Active and Passive Voice for SSC Stenographer Exam PDF

Active and Passive Voice for SSC Stenographer Exam PDF
Active and Passive Voice for SSC Stenographer Exam PDF

Active and Passive Voice for SSC Stenographer Exam PDF:

Download Active and Passive Voice Questions For SSC Stenographer PDF. Practice Important Active and Passive Voice Questions and Answers based on asked questions in previous papers.

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Instructions:In the following questions, a sentence has been given in Active Voice/Passive Voice, Out of the four alternatives suggested, select the one which best expresses the same sentence in Passive/ Active Voice.

Question 1:Ā They have made a film based on this novel.

a)Ā A film was based on this novel and made.

b)Ā A film have been made based on, this novel.

c)Ā A film, based on this novel, has been made

d)Ā A film has been based and made on this novel.

Question 2:Ā The people couldn’t move me to the hospital and the doctor operated on me at home.

a)Ā I couldn’t be moved to the hospital and was operated on at home by the doctor.

b)Ā I couldn’t be moved to the hospital and I had to be operated on at home.

c)Ā I couldn’t be moved to the hospital and I was operated at home by the doctor.

d)Ā I couldn’t be moved to the hospital by the people and operated on at home.

Question 3:Ā Why did he deprive you of the membership ?

a)Ā Why you were deprived of the membership?

b)Ā Why were you deprived of his membership by him ?

c)Ā Why was he deprived of his membership

d)Ā Why were you deprived of your membership by him ?

Question 4:Ā The news has been brought to us by him.

a)Ā He brought us the news.

b)Ā He has brought us the news.

c)Ā He was brought the news to us.

d)Ā We brought the news to him.

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Question 5:Ā Not a word was spoken by the criminal in self defence.

a)Ā The criminal spoke not a word in self defence.

b)Ā The criminal in self defence spoke no word.

c)Ā The criminal did not speak a word in self defence.

d)Ā The criminal spoke in self defence not a word.

Instructions:Ā In Following questions ,a sentence has been given in Active/Passive voice. Out of the four alternatives suggested below, select the one which best expresses the same sentence in Passive/Active Voice.

Question 6:Ā He was congratulated by his teacher on his brilliant success in the recent examination.

a)Ā His teacher congratulated him on his brilliant success in the recent examination

b)Ā His teacher congratulated him for his success in the examination

c)Ā His teacher congratulated him on his success

d)Ā His teacher congratulated him

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Question 7:Ā People speak English all over the world.

a)Ā English is spoken all over the world

b)Ā English was spoken all over the world

c)Ā English was spoken by people

d)Ā English is spoken by people

Question 8:Ā Who gave you permission to enter?

a)Ā By whom were you given permission to enter?

b)Ā By whom was you given permission to enter?

c)Ā By whom you were given permission to enter?

d)Ā By whom given you permission to enter?

Question 9:Ā The Principal has granted him a scholarship.

a)Ā A scholarship has granted to him by the Principal

b)Ā He has been granted a scholarship by the Principal

c)Ā He has granted a scholarship by the Principal

d)Ā A scholarship was granted to him by the Principal

Question 10:Ā Before festivals the shops are thronged with men, women and children making various purchases.

a)Ā During festivals people throng the shops

b)Ā Men, women and children throng the shops before festivals making various purchases

c)Ā Men, women and children make purchases during festivals

d)Ā The shops are thronged by people making purchases

Instructions: In the following questions, a sentence has been given in Active Voice/Passive Voice, Out of the four alternatives suggested, select the one which best expresses the same sentence in Passive/ Active Voice.

Question 11:Ā The agent had disclosed the secret before it was evening.

a)Ā The secret was disclosed by the agent before it was evening.

b)Ā The secret had disclosed by the agent before it had been evening.

c)Ā The secret had been disclosed by the agent before it was evening.

d)Ā The secret was disclosed by the agent before it had been evening.

Question 12:Ā Surely the lost child must have been found by now.

a)Ā Surely must have found the lost child by now.

b)Ā Surely someone must have found the lost child by now.

c)Ā Surely now must have found the lost child

d)Ā Now must have found the lost child surely.

Question 13:Ā We serve hot meals till 10.30 guests can order, coffee and sandwiches upto 11.30.

a)Ā Hot meals are serving till 10.30 ; coffee and sandwiches are ordering by guests till 11.30.

b)Ā Hot meals are being served till 10.30 coffee and sandwiches are being ordered till 11-30.

c)Ā Hot meals are served till 10.30; coffee and sandwiches may be ordered till 11.30.

d)Ā Hot meals will be served till 10.30; coffee and sandwiches will be ordered upto 11.30.

Question 14:Ā Lie facedown; stretch your arms in front.

a)Ā You are face down, arms are to be outstretched

b)Ā You should be lying face down, with arms outstretched.

c)Ā You should be lying face down; let arms stretch out.

d)Ā Let face be down; let arms be stretched out.

Question 15:Ā The Greeks expected to win the international trophy.

a)Ā It was expected that the Greeks would win the international trophy.

b)Ā The international trophy was expected to be won by the Greeks.

c)Ā It was expected that the Greeks will win the international trophy.

d)Ā It was expected by the Greeks that they would win the international trophy.

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Instructions:Ā In following questions the sentences have been given in Active/Passive voice. From the given alternatives, choose the one which best expresses the given sentence in Passive/Active voice.

Question 16:Ā They first sun-dried the garbage for one to three days to bring down the moisture level.

a)Ā The moisture level was brought down by sun-drying the garbage for one to three days

b)Ā One to three days of sun-drying brought down the moisture level of the garbage

c)Ā The moisture level of the garbage came down when it was sun-dried for one to three days

d)Ā The garbage was first sun-dried for one to three days to bring down the moisture level

Question 17:Ā Women like men to flatter them.

a)Ā Men are liked by women to flatter them

b)Ā Women like to be flattered by men

c)Ā Women like that men should flatter them

d)Ā Women are liked to be flattered by men

Question 18:Ā What one must do, one must do properly.

a)Ā What must be. done, must be done properly

b)Ā It must be done properly what one must do

c)Ā It must be done what one must do properly

d)Ā One must do properly what has to be done

Question 19:Ā Look at the poll results – do they inspire hope?

a)Ā Let the poll results be looked – is hope inspired by them?

b)Ā Let the poll results be looked at – has hope been inspired by them?

c)Ā Let the poll results be looked at – is hope being inspired by them?

d)Ā Let the poll results be looked at – is hope inspired by them?

Question 20:Ā It is your duty to make tea at eleven O’ clock.

a)Ā You are asked to make tea at eleven O’clock

b)Ā Your are required to make tea at eleven O’clock

c)Ā You are supposed to make tea at eleven O’clock

d)Ā Tea is to be made by you at eleven O’clock

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Answers & Solutions:

1)Ā AnswerĀ (C)

2)Ā AnswerĀ (A)

3)Ā AnswerĀ (D)

4)Ā AnswerĀ (B)

5)Ā AnswerĀ (C)

6)Ā AnswerĀ (A)

7)Ā AnswerĀ (A)

8)Ā AnswerĀ (A)

9)Ā AnswerĀ (B)

10)Ā AnswerĀ (B)

11)Ā AnswerĀ (C)

12)Ā AnswerĀ (B)

13)Ā AnswerĀ (C)

14)Ā AnswerĀ (D)

15)Ā AnswerĀ (D)

16)Ā AnswerĀ (D)

17)Ā AnswerĀ (B)

18)Ā AnswerĀ (A)

19)Ā AnswerĀ (D)

20)Ā AnswerĀ (C)

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