Profit and Loss Questions for SSC CGL Set-2 PDF

Profit and Loss Questions for SSC CGL Set-2 PDF
Profit and Loss Questions for SSC CGL Set-2 PDF

Profit and Loss Questions for SSC CGL Set-2 PDF

Download SSC CGL Profit and Loss questions with answers set-2 PDF based on previous papers very useful for SSC CGL exams. Very important Maths questions for SSC exams.

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Question 1: When a discount of 20% is given on a lunch buffet, the profit is 42%. If the discount is 15%, then the profit is:

a) 57 percent

b) 50.875 percent

c) 63.125 percent

d) 44.75 percent

Question 2: A trader had 22 quintals of wheat. He sold a part of it at 23% profit and the rest at 33% profit, so that he made a total profit of 27%. How much wheat did he sell at 33% profit?

a) 1320 kg

b) 440 kg

c) 880 kg

d) 1760 kg

Question 3: If a merchant offers a discount of 10% on the list price, then she makes a loss of 25%. What % profit or % loss will she make if she sells at a discount of 20% of the list price?

a) 5 percent profit

b) 33.33 percent loss

c) 90 percent profit

d) 20 percent profit

Question 4: A trader had 9 quintals of wheat. He sold a part of it at 10% profit and the rest at 20% profit, so that he made a total profit of 14 %. How much wheat did he sell at 20% profit?

a) 540 kg

b) 360 kg

c) 180 kg

d) 720 kg

Question 5: A rice trader buys 22 quintals of rice for Rs 3,344. 24% rice is lost in transportation. At what rate should he sell to earn 30% profit?

a) Rs 88.86 per quintal

b) Rs 197.6 per quintal

c) Rs 269.2 per quintal

d) Rs 260 per quintal

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Question 6: When a discount of 25% is given on a cruise trip, the profit is 41%. If the discount is 26%, then the profit is

a) 39.12 percent

b) 67 percent

c) 94.88 percent

d) 11.24 percent

Question 7: A person buys 25 kg of rice for ₹600 and sells them at a loss equal to the selling price of 5 kg rice. What will be the loss percentage?

a) 14.28%

b) 16.66%

c) 25%

d) 20%

Question 8: Selling price of first article is ₹ 470 and cost price of second article is ₹ 470. If there is a loss of 20% on first article and profit of 20% on second article, then what will be the overall profit or loss percentage?

a) 2.22% loss

b) 4% profit

c) No profit no loss

d) 1.80% loss

Question 9: Selling price of first article is ₹ 960 and cost price of second article is ₹ 960. If there is a profit of 20% on first article and loss of 20% on second article, then, what will be the total loss?

a) ₹36

b) ₹24

c) ₹20

d) ₹32

Question 10: Out of 100 articles, 25 articles were sold at 25% profit and the remaining articles were sold at 25% loss. What will be the total loss percentage?

a) 15

b) 12.5

c) 20

d) 10


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Answers & Solutions:

1) Answer (B)

Let marked price of lunch buffet = Rs. 100

When discount of 20% is given, => Selling price of ticket = $\frac{(100 – 20)}{100} \times 100 = Rs. 80$

Let cost price = $Rs. x$

=> Profit % = $\frac{80 – x}{x} \times 100 = 42$

=> $\frac{80 – x}{x} = \frac{42}{100} = \frac{21}{50}$

=> $4000 – 50x = 21x$

=> $21x + 50x = 71x = 4000$

=> $x = \frac{4000}{71} = $ Rs. $56.33$

If discount is 15%, => Selling price = $\frac{(100 – 15)}{100} \times 100 = Rs. 85$

=> Profit % = $\frac{85 – 56.33}{56.33} \times 100$

= $\frac{2867}{56.33} \approx 50.875\%$

=> Ans – (B)

2) Answer (C)

1 quintal = 100 kg => 22 quintals = 2200 kg

Let the part he sold at 33% profit = $x$ kg

=> Part he sold at 23% profit = $(2200 – x)$ kg

Total profit made by the trader = 27%

=> $33x + 23 (2200 – x) = 27 \times 2200$

=> $33x + (23 \times 2200) – 23x = 27 \times 2200$

=> $10x = 2200 \times (27 – 23)$

=> $x = 220 \times 4 = 880$ kg

=> Ans – (C)

3) Answer (B)

Let list price = Rs. $100x$

After 10% discount, selling price = $\frac{100 – 10}{100} \times 100x$ = Rs. $90x$

Let Cost price = Rs. $y$

=> Loss % = $\frac{y – 90x}{y} \times 100 = 25$

=> $\frac{y – 90x}{y} = \frac{25}{100} = \frac{1}{4}$

=> $4y – 360x = y$

=> $4y – y = 360x$

=> $y = \frac{360x}{3} = 120x$

If discount = 20%, => Selling price = $\frac{100 – 20}{100} \times 100x = Rs. 80x$

$\therefore$ Loss % = $\frac{120x – 80x}{120x} \times 100$

= $\frac{100}{3} \approx 33.33 \%$

=> Ans – (B)

4) Answer (B)

1 quintal = 100 kg => 9 quintals = 900 kg

Let the part he sold at 20% profit = $x$ kg

=> Part he sold at 10% profit = $(900 – x)$ kg

Total profit made by the trader = 14%

=> $20x + 10 (900 – x) = 14 \times 900$

=> $20x + (10 \times 900) – 10x = 14 \times 900$

=> $10x = 900 \times (14 – 10)$

=> $x = 90 \times 4 = 360$ kg

=> Ans – (B)

5) Answer (D)

Cost price = Rs. 3344 for 22 quintals

Quantity of rice left with the trader after transportation lost = $\frac{100 – 24}{100} \times 22$

= $\frac{19}{25} \times 22$ = 16.72 quintals

To have 30% profit, total selling price of the trader should be = $\frac{130}{100} \times 3344$

= Rs. 4347.2

$\therefore$ Selling price per quintal = $\frac{4347.2}{16.72} = Rs. 260$

=> Ans – (D)

6) Answer (A)

Let marked price = Rs. $100x$

After 25% discount, selling price = $\frac{100 – 25}{100} \times 100x$ = Rs. $75x$

Let Cost price = Rs. $y$

=> Profit % = $\frac{75x – y}{y} \times 100 = 41$

=> $\frac{75x – y}{y} = \frac{41}{100}$

=> $7500x – 100y = 41y$

=> $y = \frac{7500x}{141} \approx Rs$ $53.2x$

If, discount = 26%, => Selling price = $\frac{100 – 26}{100} \times 100x = Rs. 74x$

$\therefore$ Profit % = $\frac{74x – 53.2x}{53.2x} \times 100 = \approx 39.12\%$

Ans – (A)

7) Answer (B)

Cost Price of 25 kg of rice = Rs.600
Then, Cost Price of 1 kg of rice = Rs.24
Given, Cost Price of 25 kg of rice – Selling Price of 25 kg of rice = Selling Price of 5 kg of rice
=> Cost Price of 25 kg of rice = Selling Price of 30 kg of rice
Here, Cost Price of 25 kg of rice = Rs.600
=> Selling Price of 30 kg of rice = Rs.600
Then, Selling Price of 1 kg of rice = Rs.20
Therefore, Loss percentage $= \dfrac{24-20}{24}\times100 = \dfrac{4}{24}\times100 = \dfrac{1}{6}\times100 = 16.67$%

8) Answer (A)

Selling Price of first article = Rs.470
Loss = 20%
Cost Price of first article = $Rs.470\times\dfrac{100}{80} = Rs.587.5$
Cost Price of second article = Rs.470
Profit = 20%
Selling Price of second article = $Rs.470\times\dfrac{120}{100} = Rs.564$
Overall Cost Price of both articles = Rs.587.5+Rs.470 = Rs.1057.5
Overall Selling Price of both articles = Rs.470+Rs.564 = Rs.1034
Therefore, Loss percent = $\dfrac{1057.5-1034}{1057.5}\times100 = \dfrac{23.5}{1057.5}\times100 = 2.22$%

9) Answer (D)

Given, Selling Price of first article = Rs.960
Profit = 20%
Then, Cost Price of first article = $Rs.960 \times \dfrac{100}{120} = Rs.800$
Given, Cost Price of second article = Rs.960
Loss = 20%
Then, Selling Price of second article = $Rs.960 \times \dfrac{80}{100} = Rs.768$
Total Cost Price of first and second article = Rs.800+Rs.960 = Rs.1760
Total Selling Price of first and second article = Rs.960+Rs.768 = Rs.1728
Therefore, Loss = Rs.1760 – Rs.1728 = Rs.32

10) Answer (B)

Let the Cost Price of each article be Rs.100
Then, Cost Price of 100 articles = 100*100 = Rs.10000
Cost Price of 25 articles = Rs.2500
Selling Price of 25 articles with a profit of 25% = 125% of Rs.2500 = Rs.3125
Remaining articles = 75
Cost Price of 75 articles = Rs.7500
Selling Price of 75 articles with a loss of 25% = 75% of Rs.7500 = Rs.5625
Total Cost Price = Rs.10000
Total Selling Price = Rs.3125+Rs.5625 = Rs.8750
Loss percentage = $\dfrac{10000-8750}{10000}\times100 = \dfrac{1250}{10000}\times100 = 12.5$%

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