Coding and Decoding Questions for RRB NTPC (Set-3) PDF

Coding and Decoding Questions for RRB NTPC Set-3 PDF
Coding and Decoding Questions for RRB NTPC Set-3 PDF

Coding and Decoding Questions for RRB NTPC Set-3 PDF

Download RRB NTPC Coding and Decoding Questions Set-2 PDF. Top 10 RRB NTPC questions based on asked questions in previous exam papers very important for the Railway NTPC exam.

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Question 1: In a certain code, LONDON is coded as 24 – 30 – 28 – 8 – 30-28. How will FRANCE be coded?

a) 10- 24 – 6- 28 – 6- 12

b) 12 – 26 – 6 – 28 – 8 – 10

c) 12 – 36 – 2 – 28 – 6 – 10

d) 12 – 26 – 2 – 28 – 8 – 10

Question 2: In a certain code of numbers, GREEN is written as 20, 9, 22, 22, 13. How would YALLOW be written in the code ?

a) 2, 26, 15, 15, 12, 4

b) 2, 5, 4, 14, 14, 10

c) 2, 2, 5, 12, 12, 3

d) 2, 9, 17, 17, 3, 7

Question 3: If A denotes +, B denotes —, C denotes x and D denotes +, then which of the following statements is true ?

a) 9 C 9 B 9 D 9 A 9 = 17

b) 3 A 3 B 3 C 3 A 3 D 3 = 4

c) 8 B 6 D 2 A 4 C 3 = 15

d) 8 A 8 B 8 C 8 =— 48

Question 4: If A stands for ‘+’, D for ‘-’­, M for`x’, V for ‘÷’, G for ‘>’, E for ‘=’ and L for ‘<‘ then 20A4 is

a) L (21 D 3)

b) G (30 D 3)

c) G (21 V 3)

d) E (15 M 2)

Question 5: The word TRADE is coded as XVEHI. How should the word PUBLIC be coded ?





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Question 6: If SENT is written as `+ ∧ × -‘ and ANT is written as ‘* × -‘ then how is TEN written in that code ?

a) × + –

b) _ ∧ ×

c) * – ×

d) – × ∧

Question 7: If ‘STYLE’ is written as PQVIB, how can ‘SMELL’ be written in that code ?





Question 8: If P denotes +, Q denotes ×. R denotes + and S denotes -, then 12 Q 15 P 3 R 4 S 6
= ?

a) 70

b) 57

c) 58

d) 68

Question 9: If SEARCH is coded as TFBSDI, how will PENCIL be coded?





Question 10: If FLATTER is coded as 7238859 and MOTHER is coded as 468159, then how is MAMMOTH coded ?

a) 4344681

b) 4344651

c) 4146481

d) 4346481

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Answers & Solutions:

1) Answer (C)

the pattern for the above statement is that each letter is represented by a number which is twice its position in the Alphabet.Which will mean FRANCE will be represented as 12 – 36 – 2 – 28 – 6 – 10. which is option C . therefore, the correct answer is option C.

2) Answer (A)

Code for GREEN : 20, 9, 22, 22, 13

The pattern followed is that the the position of the letters from right end is given, i.e. Z = 1 , Y = 2 , X = 3 , ….., B = 25 , A = 26

Thus, Y -> 2
A -> 26
L -> 15
L -> 15
O -> 12
W -> 4

=> YALLOW : 2, 26, 15, 15, 12, 4

=> Ans – (A)

3) Answer (D)

For the given notations
option D will be equal to:8+8-8*8, which on solving by applying BODMAS will be equal to -48.
hence option D is true and is the correct answer.

4) Answer (C)

Expression = 20A4


(A) : L (21 D 3)


But, $24>18$, false

(B) : G (30 D 3)


But, $24<27$, false

(C) : G (21 V 3)


$\becuse24>7$, true

=> Ans – (C)

5) Answer (A)

If The word TRADE is coded as XVEHI, we see a pattern in the form of each letter being represented by a letter that comes fourth in the sequence of the Alphabet. therefore PUBLIC will be coded as TYFPMG. hence the correct answer is option A.

6) Answer (B)

If SENT is written as `+ ∧ × -‘ and ANT is written as ‘* × -‘ therefore we can infer that the pair of letters NT will be represented by ‘ × -‘. hence it can be inferred that E will be represented by ‘ ∧‘. therefore TEN will be represented by “_ ∧ ב hence the correct answer is option B.

7) Answer (A)

If ‘STYLE’ is written as PQVIB, it can be observed that each letter be represented by the letter that comes 3 places before it in the Alphabet, i.e.
S… we can see that S is represented by P and so on. similarly, SMELL can be represented by PJBII. which is option A.


8) Answer (C)

Expression : 12 Q 15 P 3 R 4 S 6 = ?


= $12\times5-2$

= $60-2=58$

=> Ans – (C)

9) Answer (C)

If SEARCH is coded as TFBSDI, then we can infer the pattern to be each letter being represented by the letter that succeeds it immediately in the Alphabet. Similarly, we can code PENCIL as QFODJM, which is option C.

10) Answer (A)

The code for each letter is given :

M -> 4
A -> 3
M -> 4
M -> 4
O -> 6
T -> 8
H -> 1

Thus, MAMMOTH : 4344681

=> Ans – (A)


We hope this Coding and Decoding Questions set-2 pdf for RRB NTPC exam will be highly useful for your Preparation.


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