Error Identification Questions for NMAT – Download [PDF]

NMAT Error Identification Questions
NMAT Error Identification Questions

Error Identification Questions for NMAT:

Download Error Identification Questions for NMAT PDF – NMAT Classification questions pdf by Cracku. Top 05 very important Error Identification Questions for NMAT based on asked questions in previous exam papers.

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Which of the phrases (1),(2),(3) and (4) given below should replace the phrase given in bold in the following sentences to make the sentence grammatically correct? If the sentence is correct as it is and there is no correction required mark (5) i.e. ‘No correction required’ as the answer.

Question 1: In all likeness the company will fail to achieve its production targets this year.

a) with every likeliness

b) In all likelihood

c) It is likely for

d) In every likeness

e) No correction required

Question 2: We have failed assessment of the advantages of outsourcing out IT operations.

a) in assessment

b) in not assessing up

c) to assess

d) the assessment of

e) No correction required

Question 3: One of the key competencies for managers are ethics and the ability to motivate others.

a) Among the key competencies

b) Beside the key competency

c) Including the key competencies

d) Within the key competence

e) No correction required

Question 4: The US economy is present in the face off a serious recession.

a) having to face of at present

b) presently facing up to

c) presented on the face of

d) presently facing

e) No correction required

Question 5: Economists have predicted that the country’s economic growth falls low to eight percent this year.

a) falling as low as

b) fell to as low as

c) will fall to as low as

d) fallen lower than

e) No correction required

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Answers & Solutions:

1) Answer (B)

The right phrase is “in all likelihood” which means it is very likely possible.

2) Answer (C)

“We have failed assessment of the advantages of outsourcing out IT operations.” is incorrect. The easiest way to fix this is to replace “assessment to” with “to assess”.

3) Answer (A)

Since they are referring to 2 competencies, “one of the key competencies” is not appropriate. Instead “among the key competencies” should be used.

4) Answer (D)

The sentence that is meaningful is “The US economy is presently facing a serious recession”. Hence option D is the correct choice.

5) Answer (C)

The prediction is for the future. So, “will fall to” is the correct choice.

We hope these Error Identification Questions for NMAT pdf for the NMAT exam will be highly useful for your Preparation.


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