Cloze Test Questions for SSC CHSL & MTS | Download PDF

Cloze Test Questions for SSC CHSL & MTS
Cloze Test Questions for SSC CHSL & MTS

Cloze Test Questions for SSC CHSL & MTS | Download PDF

Here you can download SSC CHSL & MTS 2022 – important SSC CHSL & MTS Cloze Test Questions PDF by Cracku. Very Important SSC CHSL & MTS 2022 and These questions will help your SSC CHSL & MTS preparation. So kindly download the PDF for reference and do more practice.

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Directions:In the following passage some of the words have been left out. First read the passage over and try to understand what it is about. Then fill the blanks with the help of the alternative given.
Science means knowledge, but not all knowledge is science. I know from my own eyesight that our dog Chippy lies papaya; I know from a book that Akbar was the (191) of Babar, and (192) in 1605; and I know (193) the ratio that India did not do well in the (194) Test matches. We can call these (195) of knowledge (196) but they are not science.
Science (197) with facts, but not with facts which have (198) to do with each other, like the facts about our dog, cricket and the Mughal ruler; those facts are not related (199), and so have nothing (200) with science. Science stars with observation.

Question 1: 

a) grandson

b) grandfather

c) grand nephew

d) son

Question 2: 

a) gone

b) died

c) disappeared

d) absented

Question 3: 

a) on

b) in

c) since

d) from

Question 4: 

a) old

b) ordinary

c) latest

d) outdated

Question 5: 

a) pieces

b) peace

c) whole

d) block

Question 6: 

a) lies

b) charges

c) facts

d) blame

Question 7: 

a) starts

b) stops

c) passes

d) drives

Question 8: 

a) no

b) neither

c) nor

d) nothing

Question 9: 

a) by that way

b) in any way

c) from the side

d) in addition to

Question 10: 

a) to lie

b) to speak

c) to sleep

d) to do

InstructionsDirections : In the following passage, some of the words have been left out. First read the passage over and try to understand what it is about.t hen fill in the blanks with the help of the alternative given.
Almost every full moon night, the officials in Andaman and Nicobar Islands take part in a cautious ritual. The tribesmen watch from a safe distance as the officials (186) the island in a boat (187) gifts for them. The islanders come (188) hesitantly only after the officials (189) dumped the coconuts brought (190) them onto the beach and begin (191) away from their small island. On some nights are tribles even (192) up enough courage to swim upto a few feet (193) from the boat. The officials maintain that they do (194) want to interfere with the way of life on the tribals. The island (195) heavily on the maintained for most goods.

Question 11: 

a) approach

b) depart

c) present

d) absent

Question 12: 

a) coming

b) leaving

c) carrying

d) relieving

Question 13: 

a) forward

b) backward

c) sides

d) upward

Question 14: 

a) has

b) have

c) had

d) be

Question 15: 

a) by

b) to

c) in

d) for

Question 16: 

a) watching

b) seeing

c) sailing

d) stopping

Question 17: 

a) leave

b) muster

c) come

d) present

Question 18: 

a) correctly

b) distantly

c) near

d) away

Question 19: 

a) no

b) neither

c) not

d) nor

Question 20: 

a) spy

b) rely

c) occupy

d) reply

Answers & Solutions:

1) Answer (A)

The correct answer option -A

As we studied in history Akbar is grandson of Babar or we can get that information by understanding the given passage.

Grandson is the correct choice.

2) Answer (B)

The correct answer is option -B

Died is the correct choice.

Gone,disaapear,absented doesn’t suits here.

3) Answer (A)

The correct answer is option -A

Presposition -In,since, from are contextually incorrect here.

In – it is used to indicate time,place.

Since- It is used to indicate time

From- it is used to indicate time, direction.

4) Answer (C)

The correct answer is option -C

Latest -most recent.

Old – obsolete

Ordinary- normal,customary, routine.

Outdated- out of date,old fashioned.

Remaining options doesn’t add any meaning.

5) Answer (A)

The correct answer is option -A

Pieces of knowledge -it means information.

Peace- (noun) -harmony,quiet.

Whole-(adjective)-entire,sound, uninjured.


Remaining options are contextually incorrect.

6) Answer (C)

The correct answer is option -C

Facts is the correct choice which adds meaning here.

Lies -(noun) Plural form of lie.

In it’s adjective -great, wonderful.

Blame- (verb)- to criticize, reproach, upbraid.

Charges- the amount of money levied for a service.

Remaining options are contextually incorrect

7) Answer (A)

The correct answer is option -A

Starts with is the correct expression.

Stops – halt,cease.

Passes- an opening,a channel.

Drives- public roadway,desire, interest.

Remaining options are contextually incorrect here.

8) Answer (D)

The correct answer is -D

If we look at the options only `nothing’ suits here.

Neither- adverb- similarly not

– adjective- not one of two,not either.

No- adjective- not any.

Nor- it will act as a conjunction.

9) Answer (B)

The correct answer is option -B

In any way is the correct expression.

By the way – In the manner described /suggested.

In any way-likely, possibly

In addition to – including ,along with,as well as.

Rest doesn’t add any meaning.

10) Answer (D)

The correct answer is -D

To do is the correct choice.

Remaining options doesn’t add any meaning to the sentence.

11) Answer (A)

The correct answer is option -A

Approach -to come or go near.

It is the correct answer.

Depart- to leave.

Present-relating to now

Absent-being away from place,not existing.

Remaining options doesn’t add any meaning here

12) Answer (C)

The correct answer is option – C

Carrying is the correct choice.

Carrying- convey,transfer,move,take,bring,bear,shift, transport.

Meaning of other options

1) Coming- the act of arriving,an arrival

2)leaving-to cause or allow,to remain as available,to refrain from taking away,to stop short of consuming ,to cause,to result in,to put,to place,to depart.

3) reliving-to bring back to life,to revive,to come back to life.

As per the context of passage,only option `carrying’ perfectly suits here.

13) Answer (A)

The correct answer is option -A

Islanders came forward -towards the front

Backward- in reverse direction.

Sides- on any edge.

Upward- towards a higher place.

Remaining options doesn’t add any meaning contextually.

14) Answer (B)

The correct answer is option number -B

Have -As per the Subject verb agreement,verb should agree with the subject.

As in the sentence,officials is in plural form.

So `Have’ will be the correct choice.

Remaining options are grammatically incorrect.

15) Answer (D)

The correct answer is option number -D

Bought for them -is the Correct construction grammatically & contextually

Brought to -revive, Restore,save, encourage, rekindle

brought by -to carry.

brought in -acquire,yield.

Presposition error is there.

Brought for means to carry,to bring something for someone,in regard of someone.

16) Answer (C)

The correct answer is option number – C

Sailing here means – travelling by ship

Stopping- a filling for a tooth, blocking

watching-alert, cautious

Seeing -observing, witnessing

All these words doesn’t add any meaning here.

17) Answer (B)

The correct answer is option number -B

Muster up courage -means to gather enough strength to do something.

Here it is saying triabals gather enough courage/strength to swim.

Remaining options doesn’t add any meaning here.

18) Answer (D)

The correct answer is option number -D

Away is the correct preposition.

It means -aside,off,in another direction.

Go away,take away.

Near -physically close,closely connected,approaching, almost, immediate,nearly

Correctly – In a correct manner

Distantly- in a distant manner,far off.

19) Answer (C)

The correct answer is option number -C

Not – (adverb) – Negates the meaning ofidified verb.

Here ex- Do not.

Nor , neither – act as a conjunction.

No – adjective (not any)

Used to show disagreement.

20) Answer (B)

The correct answer is option number -B

Rely on -to dependent on.

Spy on – to follow secretly, pursue

Occupy- cover,hold.

Reply- response,retort, acknowledgement.

Rest options doesn’t fits here.


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