Expected Reasoning Questions For SSC MTS PDF

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Expected Reasoning Questions For SSC MTS PDF

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Question 1: In a certain code language ‘how many goals scored’ is written as ‘5 3 9 7’; ‘many more matches’ is written as ‘9 8 2’ and ‘he scored five’ is written as ‘1 6 3’. How is ‘goals’ written in that code language?

a) 5

b) 7

c) 5 or 7

d) Data inadequate

e) None of these

Question 2: In a certain code TEMPORAL is written as OLDSMBSP. How is CONSIDER written in that code?





e) None of these

Question 3: How many meaningful English words can be made with the letters DLEI using each letter only once in each word?

a) None

b) One

c) Two

d) Three

e) More than three

Question 4: Among A, B, C, D and E each having different weight, D is heavier than only A and C is lighter than B and E. Who among them is the heaviest?

a) B

b) E

c) C

d) Data inadequate

e) None of these

Question 5: Pratap corrrectly remembers that his mother’s birthday is before twenty third April but after Nineteenth April, where as his sister correctly remembers that their mother’s birthday is not on or after twenty second April. On which day in April is definitely their mother’s birthday ?

a) Twentieth

b) Twenty-first

c) Twentieth or twenty-first

d) Cannot be determined

e) None of these

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A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are eight employees of an organization working in three departments viz. Personnel, Administration and Marketing with not more than three of them in any department. Each of them has a different choice of sports from football, cricket, volleyball, badminton, lawn tennis, basketball, hockey and table tennis not necessarily in the same order. D works in Administration and does not like either football or cricket. F works in Personnel with only A who likes table tennis. Eand H do not work in the same department as D. C likes hockey and does not work in marketing. G does not work in administration and does not like either cricket or badminton. One of those who work in administration likes football. The one who likes volleyball works in personnel. None of those who work in administration likes either badminton or lawn tennis. H does not like cricket.

Question 6: Which of the following groups of employees work in Administration department ?

a) EGH

b) AF

c) BCD

d) BGD

e) Data inadequate

Question 7: In which department does E work ?

a) Personnel

b) Marketing

c) Administration

d) Data inadequate

e) None of these

Question 8: Which of the following combinations of employee-department-favourite sport is correct?

a) E – Administration – Cricket

b) F – Personnel – Lawn Tennis

c) H – Marketing – Lawn Tennis

d) B – Administration – Table Tennis

e) None of these

Question 9: What is E’s favourite sport?

a) Cricket

b) Badminton

c) Basketball

d) Lawn Tennis

e) None of these

Question 10: What is G’s favourite sport ?

a) Cricket

b) Badminton

c) Basketball

d) Lawn Tennis

e) None of these

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General Science Notes for SSC Exams


Directions: Study the following information and answer the following questions: A, B, C, D, E, G, and I are seven friends who study in three different standards, namely 5th, 6th, and 7th, such that not less than two friends study in the same standard. Each friend has a different favourite subject, namely History, Civics, English, Marathi, Hindi, Maths and Economics also but not necessarily in the same order.

A likes Maths and studies in the 5th standard with only one other friend who likes Marathi. I studies with two other friends. Both the friends who study with I like languages (here languages include only Hindi, Marathi and English). D studies in the 6th standard with only one person and does not like Civics. E studies with only one friend. The one who likes History does not study in the 5th or 6th standard. E does not like languages. C does not like English, Hindi or Civics.

Question 11: Which combination represents E’s favourite subject and the standard in which he studies?

a) Civics and 7th

b) Economics and 5th

c) Civics and 6th

d) History and 7th

e) Economics and 7th

Question 12: Which of the following is I’s favourite subject?

a) History

b) Civics

c) Marathi

d) Either English or Marathi

e) Either English or Hindi

Question 13: Who among the following studies in the 7th standard?

a) G

b) C

c) E

d) D

e) Either D or B

Question 14: Which of the following combinations is definitely correct?

a) I and Hindi

b) G and English

c) C and Marathi

d) B and Hindi

e) E and Economics

Question 15: Which of the following subjects does G like?

a) Either Maths or Marathi

b) Either Hindi or English

c) Either Hindi or Civics

d) Either Hindi or Marathi

e) Either Civics or Economics


Directions: Study the information and answer the following questions.

In a certain code language ‘economics is not money’ is written as ‘ka la ho ga’, ‘demand and supply economics’ is written as ‘mo ta pa ka’, ‘money makes only part’ is written as ‘zi la ne ki’ and ‘demand makes supply economics’ is written as ‘zi mo ka ta’.

Question 16: What is the code for ‘money’ in the given code language?

a) ga

b) mo

c) pa

d) ta

e) la

Question 17: What is the code for ‘supply’ in the given code language?

a) Only ta

b) Only mo

c) Either pa or mo

d) Only pa

e) Either mo or ta

Question 18: What may be the code for ‘demand only more’ in the given code language?

a) xi ne mo

b) mo zi ne

c) ki ne mo

d) mo zi ki

e) xi ka ta

Question 19: What may be the possible code for ‘work and money’ in the given code language?

a) pa ga la

b) pa la tu

c) mo la pa

d) tu la ga

e) pa la ne

Question 20: What is the code for ‘makes’ in the given code language?

a) mo

b) pa

c) ne

d) zi

e) ho

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Answers & Solutions:

1) Answer (C)

In the above statements ‘many’ and ‘9’ are in two sentences. So ‘many’ is ‘9’.
Similarly ‘scored’ and ‘3’ are in two sentences. So ‘scored’ is ‘3’.
In the first sentence ‘how’ , ‘goals’ , ‘5’ and ‘7’ are left. So ‘how’ and ‘goals’ can be either ‘5’ or ‘7’ ( if ‘how’ is ‘5’ then ‘goals’ is ‘7’ and vice versa).

2) Answer (A)

Split TEMPORAL into two halves TEMP and ORAL
Reversing the order of letters we get PMET and LARO
Subtracting 1 from PMET we get P –  1 = O , M – 1 = L , E – 1 = D , T – 1 = S
Adding 1 to LARO we get L + 1 = M , A + 1 = B , R + 1 = S , O + 1 = P

Applying the same concept to CONSIDER
S – 1 = R , N – 1 = M , O – 1 = N , C – 1 = B
I + 1 = J , D + 1 = E , E + 1 = F , R + 1 = S

3) Answer (C)

Only two words can be made out of DLEI

  • IDLE
  • LIED

4) Answer (D)

D > A and C < B , E
We don’t know the relation between A and B , B and E , B and D , D and E and A and C.
So it is impossible to answer this question without providing any of the required information.
Hence Data Inadequate

5) Answer (C)

According to Pratap, his mother’s birthday can be on 20th, 21st or 22nd of April.

According to Pratap’s sister, her mother’s birthday can be on 20th or 21st of April.

=> Their mother’s birthday can be on either 20th or 21st of April.

6) Answer (C)

According to the above table, B, C and D work in Administration department.

7) Answer (B)

Based on the information given, we can draw the table given above. Hence, E works in Marketing department.

8) Answer (E)

E works in Marketing => A is wrong

F likes Volleyball => B is wrong

H likes Badminton => C is wrong

B likes Football => D is wrong

=> None of these

9) Answer (A)

Based on the information given, we can draw the table given above.  Hence, E’s favourite sport is Cricket.

10) Answer (D)

According to the table, G’s favourite sport is Lawn Tennis.

11) Answer (C)

Let us solve the question by the tabular method

A is in 5th standard and likes Maths. So tick the blanks 5th standard and Maths for A and cross the rest of the Maths column.
A studies with only one person who likes Marathi. I studies with two other friends who like languages.D studies in 6th standard with only one person and does not like civics. So tick the 6th standard blank corresponding to D and cross the civics blank for D. E studies with only one friend and doesn’t like languages. The one who likes history doesn’t study in 5th or 6th standard. D , E study with only one person. D is in 6th standard and E doesn’t like languages. The remaining are B , C , G and I. I studies with two more persons who like languages. C doesn’t like English and Hindi. So C cannot be I’s classmate and can only be A’s classmate because E doesn’t like languages, C should like Marathi . Hence tick 5th standard and Marathi for C, cross the rest of the Marathi column. Similarly E is D’s classmate because E studies with only one person and doesn’t like Marathi. So tick 6th standard for E. Finally B and G are I’s classmates, hence tick the 7th standard for B,G and I. Now that the standards are set, let’s move to the subjects. Since B and G like only the languages and Marathi is already choosen by C, they are left with only two blanks each which are English and Hindi. So cross the rest of the row for B and G. The one who likes history is not in 5th and 6th. In seventh standard B and G like only languages, hence I likes history. Mark history blank of I and cross the rest of the column. Now civics column should be left with one blank , which corresponds to E. Tick the blank corresponding to civics for E and cross the rest of the row . Finally a blank in Economics column corresponding to D is left. Mark it and cross the blanks for other subjects of D’s row.
The table should look like below after following the above steps.

Now referring to the above table we can say that option c is correct answer for the above question.

12) Answer (A)

Let us solve the question by the tabular method

A is in 5th standard and likes Maths. So tick the blanks 5th standard and Maths for A and cross the rest of the Maths column.
A studies with only one person who likes Marathi. I studies with two other friends who like languages.D studies in 6th standard with only one person and does not like civics. So tick the 6th standard blank corresponding to D and cross the civics blank for D. E studies with only one friend and doesn’t like languages. The one who likes history doesn’t study in 5th or 6th standard. D , E study with only one person. D is in 6th standard and E doesn’t like languages. The remaining are B , C , G and I. I studies with two more persons who like languages. C doesn’t like English and Hindi. So C cannot be I’s classmate and can only be A’s classmate because E doesn’t like languages, C should like Marathi . Hence tick 5th standard and Marathi for C, cross the rest of the Marathi column. Similarly E is D’s classmate because E studies with only one person and doesn’t like Marathi. So tick 6th standard for E. Finally B and G are I’s classmates, hence tick the 7th standard for B,G and I. Now that the standards are set, let’s move to the subjects. Since B and G like only the languages and Marathi is already choosen by C, they are left with only two blanks each which are English and Hindi. So cross the rest of the row for B and G. The one who likes history is not in 5th and 6th. In seventh standard B and G like only languages, hence I likes history. Mark history blank of I and cross the rest of the column. Now civics column should be left with one blank , which corresponds to E. Tick the blank corresponding to civics for E and cross the rest of the row . Finally a blank in Economics column corresponding to D is left. Mark it and cross the blanks for other subjects of D’s row.
The table should look like below after following the above steps.

Referring the table above we find that History is I’s favourite subject. Hence option a is the right answer.

13) Answer (A)

Let us solve the question by the tabular method

A is in 5th standard and likes Maths. So tick the blanks 5th standard and Maths for A and cross the rest of the Maths column.
A studies with only one person who likes Marathi. I studies with two other friends who like languages.D studies in 6th standard with only one person and does not like civics. So tick the 6th standard blank corresponding to D and cross the civics blank for D. E studies with only one friend and doesn’t like languages. The one who likes history doesn’t study in 5th or 6th standard. D , E study with only one person. D is in 6th standard and E doesn’t like languages. The remaining are B , C , G and I. I studies with two more persons who like languages. C doesn’t like English and Hindi. So C cannot be I’s classmate and can only be A’s classmate because E doesn’t like languages, C should like Marathi . Hence tick 5th standard and Marathi for C, cross the rest of the Marathi column. Similarly E is D’s classmate because E studies with only one person and doesn’t like Marathi. So tick 6th standard for E. Finally B and G are I’s classmates, hence tick the 7th standard for B,G and I. Now that the standards are set, let’s move to the subjects. Since B and G like only the languages and Marathi is already choosen by C, they are left with only two blanks each which are English and Hindi. So cross the rest of the row for B and G. The one who likes history is not in 5th and 6th. In seventh standard B and G like only languages, hence I likes history. Mark history blank of I and cross the rest of the column. Now civics column should be left with one blank , which corresponds to E. Tick the blank corresponding to civics for E and cross the rest of the row . Finally a blank in Economics column corresponding to D is left. Mark it and cross the blanks for other subjects of D’s row.
The table should look like below after following the above steps.

Referring the above table we find that from the given options a : G is correct.

14) Answer (C)

Let us solve the question by the tabular method

A is in 5th standard and likes Maths. So tick the blanks 5th standard and Maths for A and cross the rest of the Maths column.
A studies with only one person who likes Marathi. I studies with two other friends who like languages.D studies in 6th standard with only one person and does not like civics. So tick the 6th standard blank corresponding to D and cross the civics blank for D. E studies with only one friend and doesn’t like languages. The one who likes history doesn’t study in 5th or 6th standard. D , E study with only one person. D is in 6th standard and E doesn’t like languages. The remaining are B , C , G and I. I studies with two more persons who like languages. C doesn’t like English and Hindi. So C cannot be I’s classmate and can only be A’s classmate because E doesn’t like languages, C should like Marathi . Hence tick 5th standard and Marathi for C, cross the rest of the Marathi column. Similarly E is D’s classmate because E studies with only one person and doesn’t like Marathi. So tick 6th standard for E. Finally B and G are I’s classmates, hence tick the 7th standard for B,G and I. Now that the standards are set, let’s move to the subjects. Since B and G like only the languages and Marathi is already choosen by C, they are left with only two blanks each which are English and Hindi. So cross the rest of the row for B and G. The one who likes history is not in 5th and 6th. In seventh standard B and G like only languages, hence I likes history. Mark history blank of I and cross the rest of the column. Now civics column should be left with one blank , which corresponds to E. Tick the blank corresponding to civics for E and cross the rest of the row . Finally a blank in Economics column corresponding to D is left. Mark it and cross the blanks for other subjects of D’s row.
The table should look like below after following the above steps.

Referring the table above we find that option c : C and Marathi is correct.

15) Answer (B)

Let us solve the question by the tabular method

A is in 5th standard and likes Maths. So tick the blanks 5th standard and Maths for A and cross the rest of the Maths column.
A studies with only one person who likes Marathi. I studies with two other friends who like languages.D studies in 6th standard with only one person and does not like civics. So tick the 6th standard blank corresponding to D and cross the civics blank for D. E studies with only one friend and doesn’t like languages. The one who likes history doesn’t study in 5th or 6th standard. D , E study with only one person. D is in 6th standard and E doesn’t like languages. The remaining are B , C , G and I. I studies with two more persons who like languages. C doesn’t like English and Hindi. So C cannot be I’s classmate and can only be A’s classmate because E doesn’t like languages, C should like Marathi . Hence tick 5th standard and Marathi for C, cross the rest of the Marathi column. Similarly E is D’s classmate because E studies with only one person and doesn’t like Marathi. So tick 6th standard for E. Finally B and G are I’s classmates, hence tick the 7th standard for B,G and I. Now that the standards are set, let’s move to the subjects. Since B and G like only the languages and Marathi is already choosen by C, they are left with only two blanks each which are English and Hindi. So cross the rest of the row for B and G. The one who likes history is not in 5th and 6th. In seventh standard B and G like only languages, hence I likes history. Mark history blank of I and cross the rest of the column. Now civics column should be left with one blank , which corresponds to E. Tick the blank corresponding to civics for E and cross the rest of the row . Finally a blank in Economics column corresponding to D is left. Mark it and cross the blanks for other subjects of D’s row.
The table should look like below after following the above steps.

Referring the table above we find that option b : Either Hindi or English is correct.

16) Answer (E)

Money is repeated in two sentences where la is common. So option e : la is the correct answer.

17) Answer (E)

economics is repeated in two sentences where ka is common.
So economics is ka.
demand and supply are repeated in two sentences where mo and ta are common, and can be either of them( if demand is mo then supply is ta and vice versa).
Hence option e : Either mo or ta is the correct answer.

18) Answer (A)

demand is either mo or ta
makes is repeated in two sentences where zi is common
money is la
Therefore only can be either ne or ki
So the option must have wither mo or ta , ne or ki and a new word for only.
Verifying the options with the above condition we find that option a : xi ne mo is the right answer.

19) Answer (B)

From the given information, we can establish that economics = ‘ka’, ‘money =’la’, and = ‘pa’ and makes = ‘zi’.

‘Work and money’ contain the words ‘and’ and ‘money’ => answer must have ‘pa’ and ‘la’ in it => Both option 1 and 2 contain them.

But in option 1, ‘ga’, which refers to either ‘is’ or ‘not’, is present. But in the given sentence, neither of them are present. Hence option 1 is wrong.

=> option 2 is correct

20) Answer (D)

‘money makes only part’ and ‘Demand makes supply economics’ have only ‘makes’ in common. Hence ‘zi’, which is the only common word common, is the answer.

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