Banking Current Affairs April May 2018 Capsule PDF

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Banking Current Affairs – April – May 2018 for RBI Grade B and SBI PO,Clerk, IPBS, IBPS RRB) PDF Capsule

Download Current Affairs – Important Banking Current Affairs April and May 2018 PDF. This is Important Banking Current Affairs April – May 2018 Current affairs PDF. An important complete capsule for banking (IBPS, SBI PO and Clerk), SSC CGL & CHSL, UPSC (civil services), RBI Grade B and other exams covering all important happenings in the month of April – May.

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Banking Current Affairs April – May 2018
Government of India signed a loan agreement of USD 200 million with which International Organization for its ambitious POSHAN Abhiyaan (National Nutrition Mission) World Bank
Government of India has signed an MoU with which International Organization for its ambitious National Biopharma Mission, a total assistance of USD 250 million (USD 125 loan component) will be provided by the organization World Bank
Government of India has signed a loan agreement of USD 48 million with which of the following international organizations for “Meghalaya Community – Led Landscape Management Project” World Bank
Government of India signed a loan agreement of USD 420 Million with which International Organization for the benefit of farmers in Maharashtra World Bank
International Organization which has approved a loan of USD 140 million for improving rural connectivity in Madhya Pradesh AIIB
Which International Organization has extended USD 375 million loan assistance for improving irrigation and boosting farmers’ income in the state of Madhya Pradesh Asian Development Bank
International Organization which has approved a loan of Rs 1700 Crore for infrastructure development in urban areas of the Uttarakhand Asian Development Bank
Government of India recently launched first tranche of sovereign gold bonds scheme, which organizations issues bonds on behalf of government of India Reserve Bank of India
Bank which has launched Interactive Robotic Assistant 2.0 at its branch in Karnataka HDFC Bank
Facebook has tied up  with which banks for launching WhatsApp Pay services in India HDFC, Axis, ICICI
and SBI
Bank which has introduced pilot whatsapp enterprise solution Indus Ind Bank
Bank which has launched Bharat QR, a mobile payment solution and PFMS recently Indian Bank
Jio Payments Bank which started operations in April 2013 is a joint venture between Reliance Industries Limited and which bank State Bank of India
Indian Bank which has announced to invest Rs 80 billion in a hydropower project in Nepal State Bank of India
Bank which has become first in India to receive new cross border payment service ICICI Bank
Indian Bank which has launched an innovation lab for better digital banking experience ICICI Bank
Reserve bank of India has recently imposed fresh restrictions on which bank from taking fresh credit exposure and hiring Dena Bank
Bank which has launched initiative Agenda 25 × 25 aimed at creating a favorable startup environment for upcoming women entrepreneurs in India Yes Bank
Bank which has launched a water security campaign under its CSR for farmers in Haryana and Rajasthan to promote sustainable agricultural practices and digital literacy Yes Bank
Bank which has been empaneled as “Settlement Bank” by National Stock Exchange for National Securities Clearing Corporation Yes Bank
Bank which has announced to offer digital loans against mutual funds, the bank has signed a partnership agreement with CAMS – transfer agent HDFC Bank
Bank which is extending direct funding facility to village level entrepreneurs in CSCs with minimum one year of operation SIDBI
Indian Bank which has started major operations in Gift City, Gujarat recently by obtaining 20,000 sq ft of office space Bank of Baroda
Bank which has signed an MoU with CDSL commodity repository for offering pledge finance to warehouse dealers in the country Bank of Baroda
Payments bank which has launched an app – Digital Suite which is a one stop platform for all its digital payment solutions Finotech Payments Bank
Payments bank which introduced “My Payments” an automatic recurring payments facility for its users Paytm Payments Bank
Payments Bank which has registered 100 Million KYC wallets in April 2018 Paytm Payments Bank
Chinese Bank which has launched a India dedicated publicly offered investment fund – ICBC Credit Suisse India Market Fund Industrial and Commercial Bank of China
PFMS portal of government of India has processed record transactions worth how much amount on a single day in April 2018 Rs 71,633.45 Crore
Reserve Bank of India has announced to purchase how much worth government bonds from Open Market Operations Rs 10000 Crore
NABARDs authorized capital has been raised from existing Rs 5000 Crore to what amount as per the recent amendment to NABARD Bill 2017 Rs 30,000 Crore
NABARD has announced to raise its long term finance portfolio to what amount in 2018-19 Rs 80,000 Crore
NABARD has approved how much amount of loan to the state of Rajasthan in 2017-18 for various rural road and irrigation projects Rs 14,690 Crore
World Bank has sanctioned how much amount to Energy Efficiency Services of India for developing the energy efficiency programme in India USD 300 Million
Government of India has signed a loan agreement of how much amount with world bank for improving rural road network in the state of Madhya Pradesh USD 210 million
World Bank has signed a loan agreement of how much amount with government of India for the Innovate in India for Inclusiveness Project USD 125 million
Reserve Bank of India has revised norms for setting up International Financial Services Centers – Banking Units by Banks, as per the new rules, the parent bank has to provide and maintain a minimum capital of how much amount in its IBU on an ongoing basis USD 20 million
Reserve Bank of India has prescribed what percentage of the net stable funding ratio for banks aimed at maintaining adequate liquidity for more resilience 100% of NSFR
SEBI has issued new KYC norms for Foreign Portfolio Investors, as per the new norms a person owning how much stake in the FPI structured company would be considered as the Beneficial Owner. 25% stake in the company
SEBI has issued new KYC norms for Foreign Portfolio Investors, as per the new norms a person owning how much stake in the FPI structured company that belongs to HIGH RISK JURISDICTION,
would be considered as the Beneficial Owner.
10% stake in the company
As per the recent data released by Reserve Bank of India, banks’ credit and deposits have grown by what percentage compared Year on Year Credit – 12.64%
(Rs 85,51,099 Crore)Deposits – 7.61%
(1,13,92,165 Crore)
As per the ratings agency FITCH, India’s economic growth rate for the financial year 2018-19 is estimated at 7.3%
As per the ratings agency FITCH, India’s economic growth rate for the financial year 2019-20 is estimated at 7.5%
India’s economic growth rate has been projected at what rate for 2018-19 by Asian Development Bank in its recent Asian Development Outlook Report 2018 7.3% – 2018-19
7.6% – 2019-20
As per the IMF’s – Asia Pacific Regional Economic Outlook Report 2018, India’s economic growth rate for 2018-19 is projected at 7.4%
As per the recently published UN World Economic Situation and Prospects 2018, India’s economic growth rate is estimated at what percentage in 2018-19 7.6%
Growth rate of Indian economy for the year 2017-18 as per the recent report from Ministry of Statistics and Implementation has been 6.7% – 2017-18
7.7% – Q4 of 2017-18
Reserve Bank of India has recently hiked Foreign Portfolio Investment Limit in Central Government Securities by what percent of the outstanding stock from existing 5% for financial year 2018-19 5.5% – 2018-19

6% – 2019-20

Reserve Bank of India has eased ECB (External Commercial Borrowing Norms) by increasing the ECB liability to Equity to what ratio from direct foreign equity holder under the Automatic Route 7 : 1
Parliamentary panel headed by whom was constituted by government of India for looking into issues relating to black money recovery and performance of public sector banks Murali Manohar Joshi
Reserve Bank of India has directed banks dealing with foreign exchange to share data with which of the following organizations Directorate of Revenue Intellligence
NABARD has recently sanctioned funds of Rs 87.83 lakhs for solar street lighting system in which state Arunachal Pradesh
Government of India has signed a loan agreement of USD 21.7 with world bank for strengthening the public finance management project of which state Rajasthan
NABARD has given a financial aid of Rs 10012 Crore in 2017-18 to which state for various development projects in the state Uttar Pradesh
BRICS Bank has launched regional office of America in which of the following countries Brazil
As per the recent report by REMITSCOPE, which country has emerged as the largest remittance receiving country in the world in 2017 at USD 69 Billion India
Country which has banned banks and financial institutions from using cryptocurrencies as a measure to curb money laundering and terror financing Iran
Stock Exchange which has become first in the country to be recognized as designated off shore securities market by US Securities and Exchange Commission Bombay Stock Exchange
Commodity Exchange which became first in the country to launch options in Copper Multi Commodity Exchange of India
Nifty Equity Savings Index has been launched by which of the following organizations recently which will be a benchmark for various equity savings funds India Index and Services Products Ltd
Company which has tied up with BSNL to jointly launch Swadeshi Samriddhi Sim Cards Patanjali
Indian Meteorological Department tied up with which telecom operator to send extreme weather warnings to the public in New Delhi BSNL
Multinational Company which has acquired Flipkart for USD 16 billion considered to be world’s largest e-commerce deal Walmart
Indian Public Sector Company which has emerged as the most profitable company for the third consecutive year Indian Oil Corporation
Reserve Bank of India has announced to shift from existing GVA model of measuring economy to which model GDP
Reserve Bank of India has revised norms of reporting transactions undertaken by Individuals under which scheme on a daily basis for more monitoring purpose Liberalized Remittance Scheme
Government of India has signed a loan agreement of USD 500 million with World Bank for which project Rural Road Project of PM Gram Sadak Yojana

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