Fill in the Blanks Questions for SSC CHSL & MTS 2022

Fill in the Blanks Questions for SSC Exams
Fill in the Blanks Questions for SSC Exams

Fill in the Blanks Questions for SSC CHSL & MTS 2022 – Download PDF

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InstructionsDirections: Sentences are given with blanks to be filled in with an appropriate word(s). Four alternatives are suggested for each question. Choose the correct alternative out of the four.

Question 1: The hotel was not too expensive

a) was it ?

b) wasn’t it?

c) is it ?

d) isn’t it ?

Question 2: Like humans, zoo animals must have a dentist to __ their teeth

a) fill

b) filled

c) filling

d) to be filled

Question 3: It was very kind of you to do the washing-up, but you _ it.

a) didn’t have to do

b) hadn’t to do

c) mightn’t have done

d) mustn’t have done

Question 4: He went __ sea alone.

a) in

b) to

c) into

d) on

Question 5: The __ of our civilization from an agricultural society to today’s complex industrial world was accompanied by war.

a) adjustment

b) migration

c) route

d) metamorphosis

InstructionsDirections:In thefollowing questions sentences are given with blanks to be filled in with an appropriate word(s). Four alternatives are suggested for each question. Choose the correct alternative out of the four.

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Question 6: The court _____ cognisance of the criminal’s words.

a) took

b) made

c) gave

d) allowed

Question 7: _____ wins this civil war there will be little rejoicing at the victory.

a) Whichever

b) Whoever

c) Whatever

d) Wherever

Question 8: As he got older his belief in these principles did not_____.

a) wither

b) shake

c) waver

d) dither

Question 9: Everyone in this world is accountable to God___ his actions.

a) about

b) for

c) to

d) over

Question 10: Your father used to be the principal of this college,

a) did he ?

b) does he ?

c) didn’t he?

d) doesn’t he ?

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Question 11: Many premier educational institutions come forward to have a _______ with flourshing industries.

a) tie-down

b) tie-up

c) tie-in

d) tie-on

Question 12: All is not well _______ the automobile sector.

a) of

b) down

c) in

d) to

Question 13: He slipped _______ his old ways and started drinking again.

a) into

b) off

c) by

d) in

Question 14: They reached the railway station before the train __________ .

a) had left

b) had been left

c) left

d) was leaving

Question 15: The Information and Communication Technology has _____ age and employees very highly paid technocrats.

a) come of

b) come upon

c) come out of

d) come through

Question 16: In the following question, the sentence given with blank to be filled in with an appropriate word. Select the correct alternative out of the four and indicate it by selecting the appropriate option.
He has a……………..interest in studying human psychology.

a) deep

b) wide

c) vast

d) heavy

Question 17: In the following question, the sentence given with blank to be filled in with an appropriate word. Select the correct alternative out of the four and indicate it by selecting the appropriate option.
After being given _________ warnings for disrupting class, Thomas was finally sent to the principal’s office.

a) singular

b) lone

c) numerous

d) unique

Question 18: In the following question, the sentence given with blank to be filled in with an appropriate word. Select the correct alternative out of the four and indicate it by selecting the appropriate option.
The __________ “pretty ugly” implies that a person can be both attractive and unattractive at the same time.

a) simile

b) metaphor

c) alliteration

d) oxymoron

Question 19: In the following question, the sentence given with blank to be filled in with an appropriate word. Select the correct alternative out of the four and indicate it by selecting the appropriate option.
Finding the comedy routine extremely funny, the family laughed _____________ along with the rest of the crowd.

a) lot

b) hysterically

c) crazy

d) guffaw

Question 20: In the following question, the sentence given with blank to be filled in with an appropriate word. Select the correct alternative out of the four and indicate it by selecting the appropriate option.
The detective’s ability to ________ makes it easy for him to scare suspects into confessing.

a) bluff

b) stuff

c) enough

d) cough

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Answers & Solutions:

1) Answer (A)

The correct answer is option A.

Question tag -It is used when one wants to reconfirm ones statement.It is a statement followed by a question.

If the statement is positive, question tag will be negative and vice versa.

For ex- Shyam is working in a bank, isn’t he?

Question tags are formed with the auxiliary or modal verb from the statement and the appropriate subject.

A subject pronoun comes after an auxiliary or after `to be’ form of the verb & is used to replace the noun.

Here in the given question-

Hotel was not too expensive, wasn’t it?

Since the statement /main part of the sentence is in positive form, question tag will be negative.

Here `was’ is used in main part of the sentence,so in question tag we use `wasn’t’.

(Same verb/(auxiliary,modal,main)as that of the sentence)

To indicate `Hotel’,here we used pronoun`it’.


2) Answer (A)

The correct answer is option number 1st.

To +V1 is called as the infinitive form if the verb.

After `to’ we use first form if the verb.

Infinitive form if the verb is used when we want to express the purpose,to answer why.

Ex-He studied hard to make his parents proud.

Why he do study -to make his parents proud.

Infinitive form is used as a subject of verb,as a object of verb,as the complement of the verb,as a object of preposition,to qualify noun,to qualify a sentence.

Here it is used as a `Adverb’.It qualifies verb `Studied’.

In the given example, options -`to be filled,filling,filled’are wrong.Because after `to’ we can’t use 3rd form of the verb,rest options are grammatically incorrect.

3) Answer (D)

The correct answer is option number -D

Mustn’t have done is the correct answer.

Mustn’t have -Must is a modal verb,it adds meaning to another verb.

Mustn’t we use to show possibility or necessity.

Must not -We use to talk about things we need to avoid doing or while telling someone to not do it.

Rest options are grammatically & contextual incorrect.

Hadn’t to do -Had we use to indicate past things.Also hadn’t to do is grammatically incorrect.

Might -We use might to show prediction, possibility, probability.

Ex- the Prime Minister might visit the town.

Here indicating possibility.

Might & hadn’t is inappropriate because sentence is in the present tense.

Usage of didn’t is not contextually correct.

Didn’t have to do -We say didn’t have to represent specific point of time that has already passed.

Only option `Mustn’t have do’ is grammatically & contextually correct.

4) Answer (B)

The correct answer is option B.

Here it’s prepositional error.

Preposition `TO‘ is used to show destination.

Also `go to sea ‘ is an idiom which means to become a seller,to embark on a voyage.

We see uses of other preposition

Into– we use this to show moment,any action which show moment.

Ex- He jumped into the well.

In -It is use to show place,time.

Ex- There is a pen in the cupboard.

On -it is use to indicate time,place.(When things are in direct contact,at surface area,in rest position)

Ex- there is a book on the table.

5) Answer (D)

The correct answer is option number D.

The sentence implies here the transformation /changes in civilization (human society) from agriculture to today’s industrial world was accompanied by war.

Meaning of remaining options.

Adjustment (noun)-

a small change, corrections, modification.

Ex -The stock market exchange made an adjustment in their policy to get more investors.

Route (Noun)

A way ,road,path, approach,method.

Ex- The route to Theni from Madurai is 70kms.

Migration (Noun)

An instance of moving to live in another place for a while.Movement, journey.

Ex- Migration of outsiders to Delhi make the city over- populated.

6) Answer (A)

Option A is the correct answer.

Cognisance or cognizance Means Notice, awareness or knowledge.

Here in this sentence ,the court notices the words of the criminal. That they are considering the words from the Criminal. So gave, allowed and made doesn’t fit in the blank of the sentence.

7) Answer (B)

The correct answer is option -B

Whoever- It is a subject pronoun & work like the pronouns I,We He,She & They.

Ex- Whoever wins this debut will win a prize.

Whoever means -Someone/anyone who does a particular thing or is in a particular situation.

Meaning of the remaining options

1) Whatever- Unexceptional /unimportant,at all, absolutely, whatsoever.No matter which,for any, anything that.

Synonyms- So what.

Ex- Whatever may happen,I will go to Mahabaleshwar today.

2) Wherever-(Adverb) An emphatic form of where.

It also acts as a conjunction -whatever place, anywhere,in all places, everywhere.

Ex- I will come with you wherever you will take me.

3) Whichever- (Adjective / pronoun) – Any one/ a no of a group.

Ex- Whichever pizza you ordered for her, it must have had some very delicious ingredients.

8) Answer (C)

The correct answer is option number – C.

Waver means – To sway back & forth, to fluctuate /vary,to tremble,to flatter,to be indecisive.

Dither- To tremble,the state of being undecided.

Wither-To go against,resist,oppose.

Shake -to cause something to move rapidly in opposite directions,to disturb emotionally,to lose,evade,get rid of

Here sentence implies that -As he got older, beliefs in principles became more strong,he didn’t fluctuate.

Remaining options are contextually incorrect.

9) Answer (B)

The correct answer is -B

The correct preposition is `for’.

The given sentence seems to imply that everyone is responsible to God for his actions.

Accountable for -means responsible for.

Meaning of other options

1)about-Near,not far from,on the point of verge of,concerned with,regard to,on account of,on the subject of.We can use `About’ in above context.It can refer to movement /position in various directions/places

2) to – It is used to indicate directions.To denote any thing which is at surface area, in rest position.

3) over- it is used to indicate place.

So these are contextually incorrect.

Also the expression `Accountable for’ means to responsible for.So,usage of `For’ will be correct here.

10) Answer (C)

The correct answer is option -C

The given sentence is of question tag.

Question tag is used to reconfirm the question or the statement.

If the main sentence is positive, question tag will be negative and vice -versa.

Here the given sentence is positive,so question tag will be negative.

The sentence is in the past form.`Used to’ we use as a simple present tense but  to indicate the things happened in the past.

Ex-I used to go by bus.

As the sentence is in the past form,usage of `did’ will be correct.

`Did’ is the past form of the `Do’

Option A- Did he ? Will be wrong.Because given sentence is in the positive form,so question tag will be negative.

Option B- Does he?- Will be wrong.Because the given sentence is in the past tense & `Does’ is use for 3rd person singular & when sentence is in present form.

Option D- Doesn’t he? – Will be wrong.Because the given sentence is in present tense.Though the question tag is negative,it is wrong.Because `Does’ is used when the sentence is in the present tense & subject is 3rd person singular.

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11) Answer (B)

The correct answer is option number -B

Tie up -means to connect with,associate with.

Tie in – means something that is related or connected to another.

Tie down – to constrain,to confine within set limits.

Tie on – capable of being fastened or added to something else.

12) Answer (C)

The correct answer is option number -C

In -is the correct presposition.

In is used to show time, certain period of time.In means within, pertaining to.

Here what sentence implies that condition is not good in automobile sector.

Rest options doesn’t fits here.

13) Answer (A)

The correct answer is option number -A

Slipped into -is the correct choice.

Slipped into -is a phrase which means to gradually start to be in a bad phase,state.

Remaining options doesn’t fits here.

14) Answer (C)

The correct answer is option number -C

15) Answer (A)

The correct answer is option number -A

Come of is the correct phrase which means to be the result of something.

Come of age -means it reaches an advanced stage of development.

Remaining options are contextually & grammatically incorrect.

16) Answer (A)

The sentence expresses an interest in ‘human psychology’. Since it is a single subject, ‘wide’ does not fit the blank. Only the word ‘deep’ fits the blank correctly.

17) Answer (C)

‘Singular’ means single. ‘Lone’ means solitary or single. ‘Numerous’ means many. ‘Unique’ means being the only one of its kind. Hence, option C is correct.

18) Answer (D)

‘Oxymoron’ is a figure of speech in which two words which are opposite in meaning exist together. ‘pretty’ and ‘ugly’ are two words which are opposite in meaning and are appearing together. Hence, option D is correct.

19) Answer (B)

As the word ‘along’ is used in the sentence, it should be preceded by an adverd i.e. words ending in ly. Thus, Option B, hysterically is the answer.

20) Answer (A)

The detective’s ability to BLUFF makes it easy for him to scare suspects into confessing. Here, only ability to bluff makes a meaningful sentence. Thus, option A is correct.

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