Blood Relation Questions for SBI PO PDF

Blood Relation Questions for SBI PO PDF
Blood Relation Questions for SBI PO PDF

Blood Relation Questions for SBI PO PDF:

Blood relation Questions for SBI PO Prelims and Mains exam. Download SBI PO Blood relationship questions on with solutions.

Blood Relation Questions for SBI PO PDF

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Instructions (1 – 3): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below :
• K is the brother of J. J is the mother of Y.
• Y is the sister of T. T is married to Q. S is the father of J.
• S has only one daughter. S is married to R.
• K is the brother of D. U is the father-in-law of D.

Question 1: How is D related to Y?

a) Cannot be determined
b) Mother
c) Uncle
d) Father
e) Aunt

Question 2: If Y is married to P, then how is S related to P?

a) Cannot be determined
b) Sister
c) Brother-in-law
d) Sister-in-law
e) None of these

Question 3: If U is the father of C, then how is D related to C?

a) Cousin
b) Husband
c) Wife
d) Cannot be determined
e) Brother

Instructions (4 – 6): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:
L is the only child of K,R,T is married to L. S is the sister of R. S is the only daughter of B. J, the father of B has only two children. Q is the daughter of J.

Question 4: How is J related to S?

a) Grandfather
b) Brother-in-law
c) Uncle
d) Cousin
e) Father-in-law

Question 5: If J has only one daughter, then how is B related to K?

a) Nephew
b) Niece
c) Father-in-law
d) Brother
e) Mother-in-law

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Question 6: How is Q related to R?

a) Daughter-in-law
b) Grandmother
c) Niece
d) Aunt
e) Mother-in-law

Instructions (7 – 9): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below :
K and M are the children of G. G is married to R. S is the sister of G. A is the only son of R P is the son of K.

Question 7: How is M related to P?

a) Father
b) Uncle
c) Aunt
d) Grandmother
e) Brother-in-law

Question 8: How is S related to R?

a) Sister-in-law
b) Daughter-in-law
c) Niece
d) Daughter
e) Granddaughter

Question 9: If S does not have any sister, then how is G related to P?

a) Uncle
b) Grandfather
c) Father-in-law
d) Aunt
e) Grandmother

Question 10: if ‘AxB’ means B is the father of A and ‘A+B’ means A is the wife of B and A /B means A is the brother of B , then what is the relation of J with L in the ‘ J + H / R x L ‘.

a) Daughter
b) Daughter in law
c) Sister in law
d) Cannot determined
e) None of these

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Answers & Solutions for Blood Relation Questions for SBI PO PDF:

1) Answer (C)
Y is sister of T, their mother is J, who is also sister of K.
T is married to Q, and gender of both are unknown.
S is father of J, and is married to R. They have 3 children, i.e. D,K and J.
Since, S has only one daughter, => D and K are brothers and J is their sister.
Also, U is father-in-law of D, => U is father of D’s wife.
Here, D is the brother of Y’s mother, => D is uncle of Y.
=> Ans – (C)

2) Answer (E)
Y is sister of T, their mother is J, who is also sister of K.
T is married to Q, and gender of both are unknown.
S is father of J, and is married to R. They have 3 children, i.e. D,K and J.
Since, S has only one daughter, => D and K are brothers and J is their sister.
Also, U is father-in-law of D, => U is father of D’s wife.
If Y is married to P, and also S is grandfather of Y,
=> S is grandfather-in-law of P, which is not given in the options.
=> Ans – (E)

3) Answer (B)
Y is sister of T, their mother is J, who is also sister of K.
T is married to Q, and gender of both are unknown.
S is father of J, and is married to R. They have 3 children, i.e. D,K and J.
Since, S has only one daughter, => D and K are brothers and J is their sister.
Also, U is father-in-law of D, => U is father of D’s wife.
If U is father of C and U is father-in-law of D, and D is male.
=> D is the husband of C.
=> Ans _ (B)

4) Answer (A)
S is the sister of R and S is the only daughter of R, => R is male.
=> K is the wife of R and their son is L, who is married to T.
Q is sister of B, their father is J. Gender of B,L and T is unknown.
Also, R (male) and S (female) are children of B.
J is the father of S’s parent B, => J is grandfather of S.
=> Ans – (A)

5) Answer (C)
S is the sister of R and S is the only daughter of R, => R is male.
=> K is the wife of R and their son is L, who is married to T.
Q is sister of B, their father is J. Gender of B,L and T is unknown.
Also, R (male) and S (female) are children of B.
If J has only 1 daughter, => B is male.
Thus, B is the father of K’s husband R, => B is father-in-law of K.
=> Ans – (C)

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6) Answer (D)
S is the sister of R and S is the only daughter of R, => R is male.
=> K is the wife of R and their son is L, who is married to T.
Q is sister of B, their father is J. Gender of B,L and T is unknown.
Also, R (male) and S (female) are children of B.
Since, Q is the sister of R’s parent, => Q is aunt of R.
=> Ans – (D)

7) Answer (C)
G is married to R, and their children are K, M and A.
A is the only son of R, => K (female) , M (female) and A (male) are siblings.
P is the son of K and S is the sister of G.
M is the sister of P’s mother, => M is the aunt of P.
=> Ans – (C)

8) Answer (A)
G is married to R, and their children are K, M and A.
A is the only son of R, => K (female) , M (female) and A (male) are siblings.
P is the son of K and S is the sister of G.
S is sister of G, who is married to R, => S is sister-in-law of R.
=> Ans – (A)

9) Answer (B)
G is married to R, and their children are K, M and A.
A is the only son of R, => K (female) , M (female) and A (male) are siblings.
P is the son of K and S is the sister of G.
If S does not have any sister, => G is male
Thus, G is father of P’s mother, => G is grandfather of P.
=> Ans – (B)

10) Answer (B)

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