How to prepare Data Interpretation For IBPS PO 2019 Exam

Data Interpretation & Analysis Tips and Tricks 
Data Interpretation & Analysis Tips and Tricks 

How to prepare Data Interpretation For IBPS PO Exam 2019

In this article, we are going to explain How To Prepare Data Interpretation and Analysis Questions for IBPS PO Exam. Students generally ask us questions like how to score good marks in Data Interpretation and analysis in IBPS PO exam? DI & analysis tips and tricks? The following suggestions help you to get good marks from data interpretations problems in the IBPS PO exam 2019.

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Types of Data Analysis and interpretation Questions Asked In The Exam :

S.No Type of questions
1 Probability based
2 Data sufficiency  
3 Table and illustration
4 Graphs & charts (bar,line,mixed DI etc..)
5 Paragraph and caselets


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Data Interpretation & Analysis Tips and Tricks : 

1. Learns the squares of all the numbers from 1-30. The same goes for their cubes up to 1-20, learn tables from 1-25 and learn the fraction values in percentages, this will help you to solve the problems as quick as possible. 

2. While solving the DI questions, use approximate figures it helps you to decrease the length of the calculation and reduce time taken to find the correct answer.

3. Read the questions carefully while solving the DI questions. if you do not read carefully, you can get confused with respect to what they are asked in the problem and how to find the solution.

4. Practice number of questions you are not sure about. You must be familiar with all sort of DI questions before going to the exam because we don’t know which type of DI will come the exam.

5. Don’t try to solve all the questions at the exam time. Only focus on the familiar questions and solve that questions with 100% accuracy.

6. Questions in data interpretation are asked form average, percentage, boats and streams,  time, distance & time and work etc.. try to get complete aware on this concepts.

7. Data interpretation & analysis questions are time taking questions, because questions are lengthy and this questions take a time to understand. So, try to solve by using some speed calculation tricks. Accuracy is most important while solving the DI & Analysis questions. Try to solve the problems at a reasonable speed you will definetly get the correct answer. 

8. The only best way to score good marks in Data Interpretation & analysis problems is the speed calculation.

9. Remember While solving the circular based Data Interpretation questions, 360 Degrees  =100%

10. Solve previous year Data Interpretation problems, it helps you to find which type of questions are asked in the exam and what is the difficulty level.

11. Try to do all the calculations in you mind while reading the questions and write only some important key points on the paper. Because write every thing on the paper gets you confused at the time of solving and also it consumes your time.

12. The entire Data Analysis (DA) concept is completely based on calculation Part. You want to become master in DI & DA try to solve more number of questions with out using the calculator.

13. Give online mock test regularly this is the best way to analyse your performance and to  find your strength and weakness etc. Try to allocate more time on your weaker section. It helps you to solve more questions in the exam. 

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