Decision Making Questions for RRB Group-D PDF

Decision Making Questions for RRB Group-D PDF
Decision Making Questions for RRB Group-D PDF

Decision Making Questions for RRB Group-D PDF

Download Top-15 RRB Group-D Decision Making Questions PDF. RRB GROUP-D Decision Making questions based on asked questions in previous exam papers very important for the Railway Group-D exam.

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In each questions below is given a statement followed by two courses of action numbered I and II. A course of action is a step or administrative decision to be taken for improvement, follow-up or further action in regard to the problem, policy, etc. On the basis of the information given in the statement, you have to assume everything in the statement to be true, then decide which of the suggested courses of action logically follow(s) for pursuing.

Question 1: Statements: The prices of foodgrains and vegetables have substantially increased due to prolonged strike call given by the truck owners association.
Courses of action:
I. The government should immediately make alternative arrangement to ensure adequate supply of foodgrains and vegetables in the market.
II. The government should take steps to cancel the licenses of all the vehicles belonging to the association.

a) Give answer (A) if only I follows

b) Give answer (B) if only II follows

c) Give answer (C) if either I or II follows

d) Give answer (D) if neither I nor II follows

e) Give answer (E) if both I and II follows

Question 2: Statement: A large number of people visiting India from country ‘X’ has been tested positive for carrying viruses of a killer disease.
Courses of action:
I. The government of India should immediately put a complete ban on people coming to India from country ‘X’ including those Indians who are settled in country ‘X’.
II. The government of India should immediately set up detection centres at all its airports and seaports to identify and quarantine those who are tested positive.

a) Give answer (A) if only I follows

b) Give answer (B) if only II follows

c) Give answer (C) if either I or II follows

d) Give answer (D) if neither I nor II follows

e) Give answer (E) if both I and II follows

Question 3: Statement: There has been an unprecedented increase in the number of requests for berths in most of the long distance trains during the current holiday season.
Courses of action:
I. The railway authority should immediately increase the capacity in each of these trains by attaching additional coaches.
II. The people seeking accommodation should be advised to make their travel plan after the holiday.

a) Give answer (A) if only I follows

b) Give answer (B) if only II follows

c) Give answer (C) if either I or II follows

d) Give answer (D) if neither I nor II follows

e) Give answer (E) if both I and II follows

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In each of question below is given a statement followed by two courses of action numbered I and II. A course of action is a step or administrative decision to be taken for improvement, follow-up or further action in regard to the problem, policy etc: On the basis of the information given in the statement to be true, then decide which of the suggested courses of action logically follow(s) for pursuing. Give your answer as—

a: if only I follows
b: if only II follows
c: if either I or II follows
d: if neither I nor II follows
e: if both I and II follow

Question 4: Statement: Three persons was caught with a large cache of arms in the city.
Course of action :
I. The police personnel should be instructed to keep a tighter vigil in the city.
II. The three persons should be allowed to go scot-free and monitor their activities for nabbing other criminals.

a) if only I follows

b) if only II follows

c) if either I or II follows

d) if neither I nor II follows

e) if both I and II follow

Question 5: Statements: There has been an unprecedented increase in the number of patients with water -borne diseases in the city during monsoon.
I. The government should initiate steps to educate the general public about the importance of drinking safe water.
II. All the hospitals in the city should be equipped to treat such patients during monsoon.

a) if only I follows

b) if only II follows

c) if either I or II follows

d) if neither I nor II follows

e) if both I and II follow

Question 6: Statement: At least fifteen people were killed and large number of people injured when a bus fell off from a bridge into the river.
Course of action:
I. The side walls of the bridges should immediately be strengthened to avoid such accidents.
II. The driver of the bus should immediately be arrested and be put on trial.

a) if only I follows

b) if only II follows

c) if either I or II follows

d) if neither I nor II follows

e) if both I and II follow

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Question 7: Statement : The state government has decided to provide relief by way of food and clothes to all the flood victims in the state:
Course of action:
I. The government machinery should identify those people who are affected by flood and are to be provided with relief material.
II. The government machinery should procure enough food and clothes for providing relief to the flood victims.

a) if only I follows

b) if only II follows

c) if either I or II follows

d) if neither I nor II follows

e) if both I and II follow

Question 8: Statement: The meteorological department has forecasted that this year, there will be good monsoon season for the tenth consecutive year, resulting in the growth of bumper crop.
Course of action:
I. Government should off load some portion of the foodgrains in warehouses before harvesting.
II. Government should immediately try to provide chemical fertilisers to the formers.

a) if only I follows

b) if only II follows

c) if either I or II follows

d) if neither I nor II follows

e) if both I and II follow


Read the following information carefully and answer the questions given below :

Following are the criteria for hiring Marketing Manager in a company
The applicant must—–
(i) be a post graduate in Marketing Management
(ii) be at least 25 years old as on 30.4.2001.
(iii) have work experience of at least three years
(iv) be ready to work for at least two years after appointed.

However, if a candidate—
(a) fulfils all other criteria except at (i) above, but has work experience of more than five years– the case is to be referred to General Manager-Marketing.
(b) fulfils all other criteria except at (iv) above, but has obtained Ph.D. Degree, the case may be referred to Vice President-Marketing.

Based on the above criteria and the information given in each case, you have to take the decision in each case. You are not assume anything. The cases are given to you as on 30.4.2001.

Question 9: Shankar Trivedi was born on 27th August, 1972. He has been working since January 1992. He has appeared in the final examination of Part Time Post Graduate Programme in Marketing Management. He is ready to work for five more years.

a) Mark answer A if the applicant is to be hired

b) Mark answer B if the applicant is not to be hired

c) Mark answer C if the data given is not adequate

d) Mark answer D if the case is to be referred to General Manager-Marketing

e) Mark answer E if the case is to be referred to Vice-President-Marketing

Question 10: Navin Asthana has been working for the last five years and is ready to work for another five years. He has obtained his post graduation in Marketing Management at the age of 21 in March 1996

a) Mark answer A if the applicant is to be hired

b) Mark answer B if the applicant is not to be hired

c) Mark answer C if the data given is not adequate

d) Mark answer D if the case is to be referred to General Manager-Marketing

e) Mark answer E if the case is to be referred to Vice-President-Marketing

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Question 11: Sunita Ajwani has passed her post graduation in Marketing Management in the year 1997 at the age of 21 and has been working since then. She is ready to work for at least ten years.

a) Mark answer A if the applicant is to be hired

b) Mark answer B if the applicant is not to be hired

c) Mark answer C if the data given is not adequate

d) Mark answer D if the case is to be referred to General Manager-Marketing

e) Mark answer E if the case is to be referred to Vice-President-Marketing

Question 12: Sunil Malhotra was born on 31st August, 1971. He has passed his Master’s degree in Marketing Management in the year 1999 and has been working since then. He is ready to work for at least four years ?

a) Mark answer A if the applicant is to be hired

b) Mark answer B if the applicant is not to be hired

c) Mark answer C if the data given is not adequate

d) Mark answer D if the case is to be referred to General Manager-Marketing

e) Mark answer E if the case is to be referred to Vice-President-Marketing

Question 13: Anil Sharma was born on 15th April, 1975. He has been working for the last four years after obtaining his post graduation in Marketing Management. He his ready to work for five years ?

a) Mark answer A if the applicant is to be hired

b) Mark answer B if the applicant is not to be hired

c) Mark answer C if the data given is not adequate

d) Mark answer D if the case is to be referred to General Manager-Marketing

e) Mark answer E if the case is to be referred to Vice-President-Marketing

Question 14: Janaki Sharma has obtained her post graduation and Ph. D in Marketing Management. She is working for the last three years and is ready to work for one more year. She was born on 2nd October, 1973 ?

a) Mark answer A if the applicant is to be hired

b) Mark answer B if the applicant is not to be hired

c) Mark answer C if the data given is not adequate

d) Mark answer D if the case is to be referred to General Manager-Marketing

e) Mark answer E if the case is to be referred to Vice-President-Marketing

Question 15: Prabhat Bakshi is a graduate and has been working for the last ten years. He was 23 years old as on 21st June, 1995. He is ready to work for two more years. He is ready to work for another ten years ?

a) Mark answer A if the applicant is to be hired

b) Mark answer B if the applicant is not to be hired

c) Mark answer C if the data given is not adequate

d) Mark answer D if the case is to be referred to General Manager-Marketing

e) Mark answer E if the case is to be referred to Vice-President-Marketing

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Answers & Solutions:

1) Answer (A)

The first action is advisable because alternative arrangements to ensure adequate supply of foodgrains will reduce the inconvenience of the people. The second course of action is not advisable as it is an extreme action, and we also do not know the reason of the strike.

Thus, only I follows

=> Ans – (A)

2) Answer (B)

Course of action I is not advisable because it will be an extreme step and because the non-infected persons should not be debarred from visiting India.
Course of action II is advisable because it will be helpful to tackle the situation and it is a much more proper and rational way to set up detection centres.

Thus, only II follows.

=> Ans – (B)

3) Answer (A)

The first action is advisable as it will reduce the problem to some extent by increasing the capacity in the trains.
The second action is not advisable because it is ridiculous to give such advice to people and people cannot be deprived of going to a certain destination merely for lack of berths. Instead it is the duty of the railway authority to accommodate all the bookings by all means.

Thus, only I follows

=> Ans – (A)

4) Answer (A)

The first course of action definitely follows as the police should keep a tighter vigil in the city so that it may not occur in the future.
The second action is not advisable as the persons should not be allowed to leave without punishment.

Thus, only I follows.

=> Ans – (A)

5) Answer (E)

The statement indicates that the number of patients with water-borne diseases are increasing, so the government should take steps to create awareness among general public about importance of clean water. Also, the hospitals should have the facilities to treat and handle such number of patients.

Thus, both I and II follow.

=> Ans – (E)

6) Answer (A)

The first course of action definitely follows to avoid such accidents in the future.
The driver should not be immediately arrested as it is unclear whether it was driver’s fault or because of bad condition of the bridge.

Thus, only I follows.

=> Ans – (A)

7) Answer (E)

Both the actions mean the same thing, as it is the government’s duty to provide relief material and food for the flood victims.

Thus, both I and II follow.

=> Ans – (E)

8) Answer (A)

9) Answer (D)

(i) Post graduate in Marketing, => no

(ii) age $\geq25$ years, => yes (28 years)

(iii) Work experience $\geq3$ years, => yes

(iv) Ready to work for $\geq2$ years, => yes

$\because$ Shankar failed to satisfy (i) condition, but has work experience of 8 years, thus the case is to be referred to General Manager-Marketing.

=> Ans – (D)

10) Answer (A)

(i) Post graduate in Marketing, => yes

(ii) age $\geq25$ years, => yes

(iii) Work experience $\geq3$ years, => yes

(iv) Ready to work for $\geq2$ years, => yes

$\because$ Navin satisfied all the conditions, thus the candidate is to be hired.

=> Ans – (A)

11) Answer (C)

(i) Post graduate in Marketing, => yes

(ii) age $\geq25$ years, => not given

(iii) Work experience $\geq3$ years, => yes

(iv) Ready to work for $\geq2$ years, => yes

$\because$ Sunita’s birth date is not given, thus we cannot find her age, thus data is inadequate.

=> Ans – (C)

12) Answer (B)

(i) Post graduate in Marketing, => yes

(ii) age $\geq25$ years, => yes (29 years)

(iii) Work experience $\geq3$ years, => no

(iv) Ready to work for $\geq2$ years, => yes

$\because$ Sunil failed to satisfy (iii) condition, thus the applicant is not to be hired.

=> Ans – (B)

13) Answer (A)

(i) Post graduate in Marketing, => yes

(ii) age $\geq25$ years, => yes (25 years)

(iii) Work experience $\geq3$ years, => yes

(iv) Ready to work for $\geq2$ years, => yes

$\because$ Anil satisfied all the conditions, thus the candidate is to be hired.

=> Ans – (A)

14) Answer (E)

(i) Post graduate in Marketing, => yes

(ii) age $\geq25$ years, => yes (27 years)

(iii) Work experience $\geq3$ years, => yes

(iv) Ready to work for $\geq2$ years, => no

$\because$ Janaki failed to satisfy (iv) condition, but she has a Ph.D, thus the case is to be referred to Vice-President-Marketing.

=> Ans – (E)

15) Answer (D)

(i) Post graduate in Marketing, => no

(ii) age $\geq25$ years, => yes (28 years)

(iii) Work experience $\geq3$ years, => yes

(iv) Ready to work for $\geq2$ years, => yes

$\because$ Prabhat failed to satisfy (i) condition, but has work experience of 10 years, thus the case is to be referred to General Manager-Marketing.

=> Ans – (D)


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