterdam is the capital of the Netherlands and it’s currency is euro.
Hence, option e is the correct answer.

13) Answer (A)

14) Answer (B)

15) Answer (C)

Helsinki is the capital of Finland. Its currency is Euro.
Hence, option c is the correct answer.

16) Answer (A)

17) Answer (B)

Bishkek is the capital of Kyrgyzstan. Its currency is som.
Hence, option b is the correct answer.

18) Answer (A)

19) Answer (C)

20) Answer (E)

The capital of Zambia is Lusaka.
Hence, option e is the correct answer.

21) Answer (B)

22) Answer (B)

Oslo is the capital of Norway.
Hence, option b is the correct answer.

23) Answer (D)

THe capital of Albania is Tirana and its currency is Lek.

24) Answer (A)

Victoria is the capital of Seychelles. Its currency is Seychellois rupee.
Hence, option a is the correct answer.

25) Answer (C)

Amman is the capital of Jordan. The currency of Jordan is dinar.
Hence, option c is the correct answer.

26) Answer (B)

27) Answer (A)

The capital city of Hungary is Budapest.

28) Answer (A)

The capital city of Mozambique is Maputo.

29) Answer (C)

30) Answer (C)

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