Fill in the blanks for SSC Stenographer Set-3 PDF

Fill in the blanks for SSC Stenographer set-3 pdf
Fill in the blanks for SSC Stenographer set-3 pdf

Fill in the blanks for SSC Stenographer set-3 pdf

SSC Stenographer Fill in the blanks Set-3 PDF based on previous year question papers of SSC exam. Top 15 Very important questions  for Stenographer.

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In the following questions, sentences are given with blanks to be filled in with an appropriate words(s). Four alternatives are suggested for each question. Choose the correct alternative out of the four.

Question 1: Google is one of the most popular search engines, it is _______ by the internet users.

a) utilized

b) effected

c) examined

d) flabbergasted

Question 2: Raj was tired of Puja’s _______ approach, so he asked her to make her final decision by that evening.

a) silly – willy

b) dilly – dally

c) wasting

d) dilly – nally

Question 3: Ria is ________ at speaking languages. It is difficult to ——- one puppy for animal shelter.

a) adept, adapt

b) adapt,adapt

c) adept, adopt

d) adapt, adopt

Question 4: School days are considered to be the best years of your life. When my _______ year in school began, I began to think of those past enjoyable days and of my future also.

a) penultimate

b) absolute

c) integral

d) termination


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Question 5: Being __________, the judge gave a favourable verdict.

a) sagacious

b) pugnacious

c) malicious

d) tenacious


In the following questions, sentences are given with blanks to be filled in with an appropriate word(s). Four alternatives are suggested for each question. Choose the correct alternative out of the four as your answer.

Question 6: The crop will fail ……… it rains this week.

a) unless

b) until

c) till

d) when

Question 7: “She decided to………………… as the competition was quite stiff.”

a) stand out

b) leave

c) get out

d) stand down

Question 8: If she were selected, she……………. a good secretary.

a) would make

b) will .make

c) can make

d) would have made


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Question 9: He worked …………of his ability.

a) at the best

b) with the best

c) in the best

d) to the best

Question 10: The Chief Mifiister asked her officers to…………. the process of procuring food for
the poor from the market.

a) speed up

b) expedite

c) hasten

d) do fast


In the following questions, sentences are given with blanks to be filled in with an appropriate word(s). Four alternatives are suggested for each question. Choose the correct alternative out of the four as your answer.

Question 11: He went there ……………

a) on foot

b) walking on foot

c) by foot

d) with foot

Question 12: After your long illness I am happy to see you ………………

a) up and round

b) up and about

c) by and by

d) up and down

Question 13: You must……………. your career with all seriousness.

a) pursue

b) follow

c) complete

d) direct

Question 14: Making pies and cakes ……………..Mrs. Reddy’s speciality.

a) has

b) are

c) were

d) is

Question 15: The deserted garden was infested…………….. weeds.

a) with

b) for

c) into

d) on

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Answers & Solutions:

1) Answer (A)

Utilized means to be used.

Effected means out come of the cause.

Examined means to observe carefully .

Flabbergasted means Appalled, annoyed, exhausted or disgusted.

So utilised Best fits the given sentence.

2) Answer (B)

Dilly-Dally Means to waste time .

These kind of words are formed by Reduplication of the actual words.

No other option suits the sentence and they don’t give any proper meaning.

3) Answer (C)

The correct answer is option number is -C.

Adept – well skilled.

Adopt -to take by choice into relationship as child,pet etc.

Meaning of adapt -to make suitable,to fit by alternation.

4) Answer (D)

Penultimate means ‘last but one’.

Absolute means ‘unconditional’

Integral means necessary or not removable.

Termination means discontinue, stop or break off.

Here the sentence indicates the debarment of a year. So option D is correct answer.

5) Answer (A)

The correct choice is -A.

Sagacious- having /showing keen discernment, sound judgement.

The sentence implies here that because of good judgement he gives good verdict.

Tenacious- holding together,having good memory.

Malicious- evil, harmful.

Pugnacious-Aggressive, hostile.

So the correct choice is Sagacious.

6) Answer (B)

The correct answer is option -B

Until -up to the time of something,before a time,upto the time that (a condition becomes true),before (a condition becoming true).

So usage of `until’ is correct.

Unless -It show condition.

Till -up to (the time that).,during,as long as.

When- a what time,at or on which (referring to a time or circumstance),after which; and just then (implying suddenness).

As per the context,Until is the option which best fits here.

7) Answer (D)

Option D is the correct answer.

Stand out means To be extraordinary and different or to have features and qualities which make someone or something special.

Stand down means To withdraw or retire from a position or from a team.

Get out means  to leave or escape.

So option D best fits the sentence.

8) Answer (A)

Option A is the correct answer.

If in main clause ‘were’ is present, in subordinate clause ‘would’ should be used.

So If she were selected, she would make  a good secretary is the correct answer.

9) Answer (D)

The correct answer is option -D

To the best of his ability- To the limit of one’s skills, resources, or energy; as well as one is able to do.To do as much as you can.

Remaining options are grammatically incorrect.

10) Answer (B)

The correct answer is option number -B

Expedite- (v)- make happen faster, accelerate.

After presposition `To’ expedite suits very well here.

Meaning of other options

1)Speed up-(v) -hurry,speed, faster.


3) do fast (v)- hurry.

So contextually,option B suits here.

11) Answer (A)

The correct option is A.

On foot – means walking rather than travelling by car or using other transport.

“By” in this context normally refers to a mode of transportation whereas “in” or “on” would refer to your position whilst travelling.

By foot -By car,by bus.

Walking on foot – usage of walking is redundant over here.

With foot-this doesn’t make any sense.

12) Answer (B)

The correct answer is option number- B

Up and about -Moving around, especially after a period of injury, illness, or inactivity.

By and by– before long, eventually, ultimately, Finally.

Up and down-sonetimes successful & sometimes not successful,In one direction & then in the opposite direction, especially repeatedly.

Only option B is contextually Correct.

13) Answer (A)

The correct answer is option number -A.

Pursue- strive for,work towards something,engage in.

Follow -to go after,to carry out

Complete- accomplish,finish.

Direct-straightforward,sincere,to manage,to aim.

Only option A is contextually Correct.

14) Answer (D)

The correct answer is option number -D

Here the subject `making’ is a gerund.

So it will be treated as a singular so verb will be singular.

Hence the usage of `is’ will be correct here.

15) Answer (A)

The correct answer is option number -A.

Infested with – overspread, in large numbers, typically so as to cause damage or disease.

So usage of preposition `with’ after infested is correct.

Usage of other preposition doesn’t make any sense.

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