Agriculture and Rural Development Current Affairs 2017-2018 Q and A MCQ Notes-2 PDF

Agriculture and Rural development MCQ Notes 2017-18
Agriculture and Rural development MCQ Notes 2017-18

Agriculture and Rural Development Current Affairs 2018 MCQ Notes-2 PDF

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This PDF exclusively covers current affairs related to Agriculture and Rural Development for NABARD Grade A exam. The current affairs from January 2018 to April 2018 are covered in this capsule


Question: Government of India has decided to frame an open source data platform for smart agriculture, what is the name of the platform?

Answer: Farmer Zone

Question: Indian council of agricultural research will take up major research works in agriculture in collaboration with which Fund?

Answer: World Bank Fund

Question: Zero Hunger Programme was launched on World Food Day in 2017 in which states?

Answer: Maharashtra, Odisha and Uttar Pradesh

Question: Which country has agreed to support White revolution in Haryana in 2017?

Answer: Israel

Question: Which fund has been set up by government of India for boosting the dairy sector in India with an outlay of Rs 10,881 Crore benefitting 95 Lakh Farmers from 50,000 villages?

Answer: Dairy Processing and Infrastructure Development Fund

Question: NABARD has sanctioned Rs 119 Crore to which state in 2017 for construction of 7 bridges and improvement of one rural road project?

Answer: Haryana

Question: Who has won the Balzan award 2017 presented at Berlin, Germany for “studying women’s contributions to agriculture in India”?

Answer: Bina Agarwal

Question: National Agri-Food Biotechnology has signed an MoU with Bonn Food Industries for promoting which agriculture produce?

Answer: Colored Wheat beneficial for control of Diabetes

Question: What is the name of the mobile app developed by Agri and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority (APEDA) for farmers to assist them in registering, testing and certification of certain fruits and vegetables?

Answer: Hortinet

Question: Which state has decided to make education free for all girls from class 1 to graduation in public and all aided private institutions in the state?

Answer: Karnataka

Question: Asian Development Bank has signed a loan agreement of USD 200 Million with which Indian Bank to provide income for low income women in rural India?

Answer: IndusInd Bank

Question: PM has launched Saubhagya scheme – Sahaj Bijli Har Ghar Yojana for carrying out electrification of households in India, a total budgetary support of Rs 16,320 Crore has been provided for the scheme, what is the outlay for rural India from the sanctioned amount?

Answer: Rs 14,025 Crore

Question: Pt Deen Dayal Upadhyay Vigyan Gram Sankul Pariyojana scheme has been launched by Minster of Science and Technology
Dr. Harsha Vardhan in which of the following states?

Answer: Uttarakhand

Question: At the 9th BRICS summit in Xiamen, China in 2017 what has been proposed to be set up in India which is a virtual network facilitating cooperation in priority areas?

Answer: BRICS Agriculture Research Platform

Question: TRIFED – (Tribal Cooperative Marketing Development Federation of India Limited) has signed an MoU with which of the following organizations for selling tribal products online?

Answer: Amazon

Question: Which of the following schemes has been launched by PM Narendra Modi to provide last mile electricity connectivity to rural and urban households?

Answer: Saubhagya Scheme – Sahaj Bijli Har Ghar Yojana

Question: Which ministry has launched PM LPG Panchayat Scheme to provide LPG connections among rural areas where conventional fuel is used in 2017?

Answer: Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Resources

Question: Discarding of which act related to Agriculture has been proposed by NITI Aayog in 2017 as the act was destabilizing the prices of commodities?

Answer: Essential Commodities Act

Question: Project CHAMAN which was expected to be completed by March 2018 is implemented by which organization?

Answer: Mahalanobis National Crop Forecast Centre

Question: Which state government has made Aadhaar mandatory for availing fertilizer subsidy in 2017?

Answer: Maharashtra

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Question: NABARD has sanctioned how much amount to Andhra Pradesh state government for development projects – rural roads and bridges and water supply projects in the state?

Answer: Rs 273 Crore

Question: Government of India has signed a loan agreement of USD 200 Million with which of the following International Organizations for Assam Agribusiness and Rural Transformation Project?

Answer: World Bank

Question: APEDA will conduct Programmes in which countries to promote agricultural products of Northeast India?

Answer: Bangladesh and Myanmar

Question: Government of Karnataka has signed an MoU with which of the following IT companies for providing technology oriented solutions to farmers in the state to assist them in increasing their income?

Answer: Microsoft

Question: Who is the recipient of World Food Laureate 2017 in October 2017?

Answer: Akinwumi Ayodeji Adesina, President of African Development Bank

Question: NABARD has bought an additional stake of 7% worth Rs 900 Crore in which financial institution from IDBI Bank?

Answer: Small Industries Development Bank of India

Question: What is the name given to toilets in rural areas, government of India has asked state governments to name toilets in rural areas with this name?

Answer: Izzat Ghar

Question: Banks provided loans to SHGs at what interest rates in 2017-18 under Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana – National Rural Livelihood Mission as per a statement by Reserve Bank of India?

Answer: 7%

Question: Which state in 2017 has launched “Mathru Purna Scheme” aimed at providing nutritional support to pregnant and lactating women in rural areas?

Answer: Karnataka

Question: Department of Posts launched which of the following schemes for improving customer base for Postal Life Insurance Policies in rural areas?

Answer: Sampoorna Bima Gram Yojana

Question: What is the theme for 2017 of World Food Day which was observed on October 16th?

Answer: Change the future of migration, Invest in food security and rural development.

Question: What is the theme for 2017 of International Day of Rural Women observed on October 15th?

Answer: Opportunities in climate-resilient agriculture for gender equality and the empowerment of rural women and girls

Question: Which organization has won Green Platinum Award 2017 instituted by confederation of Indian Industry?

Answer: Govardhan Eco Village – promoted by ISCKON

Question: High level Committee for water management in north east constituted by government of India is headed by whom?

Answer: Rajiv Kumar – Vice Chairman NITI Aayog

Question: The first meeting of EAC-PM is held in which cities in 2017?

Answer: New Delhi

Question: Government of India has approved Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana from 2017-18 to 2019-20, what is the financial allocation for the scheme?

Answer: Rs 15,722 Crore

Question: India is observing 2018 as an international year of which cereal, it has also requested UN to declare 2018 as the International Year of Millets?

Answer: International Year of Millets

Question: The three day organic world congress has been held in which city, the summit has been inaugurated by Minister of Agriculture and Farmers’ Welfare – Radha Mohan Singh?

Answer: Noida, Uttar Pradesh

Question: International meet on buffalos has been organized in which country in 2017?

Answer: Nepal

Question: CBDT has announced that PAN need not be mandatorily produced by farmers for cash sale of their produce up to what amount per day?

Answer: Rs 2 Lakhs/ day

Question: Which international organization has approved USD 30 Million soft loan for India’s North Eastern Community Resource Management Project?

Answer: International Fund for Agriculture Development

Question: Which bank has tied up with Action Construction Equipment Ltd for tractors and agriculture equipment financing through its branches?

Answer: Punjab National Bank

Question: India’s first ever Micro-Life Insurance plan – Insurance Khata has been launched by which company which is primarily aimed at informal sector and agri laborers with seasonal incomes?

Answer: India First Life Insurance Company

Question: Which agricultural university of India signed an MoU with government of Netherlands for jointly working on issue of crop residue management?

Answer: Haryana Agricultural University, Hissar

Question: What is the rank of India in terms of fish production in the World?

Answer: 2nd

Question: Which state government has launched Nabakrushna Choudhary Seccha Unnayan Yojana aimed at providing irrigation facility to 55,000 hectares in the state?

Answer: Odisha state government

Question: Which of the following banks has launched a special loan scheme for rural women of the state to support them in starting own businesses?

Answer: Andhra Bank

Question: Government of India has signed a loan agreement of USD 500 Million with which International Organization for improving rural road connectivity in 5 states of India (Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Assam, West Bengal and Odisha)?

Answer: Asian Development Bank

Question: International Rice Research Institute headquartered in which country has been renamed after PM Narendra Modi during his recent visit that country?

Answer: Philippines

Question: India’s first Tribal Entrepreneurship summit is held in which of the following states, jointly organized by NITI Aayog and Government of USA in 2017?

Answer: Dantewada, Chhattisgarh

Question: Which state has launched JOHAR scheme aimed at doubling income of the rural people in the state, the project is supported by World Bank?

Answer: Jharkhand

Question: What is the name of the traditional slush track buffalo race held in rural Karnataka every year which the supreme court has refused to ban in 2017?

Answer: Kambala


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Question: How much amount has been approved for the recently restructured National Rural Drinking Water Scheme that will cover the entire rural population of the country which has been extended till March 2020?

Answer: Rs 23,050 Crore

Question: Government of India recently approved which scheme for a period of 2017-18 to 2019-20 which is aimed at empowering rural women through various community participation programmes?

Answer: PM Mahila Shakthi Kendra

Question: Which state government has approved Rs 7546 crore for Narmada – Parvati river linking project to create irrigation facilities on 2 Lakh hectares agri land in the state?

Answer: Madhya Pradesh

Question: Government of India has approved setting up of how many Mega Food Parks in the country?

Answer: 42 Mega Food Parks

Question: 22nd Small Farmers Agri Business consortium is held in which of the following cities in 2017?

Answer: New Delhi

Question: Government of India has signed an MoU with which Indian bank for providing cashless payment facility on e-NAM portal in 2017?

Answer: ICICI Bank
Question: Government of India and Tamilnadu state have signed a loan agreement of USD 318 Million with which International Organization to modernize irrigation projects in the state?

Answer: World Bank

Question: What is the rank of India in production of horticulture crops and fruits in the world?

Answer: 2nd

Question: Which country has topped the production of horticulture crops and fruits in the world?

Answer: China

Question: Which film actor has been roped in by government of India to promote Agriculture Schemes launched by government of India?

Answer: Akshay Kumar

Question: Minister of Agriculture and Farmers’ Welfare – Radha Mohan Singh has launched the App – Livestock Disease Forewarning in 2017, the mobile app is jointly developed by Indian council of agricultural research and which organization?

Answer: National Institute of Veterinary Epidemiology and Disease Informatics

Question: Which village of Chhattisgarh has got electricity for first time since independence in December 2017?

Answer: Jokpatha Village

Question: DARPAN – (Digital Advancement of Rural Post Office for a new India) scheme has launched by government of India in 2017 for financial inclusion of rural india, what is the initial outlay of funds for the scheme?

Answer: Rs 1400 Crore

Question: Which small finance bank has signed an MoU with Sahaj e-village promoted by SREI Infrastructure finance Limited for providing banking services in remote India?

Answer: AU Small Finance Bank

Question: When is the world soil day celebrated every year observed by Food and Agriculture Organization headquartered in Rome, Italy?

Answer: December 05th – Theme : Caring for planets starts from ground

Question: Which state government has tied up with Microsoft for developing India’s first Farm Price Forecasting Model?

Answer: Karnataka

Question: Government of India has signed an MoA (Memorandum of Association) with International Rice Research Institute to establish a regional center in which city in India?

Answer: Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh

Question: NABARD has approved Rs 1,350 Crore loan to which state government for construction of rural drinking water projects, irrigation projects and repairing of roads in the state?

Answer: Rajasthan Government

Question: Which bank has bagged best performance award for SHG-Bank linkage programme in Karnataka, the award was given by NABARD?

Answer: Corporation Bank

Question: Who was awarded the Agriculture Leadership Award 2017 by government of India?

Answer: Chandra Shekar Rao – Chief Minister Telangana

Question: Which village of the northeast has become the first 100% computer literate village of Northeast?

Answer: Nungthang Tampak

Question: Government of India has signed a loan agreement of USD 329 Million with which international organization for rural road projects in Gujarat?

Answer: Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank

Question: The first edition of rural games is held in which city in 2017?

Answer: New Delhi

Question: Government of India raised an additional budgetary support of how much amount for Long Term Irrigation Fund, the fund will be raised by NABARD through issuance of bonds at 6% p.a?

Answer: Rs 9,020 Crore

Question: The first mega food park of Maharashtra is inaugurated in which place?

Answer: Degaon Village, Satara

Question: The second mega food park of Uttarakhand is inaugurated in which place?

Answer: Udham Singh Nagar, the first mega food park is at Haridwar

Question: The first mega food park of Rajasthan is inaugurated in which place?

Answer: Roopangarh Village, Ajmer


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