Top-50 Questions on Currencies & Country Capitals for RRB-NTPC

Capitals and Currencies
Capitals and Currencies

Questions on Currencies & Country Capitals for RRB-NTPC

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Question 1: What is the Currency of Spain?

a) CFA Franc



d) Krone

Question 2: What is the currency of Thailand?

a) Won

b) Euro

c) Baht

d) Yen

e) Lira

Question 3: What is the currency of USA?

a) Dollar

b) Pound

c) Euro

d) Lev

e) US Pound

Question 4: What is the currency of Russia ?

a) Dollar

b) Yen

c) Yuan

d) Russian Ruble

Question 5: What is the capital of Portugal?

a) Lisbon

b) Monaco

c) Rome

d) Budapest

Question 6: Which is the common currency of European Union?

a) Dollar

b) Rupee

c) Euro

d) Franc

Question 7: Riel is the currency of ______

a) Cameroon

b) Cambodia

c) Chile

d) Barbados

e) Colombia

Question 8: The currency of Bangladesh is ……

a) Dinar

b) Rupiya

c) Taka

d) Ngultrum

e) Kyat

Question 9: What is the currency of Morocco?

a) Dollar

b) Pound

c) Euro

d) Dirham

e) Peso

Question 10: What is the currency of Chad?

a) Franc

b) Rial

c) Euro

d) Peso

e) Krona

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Question 11: What is the Capital of Zimbabwe?

a) Cairo

b) Trinidad

c) Tobago

d) Harare

Question 12: Which country’s currency is Ngultrum ?

a) Bhutan

b) Laos

c) Bangladesh

d) Nepal

Question 13: What is the capital and currency of Panama?

a) Montevideo, Ringgit

b) Panama city, Peso

c) Panama city, Balboa

d) Panama city, Franc

Question 14: Copenhagen is the capital city of which of the following countries?

a) Norway

b) Finland

c) Belgium

d) Sweden

e) Denmark

Question 15: Lira was the currency of which country?

a) China

b) Australia

c) Japan

d) Italy

Question 16: The present day currency of Republic of Philippines’ is…………….

a) Philippine Kuna

b) Philippine Pound

c) Philippine Peso

d) Philippine Rupee

e) Philippine Dollar

Question 17: What is the capital of Turkey?

a) Jerusalem

b) Canberra

c) Wellington

d) Ankara

Question 18: What is the currency of Myanmar?

a) Lats

b) won

c) Dirham

d) Kyat

e) None of these

Question 19: What is the currency of Haiti?

a) Franc

b) Rial

c) Euro

d) Gourde

e) Krona

Question 20: What is the capital of Peru?

a) Hargeisa

b) Hanoi

c) Lima

d) Jamestown

e) None of these

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Question 21: What is the currency of Kosovo?

a) Dollar

b) Pound

c) Euro

d) Dirham

e) Peso

Question 22: What is the official Currency of Indonesia?

a) Baht

b) Yen

c) Yuan

d) Indonesian Rupiah

Question 23: What is the currency of Thailand called as ?

a) Rupee

b) Ringgit

c) Baht

d) Yuan

Question 24: What is the capital and currency of Malawi?

a) Algiers, dirham

b) Kiev, hryvnia

c) Lilongwe, rial

d) Rabat, dirham

e) Lilongwe, kwacha

Question 25: ‘Peso’ is not a currency of which country?

a) Cuba

b) Uruguay

c) Mexico

d) Philippines

e) Peru

Question 26: ‘Krona’ is the currency of which country?

a) Norway

b) Sweden

c) Latvia

d) Kazakhstan

Question 27: What is the currency of Sri lanka ?

a) Peso

b) Sri Lanka Rupee

c) Dollar

d) None of the above

Question 28: What is the currency of the country Armenia?

a) Dollar

b) Dram

c) Peso

d) Dinar

Question 29: The currency of Sultanate of Oman is

a) Omani Rand

b) Omani Rial

c) Omani Dinar

d) Omani Gulider

e) Omani Shilling

Question 30: What is the currency of Japan?

a) Somoni

b) Baht

c) Yen

d) Yuan

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Question 31: What is the Currency of Myanmar?

a) Thimpu

b) Kyat

c) Nay Pyi Taw

d) None of the above

Question 32: Ringgit is the currency of which country?

a) Singapore

b) Malaysia

c) Thailand

d) South Korea

e) UAE

Question 33: Yuan is the currency of which country?

a) Japan

b) South Korea

c) North Korea

d) China

e) Malaysia

Question 34: What is the currency of Cambodia?

a) Renminbi

b) Riel

c) Yen

d) Dinar

Question 35: What is the currency of Botswana?

a) Lev

b) Pula

c) Bir

d) Cedi

Question 36: What is the capital of Tanzania?

a) Budapest

b) Rome

c) Dodoma

d) None of the above

Question 37: Baht is the currency of which of the following countries?

a) Vietnam

b) Bahrain

c) Israel

d) Thailand

e) Bahamas

Question 38: What is the currency of Brazil?

a) Dollar

b) Pound

c) Euro

d) Real

e) Dinar

Question 39: What is the currency of Peru?

a) Krona

b) Sol

c) Dollar

d) Euro

e) Som

Question 40: What is the currency of Iraq ?

a) Riyal

b) Peso

c) Dinar

d) None of the above

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Question 41: What is the Currency of UK ?

a) Euro

b) Pound Sterling

c) Dollar

d) None of the above

Question 42: What is the currency name of Switzerland?

a) Swiss lira

b) Swiss franc

c) Swiss dollar

d) Swiss taka

Question 43: What is the currency of Bangladesh?

Question 44: What is the colour of the new currency note of denomination of Rs.20 i.e, set to be released by RBI?

a) Chocolate brown

b) Blue-green

c) Stone gray

d) Greenish yellow

Question 45: What is the currency of Japan?

a) Somoni

b) Baht

c) Yen

d) Yuan

e) Dollar

Question 46: Which country has launched new virtual currency “petro” ?

a) South Africa

b) Venezuela

c) Indonesia

d) Japan

Question 47: Paper currency first started in India in

a) 1862

b) 1542

c) 1601

d) 1680

Question 48: What is the currency of Sweden?

a) Som

b) Krona

c) Euro

d) Krone

Question 49: Which Delhi Sultan was responsible for introducing token currency?

a) Ghiyas ud din Balban

b) Muhammad Bin Tughlaq

c) Alauddin Khalji

d) Iltutmish

Question 50: What is the currency name of Poland?

a) Polish kina

b) Polish dinar

c) Polish balboa

d) Polish zloty

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Answers & Solutions:

1) Answer (C)

2) Answer (C)

3) Answer (A)

4) Answer (D)

5) Answer (A)

6) Answer (C)

7) Answer (B)

Riel is the currency of Cambodia

8) Answer (C)

9) Answer (D)

10) Answer (A)

11) Answer (D)

12) Answer (A)

13) Answer (C)

14) Answer (E)

15) Answer (D)

16) Answer (C)

17) Answer (D)

18) Answer (D)

19) Answer (D)

20) Answer (C)

21) Answer (C)

22) Answer (D)

23) Answer (C)

24) Answer (E)

25) Answer (E)

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26) Answer (B)

27) Answer (B)

28) Answer (B)

29) Answer (B)

30) Answer (C)

31) Answer (B)

32) Answer (B)

33) Answer (D)

34) Answer (B)

35) Answer (B)

36) Answer (C)

37) Answer (D)

38) Answer (D)

39) Answer (B)

40) Answer (C)

41) Answer (B)

42) Answer (B)

43) Answer: Taka

44) Answer (D)

45) Answer (C)

46) Answer (B)

47) Answer (A)

48) Answer (B)

49) Answer (B)

50) Answer (D)

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We hope this Capitals and Currencies Questions are very useful for your Preparation.


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