Directions and Distances Questions for SSC-CPO Set-3 PDF

Directions and Distances questions for SSC-CPO set-3 pdf
Directions and Distances questions for SSC-CPO set-3 pdf

Directions and Distances Questions for SSC-CPO Set-3 PDF

Download SSC CPO Directions and Distances questions with answers PDF based on previous papers very useful for SSC CPO exams. Very important Directions and Distances questions for SSC exams

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Question 1: Rahul moves 5 km towards south and then takes a left turn to move 5 km more. Again, he takes a left turn and moves 10 km and finally, he moves 5 km towards west. In which direction is he now from his initial position?

a) West

b) East

c) South

d) North

Question 2: Amit is facing north. He turns 90° right and walks for 50 m, then turns towards the south and walks 50 m, then turns right to walk for another 50 m and from there, he walks 50 m towards north. In which direction/position is he from his original position?

a) South-west

b) At the original position

c) North-east

d) North-west

Question 3: Two squads of soldiers A and B, facing East and West respectively received the following commands – Left Turn, About Turn, Right Turn, Left Turn. Which directions would the squads A and B face at the end ?

a) East, West

b) West, East

c) North, South

d) South, North

Question 4: A man coming out of the backdoor of his house which is facing East, walked for one kilometre, turned to his right and walked for another kilometre. Then he turned to his right and walked a kilometre again. Where was he from his house at the end?

a) 1 km away in north

b) 1 km away in south

c) 1 kin away in east

d) 1 km away in west

Question 5: Raj is facing north. He cycles for 8 km, then turns towards the south-east direction to move 10 km and from there, he moves 6 km towards the west. In which direction/place is he from his original position?

a) North

b) East

c) West

d) At the original position


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Question 6: A’s house is in Chennai and faces the sea. To visit his friend’s house, he turns to the left, walks 50 metres and turns to the right and walks 50 metres. In which direction is his friend’s house from his own house ?

a) North­East

b) South­East

c) North­West

d) South­West

Question 7: A boy was misdirected from his way while returning to his home from his school. In order to reach his home, he first moved 3 km in south direction and then turned to his left and moved 2 km in straight direction on the road leading to the east. From there, he moved to his left and walked 3 km. After this. he again turned to his left and moved 1 km. Finally he reached his home. The home of the boy was in which direction from his school ?

a) South

b) West

c) North

d) East

Question 8: Naseebah runs for 10 km in the eastern direction. She then turns left and starts walking for 6 km. Again, she turns left and starts running for 6 km. Then she turns left and walks again for 6 km. How far is she from the starting point ?

a) 4 km

b) 5 km

c) 6 km

d) 3 km

Question 9: A and B are standing at a distance of 20 km from each other on a straight East­West road. A and B start walking simultaneously eastwards and westwards respectively and both cover a distance of 5 km. Then A turns to his left and walks 10 km. B turns to his light and walks 10 km at the same speed. Then both turn to their left and cover a distance of 5 km at the same speed. What will be the distance between them ?

a) 10 km

b) 30 km

c) 20 km

d) 25 km

Question 10: Ganesh cycles towards South-West a distance of 8 m, then he moves towards East a distance of 20 m. From there he moves towards North-East a distance of 8 m, then he moves towards West a distance of 6 m. From there he moves towards North-East a distance of 2 m. Then he moves towards West a distance of 4 m and then towards SouthWest 2 m and stops at that point. How far is he from the starting point?

a) 12 m

b) 10 m

c) 8 m

d) 6 m

Question 11: Ram and Sham start walking in opposite directions. Ram covers 6 kms and Sham 8 kms. Then Ram turns right and walks 8 kms and Sham turns left and. walks 6 kms. How far each is from the starting point?

a) 8 kms

b) 9 kms

c) 10 kms

d) 11 kms

Question 12: Sherly starting from a fixed point goes 15 m towards North and then after turning to his right he goes 15 m. Then he goes 10,15 and 15 metres after turning to his left each time. How far is he from his starting point ?

a) 5 metres

b) 10 metres

c) 20 metres

d) 15 metres


In each of the following questions. select the missing number from the given responses.

Question 13: One morning after sunrise, Gangadhar was walking facing a pole. The shadow of the pole fell exactly to his right, which direction was he facing ?

a) South

b) West

c) North

d) East

Question 14: Govind starts from his house towards West. After walking a distance of 25 metres he turned towards right and walked 10 metres. He then turned left and moving a distance of 10 metres, turned to his left again and walked 40 metres. He now turns to the left and walks 5 metres. Finally he turns to his left. In which direction is he walking now ?

a) North

b) South

c) East

d) West


In the following questions, from the given alternatives select the word which cannot be formed using letters of the given word.

Question 15: A direction pole was situated on the Road Crossing. Due to an accident, the pole turned in such a manner that the pointer which was showing East, started showing South. Sita, a traveller went to the wrong direction thinking it to be West. In what direction actually she was travelling ?

a) East

b) South

c) North

d) West

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Answers & Solutions:

1) Answer (D)

Rahul moves 5 km towards south and then takes a left turn to move 5 km towards east. Again, he takes a left turn and moves 10 km northwards and finally, stops after moving 5 km towards west.

Thus, he is North from his initial position.

=> Ans – (D)

2) Answer (B)

Amit is facing north. He turns 90° right and walks for 50 m towards east, then turns towards the south and walks 50 m, then turns right to walk westwards for another 50 m and finally, he walks 50 m towards north.

Thus, he is at his original position.

=> Ans – (B)

3) Answer (D)

since the two squads are facing opposite directions initially, therefore because they are given same commands they will end up facing opposite directions.
focusing on A’s direction after each command.

Left Turn:North
About Turn:South
Right Turn:West
Left Turn:South

therefore at the end B will end up facing North. hence the correct answer is option D

4) Answer (A)

let the starting point be O. he is facing west as it is the backdoor. now:

AS we can see he will be 1 km north of his original position.

hence the correct answer is option A

5) Answer (D)


Raj is facing north. He cycles for 8 km, then turns towards the south-east direction to move 10 km and finally, he turned left and moves 6 km towards the west.

$\because (6)^2+(8)^2=(10)^2$

Thus, he is at his original position.

=> Ans – (D)

6) Answer (C)

he will be in the north west direction as shown , hence the correct answer is option C

7) Answer (D)

his home{H} is 1km east from his school{S}. the correct answer is option D.

8) Answer (A)

For the above information, Naseebah’s route can be traced as follows:

we can see she is 4km east of her starting point.

the correct answer is option A.

9) Answer (A)

A and B are at a distance of 20 km from each other. A walks towards east and B walks towards west for 5 km each, then A turned left and B turned right and both travelled north for 10 km, and finally A stopped at R and B at point U.

Thus, distance between them RU = 5 + 5 = 10 km

=> Ans – (A)

10) Answer (B)

Let Ganesh started from point A and travelled south-west for 8 m, then he travelled for 20 m towards east, and again for 8 m towards north-east to reach point D. Then he turned left and travelled west for 6 m, again travelled north-east for 2 m and finally stopped at point H.

Thus, AH = $20-(4+6)=20-10=10$ m

=> Ans – (B)

11) Answer (C)

The paths of Ram and Shyaam can be traced as AB and CD respectively as shown.

thus the total distance of both from their starting points will be OB and OD respectively: which will be both equal to $\sqrt{8^{2}+6^{2}}=10$

hence the correct answer is option C.

12) Answer (B)

The path of Sherley can be traced as O-A-B-C-D-E as shown:

it can be seen that the distance between start and finish points is 10m. hence the correct answer is optinon B.

13) Answer (A)

As sun rises in the east , the shadow of the pole is in west direction and man is walking in the south direction because in this case the shadow of pole will be in his right direction.

14) Answer (A)

the sequence of directions that can be inferred is
therefore the answer is option A.

15) Answer (C)

it can be observed that if the direction showing EAST turned towards South then, the pole had turned 90 degrees in the CW direction. therefore if Sita went to the direction pointed as West then the actual direction will be 90 degrees CW of west which is North. the correct answer is option C.

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