Fill in the blanks for SBI Clerk Set-3 PDF

Fill in the blanks for SBI Clerk Set-3
Fill in the blanks for SBI Clerk Set-3

Fill in the Blanks for SBI-Clerk Set-3 PDF

Download SBI-Clerk Fill in the Blanks Set-2 PDF based on previous papers very useful for SBI-Clerk Exams. Top-10 Very Important Questions for Banking Exams.

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Instructions: Each sentence below has a blank/s, each blank indicates that something has been omitted. Choose the word/s that best fit/s the meaning of the sentence as a whole

Question 1: Many leading members of the opposition party ….. to justify the party’s decision.

a) Having tried

b) Has tried

c) Have been trying

d) Tries

e) Is trying

Question 2: The state-of-the-art school is….. with a medical clinic and fitness center.

a) Establish

b) Illustrative

c) Having

d) Equipped

e) Compromising

Question 3: The Bhagavad Gita is a part of the Mahabharata, but it stands …. and is … in itself.

a) Dependent, incomplete

b) Together, justified

c) Separate, dignified

d) Apart, complete

e) United, connected

Question 4: The artist’s work of art is worthy… praise

a) For

b) Of

c) To

d) About

e) To be

Question 5: The charity….. most of its money through private donations.

a) Receives

b) Brrows

c) Uses

d) Proposes

e) Invests

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Instructions: Each sentence below has a blank each blank indicates that something has been omitted. Choose the word / group of words that best fit/s the meaning of the sentence as a whole.

Question 6: When I was training for the marathon, I……. run over 100 kilometres a week.

a) Have to

b) Would

c) Will

d) Destined

e) Use to

Question 7: My colleague is one of the kindest people……

a) That I knows

b) I know

c) Who I know

d) Which I know

e) I had known

Question 8: The lawyer’s…….. led to the resolution of the problem.

a) Behaviour

b) Fees

c) Advice

d) Impact

e) Approval

Question 9: The government claims that….. in the telecommunications industry will mean lower price for customers

a) Budget

b) Finance

c) Instalments

d) Decrease

e) Competition

Question 10: Sarah was walking along the street….. she tripped over.

a) When

b) As

c) While

d) Then

e) However

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Answers & Solutions:

1) Answer (C)

Present perfect progressive tense must be used in order to form a gramatically correct sentence.
Hence, ‘have been trying’ is the correct option.

2) Answer (D)

In this context, ‘equipped’ is the most suitable option as expression ‘equip with’ means ‘to add onto something’.

3) Answer (D)

Here all other options, except option D, do not quite give the intended sense to the sentence.
Only the words- apart and complete give the sentence sense.
Hence, Option D is correct option.

4) Answer (B)

The correct preposition to be used is ‘of’.

Hence, the correct option is Option B.

5) Answer (A)

‘Recieves’ most aptly describes the act of giving donation to charity by private companies.
Hence, the answer is Option A.

6) Answer (B)

The gramatically correct choice is option B i.e ‘would’.

When I was training for the marathon, I would run over 100 kilometres a week.

7) Answer (B)

The correcct choice among the options is option B.

My colleague is one of the kindest people I know.

8) Answer (C)

No other option matches the context of sentence.

The lawyers ‘advice’ led to the resolution of problem.

9) Answer (E)

The word ‘competition’ matches the context of the statement.

Hence, the correct option is option E.

10) Answer (A)

The gramatically sensible sentence would read as: Sarah was walking when she tripped over.

Hence, correct option is option A.

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