Coding Decoding Questions for SBI Clerk exam

Coding Decoding Questions for SBI Clerk
Coding Decoding Questions for SBI Clerk

Coding and Decoding questions comes in the reasoning section of SBI Clerk exam. Practice more questions on this topic, as most coding and decoding questions are easy to solve. We have provided bank exam coding-decoding questions and answers for practice.

Coding Decoding Questions for SBI Clerk:


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Instructions (1-5):

Study the information and answer the following questions.

In a certain code language ‘economics is not money’ is written as ‘ka la ho ga’, ‘demand and supply economics’ is written as ‘mo ta pa ka’, ‘money makes only part’ is written as ‘zi la ne ki’ and ‘demand makes supply economics’ is written as ‘zi mo ka ta’.

Question 1: What is the code for ‘money’ in the given code language?

a) ga
b) mo
c) pa
d) ta
e) la

Question 2: What is the code for ‘supply’ in the given code language?

a) Only ta
b) Only mo
c) Either pa or mo
d) Only pa
e) Either mo or ta

Question 3: What may be the code for ‘demand only more’ in the given code language?

a) xi ne mo
b) mo zi ne
c) ki ne mo
d) mo zi ki
e) xi ka ta

Question 4: What may be the possible code for ‘work and money’ in the given code language?

a) pa ga la
b) pa la tu
c) mo la pa
d) tu la ga
e) pa la ne

Question 5: What is the code for ‘makes’ in the given code language?

a) mo
b) pa
c) ne
d) zi
e) ho

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Question 6: In a certain code language DHIE is written as WSRV and AEFB is written as ZVUY. How will GKLH be written in that code language?

e) None of these

Question 7:
In a certain language ‘give me more ‘ is coded as ‘7 3 5’ , ‘she has more ‘ is coded as ‘9 7 1’ and ‘she asked me gently’ is coded as ‘6 3 2 1’ which of the following is the code for ‘give’ in that language ?

a) 5
b) 7
c) 6
d) 9
e) 1

Question 8: In a certain code GIVEN is written MDVJH. How is SHARK written in that code?


Question 9: In a certain code language ‘how many goals scored’ is written as ‘5 3 9 7’; ‘many more matches’ is written as ‘9 8 2’ and ‘he scored five’ is written as ‘1 6 3’. How is ‘goals’ written in that code language?

a) 5
b) 7
c) 5 or 7
d) Data inadequate
e) None of these

Question 10: In a certain code TEMPORAL is written as OLDSMBSP. How is CONSIDER written in that code?

e) None of these

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Solutions for Coding Decoding questions:

1) Answer (E)

Money is repeated in two sentences where la is common. So option e : la is the correct answer.

2) Answer (E)

economics is repeated in two sentences where ka is common.
So economics is ka.
demand and supply are repeated in two sentences where mo and ta are common, and can be
either of them( if demand is mo then supply is ta and vice versa).
Hence option e : Either mo or ta is the correct answer.

3) Answer (A)
demand is either mo or ta
makes is repeated in two sentences where zi is common
money is la
Therefore only can be either ne or ki
So the option must have wither mo or ta , ne or ki and a new word for only.
Verifying the options with the above condition we find that option a : xi ne mo is the right answer.

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4) Answer (B)

From the given information, we can establish that economics = ‘ka’, ‘money =’la’, and = ‘pa’ and makes = ‘zi’.
‘Work and money’ contain the words ‘and’ and ‘money’ => answer must have ‘pa’ and ‘la’ in it => Both option 1 and 2 contain them.
But in option 1, ‘ga’, which refers to either ‘is’ or ‘not’, is present. But in the given sentence, neither of them are present. Hence option 1 is wrong.
=> option 2 is correct

5) Answer (D)

‘money makes only part’ and ‘Demand makes supply economics’ have only ‘makes’ in common. Hence ‘zi’, which is the only common word common, is the answer.

6) Answer (D)

The code involves writing A as Z, B as Y, C as X, D as W, etc.

7) Answer (A)

From first and second condition , the common word is more coded as ‘7’
From first and third condition, the common word is me coded as ‘3’
Thus, in the first statement, only word left is give coded as ‘5’

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8) Answer (B)

Here MDVJH is obtained from GIVEN first by writing it backwards and then writing preceeding letter in alphabetical series for first two, sucessive letter for last two letters and leaving middle letter unchanged.
Hence, SHARK would read as JQAIT which is option B.

9) Answer (C)

In the above statements ‘many’ and ‘9’ are in two sentences. So ‘many’ is ‘9’.
Similarly ‘scored’ and ‘3’ are in two sentences. So ‘scored’ is ‘3’.
In the first sentence ‘how’ , ‘goals’ , ‘5’ and ‘7’ are left. So ‘how’ and ‘goals’ can be either ‘5’ or ‘7’ ( if
‘how’ is ‘5’ then ‘goals’ is ‘7’ and vice versa).

10) Answer (A)

Split TEMPORAL into two halves TEMP and ORAL
Reversing the order of letters we get PMET and LARO
Subtracting 1 from PMET we get P – 1 = O , M – 1 = L , E – 1 = D , T – 1 = S
Adding 1 to LARO we get L + 1 = M , A + 1 = B , R + 1 = S , O + 1 = P

Applying the same concept to CONSIDER
S – 1 = R , N – 1 = M , O – 1 = N , C – 1 = B
I + 1 = J , D + 1 = E , E + 1 = F , R + 1 = S

We hope this coding decoding questions and answers PDF is useful to you for the SBI Clerk banking exam.

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