Blood Relationship Questions For SSC GD PDF

Blood Relationship Questions For SSC GD PDF
Blood Relationship Questions For SSC GD PDF

Blood Relationship Questions For SSC GD PDF

SSC GD Constable Blood Relationship Question and Answers download PDF based on previous year question paper of SSC GD exam. 40 Very important  Blood Relationship questions for GD Constable.




Question 1: Pointing to a photograph Neeta(female) said, ‘The person in the photograph is the only child of my brother’s only sister’s husband’. How is Neeta related to the person in the photograph?

a) Sister

b) Mother

c) Aunt

d) Cannot be determined

Question 2: A is the son of B. C is the granddaughter of D, who in turn is the husband of B. How is D related to A?

a) Father

b) Cousin

c) Mother

d) Brother

Question 3: In a party, Kuldeep said to Deepika, ‘Your only sister’s daughter is my wife’s sister’. How is Deepika related to Kuldeep’s wife?

a) Cousin

b) Sister

c) Aunt

d) Niece

Question 4: Referring to the photograph of a girl, Sumit said ‘ This girl is the wife of grandson of my mother’. How is Sumit related to the girl in the photograph?

a) Father in law

b) Father

c) Husband

d) Cousin

Question 5: Amit’s is Deepak’s brother. Deepak is Bhuvi’s father. Bhuvi and Esha are sisters. How is Esha related to Amit?

a) Daughter in law

b) Sister

c) Niece

d) Cousin



Question 6: Referring to the man on TV, Reena said ‘He is the brother of the daughter of the wife of my husband’. How is Reena related to the man on TV?

a) Sister

b) Mother

c) Sister in law

d) Aunt

Question 7: Pointing to a photograph, Monica(female) said ‘The man in the photograph is the only son of my father’s only brother’s daughter’. How is Monica related to the person in the photograph?

a) Niece

b) Cousin

c) Sister in law

d) Aunt

Question 8: Kedar is the brother of Virat. Kavita is sister of Rohit. Virat is son of Kavita. How is Kedar related to Rohit?

a) Son

b) Nephew

c) Uncle

d) Father

Question 9: Rajiv is the son of Amit. Priya is the daughter of Rajiv. Neha is the daughter of Rohit and Rohit is Amit’s brother. How is Priya related to Neha?

a) Sister

b) Mother

c) Aunt

d) Niece

Question 10: Pointing to a photograph, Manish said ‘The son of this woman is my sister’s mother’s husband. How is the women in the photograph related to Manish?

a) Mother

b) Sister

c) Cousin

d) Grandmother


Question 11: If D is the daughter of A, D is the sister of M and A’s brother is C, how are C and M related?

a) mother and daughter

b) uncle and niece

c) father and daughter

d) aunt and niece

Question 12: A and B are brother and sister respectively.C is A’s father,D is C’s sister and E is D’s mother. How is B related to E?

a) Grand-daughter

b) Great-grand-daughter

c) Aunt

d) Daughter

Question 13: Raghu is the only son of Gaurav’s daughter. Ram’s father is the husband of Uma. Uma’s daughter’s husband is Raghu’s father. How is Raghu related to Ram?

a) Nephew

b) Uncle

c) Cousin

d) Sibling

Question 14: Pointing at a photograph, Arjun said: “He is the brother-in-law of my grandmother’s only daughter”. How is the man in the photo related to Arjun?

a) Father

b) Uncle

c) Nephew

d) Cannot be determined

Question 15: A boy introduced a girl as the daughter of the son of father of his uncle. How is the girl related to the boy ?

a) Aunt

b) Sister

c) Cousin

d) Cannot be determined


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Question 16: Ravi’s father is Rita’s only son. Divya is Preetha’s only daughter. Divya’s father is Kaushik’s father’s father-in-law. Kaushik’s paternal grandfather is Rita’s husband. How are Ravi and Kaushik related to each other?

a) Father-son

b) Siblings

c) Cousins

d) Brother-in-laws

Question 17: Pointing to the person in the photograph, Raj said that he is the son of Raj’s mother’s father’s only grandson’s daughter. How is Raj related to the person in the photograph?

a) Grandson

b) Father

c) Grandfather

d) Brother

Question 18: In the following question, select the related word from the given alternatives. Pen : Paper : : Hammer : ?

a) Nail

b) Strike

c) Crushing

d) Hole

Question 19: Pointing to a man, Heena said “he is the only son of wife of my father”. How is the man related to Heena?

a) Grandfather

b) Husband

c) Brother

d) Son

Question 20: In the following question, select the related word from the given alternatives. Metal : Ore : : Paper : ?

a) Flour

b) Pulp

c) Brick

d) Seed

Question 21: In the following question, select the related word from the given alternatives. Saw : Carpenter : : Axe : ?

a) Ironsmith

b) Woodcutter

c) Cobbler

d) None of those

Question 22: In the following question, select the related word pair from the given alternatives. Bird : Fly : : Fish : ?

a) Swim

b) Crawl

c) Running

d) Walking

Question 23: In the following question, select the related word from the given alternatives. Writer : Pen : : Plumber : ?

a) Screwdriver

b) Wrench

c) Saw

d) None of these

Question 24: P is father of Q, but Q is not his son. S is wife of P. R is son of S. How is Q related to S?

a) Brother

b) Daughter

c) Father

d) Cannot be determined

Question 25: In the following question, select the related word from the given alternatives. Love : Hate : : Deep : ?

a) Long

b) Bright

c) Shallow

d) High

Question 26: A is D’s brother. D is B’s father. B&C; are sisters. How is C related to A?

a) Cousin

b) Niece

c) Aunt

d) Nephew

Question 27: A is B’s brother, C is A’s mother, D is C’s father, F is A’s son. How is A related to F’s child?

a) Aunt

b) Cousin

c) Nephew

d) Grandfather

Question 28: If M is the sister of Z , Z is the wife of P and P is the son of A, how Z relates to A?

a) Daughter-in-law

b) Daughter

c) Wife

d) Mother

Question 29: A is mother of B , C is son of A , D is brother of E, E is daughter of B. Who is the grandmother of E?

a) A

b) B

c) C

d) D

Question 30: Pointing towards a photo, Rakesh said, “She is the daughter of the only son of my grandfather.” How is the girl related to Rakesh?

a) Sister

b) Daughter

c) Grand Daughter

d) Cousin

Question 31: A mother is five times older than her daughter. After 5 years, she would be 3 times older than her daughter. Find the mother’s present age.

a) 20 years

b) 22 years

c) 25 years

d) 29 years

Question 32: Rajiv is the brother of Arun. Sonia is the sister of Sunil. Arun is the son of Sonia. How is Rajiv related to Sunil?

a) nephew

b) son

c) brother

d) father

Question 33: Introducing Reeta, Monica said, “She is the only daughter of my father’s only daughter.” How is Monica related to Reeta?

a) Aunt

b) Niece

c) Cousin

d) Mother

Question 34: Pointing towards a boy Meera said ‘He is the son of the only son of my grandfather.’ How is that boy related to Meera?

a) Cousin

b) Brother

c) Uncle

d) Brother-in-law

Question 35: A man said to a lady, “Your mother’s husband’s sister is my mother.” How is the man related to the lady.

a) Cousin

b) Brother

c) Son

d) Nephew

Question 36: M is son of P, Q is the grand-daughter of O, who is the husband of P. How is M related to O?

a) Son

b) Daughter

c) Mother

d) Father

Question 37: Pointing at a photograph, Riya said: “The mother of the boy in the photograph is the sister-in-law of my aunt”. How can Riya be related to the boy in the photograph?

a) Mother

b) Sister

c) Niece

d) None of the above

Question 38: ‘A’ is the sister of ‘B’. ‘B’ is married to ‘D’. ‘B’ and ‘D’ have a daughter ‘G’. How is ‘G’ related to ‘A’?

a) Sister

b) Daughter

c) Niece

d) Cousin

Question 39: Pointing to a photograph, Ram said: “she is the only daughter of my father’s mother”. How is the brother of the lady in the photograph related to Ram?

a) Uncle

b) Father

c) Grandfather

d) Cannot be determined

Question 40: X and Y are brothers. R is the father of Y. T is the sister of S who is maternal uncle of X. How is T related to R?

a) Mother

b) Wife

c) Sister

d) Brother

Answers & Solutions:

1) Answer (B)

Neeta’s brother’s only sister refers to Neeta herself. Hence, her husband’s only child will also be her only child. Hence, she must be the mother of the person in the photograph. Thus, option B is the correct answer.

2) Answer (A)

A is the son of B. D is the husband of B. Hence, A must be son of D. Thus, option C is the correct answer.

3) Answer (C)

Deepika’s sister’s daughter is Kuldeep’s wife’s sister. Hence, Kuldeep’s wife must be the daughter of Deepika’s sister. Hence, Deepika must be her aunt. Hence, option D is the correct answer.

4) Answer (A)

Sumit’s mother’s grandson will be Sumit’s son or his nephew. His son or nephew’s wife will be his daughter in law. Hence, Sumit must be the father in law of the girl in the photograph. Thus, option A is the correct answer.

5) Answer (C)

Deepak is Bhuvi’s father and Amit is Deepak’s brother. Hence, Amit must be Bhuvi’s uncle. Now Esha and Bhuvi are sisters. Hence, Amit must be Esha’s uncle as well. Hence, Esha will be Amit’s niece. Thus, option C is the correct answer.


6) Answer (B)

‘Wife of my Husband’ refers to Reena herself. Her daughter’s brother will be her son. Hence, she is referring to her son. Hence, ‘mother’ is the correct answer.

7) Answer (D)

Father’s brother’s daughter will be Monica’s cousin. Thus, Monica will be the Aunt of this cousin’s son. Hence, option D is the correct answer.

8) Answer (B)

Kedar is Virat’s brother and Virat is Kavita’s son. Hence, Rohit must be Virat’s uncle. Thus, Kedar will also be Rohit’s nephew. Hence, option B is the correct answer.

9) Answer (D)

Rohit and Amit are brothers. Priya is Rajiv’s daughter who is son of Amit. Hence, Priya is Amit’s granddaughter. Neha is Rohit’s daughter. This means that Neha must be Rajiv’s cousin. Thus, Neha will be Priya’s aunt. Hence, option D is correct.

10) Answer (D)

Manish’s sister’s mother will be Manish’s mother as well. His mother’s husband will be his father. The mother of Manish’s father will be Manish’s grandmother. Hence, option D is the correct answer.

11) Answer (B)

12) Answer (A)


As we can see from the above family tree, B is the grand daughter of E.

Hence, option A is the correct answer.

13) Answer (A)

Gaurav is the maternal grandfather of Raghu.
Ram’s father is the husband of Uma. Therefore, Uma must be Ram’s mother.
Uma’s daughter’s husband is Raghu’s father. Therefore, Gaurav must be the husband of Uma.

Ram is Raghu’s mother’s brother. Therefore, Raghu is the nephew of Ram. Therefore, option A is the right answer.

14) Answer (B)

There are two possible cases:
Case I: He is talking about his maternal grandmother. In this case, the daughter which is being talked about will be his mother. His mother’s brother in law will be uncle.

Case II: If he is talking about his paternal grandmother, then the daughter being talked about will be his aunt. In this case also her brother in law will be his Uncle.

15) Answer (D)

Father of boy’s uncle = father’s grandfather

Now, son of his grandfather = boy’s father or uncle

The girl is the daughter of boy’s father/uncle, => Girl is either his sister or cousin.

=> Ans – (D)

16) Answer (B)

Divya’s father is Kaushik’s father’s father-in-law. Also, Divya is the only child of Preetha. Therefore, Divya’s father is Kaushik’s maternal grand dad and Ravi’s father is Kaushik’s father too.

This implies that Ravi and Kaushik are siblings (they share the same parents). Therefore, option B is the right answer.

17) Answer (C)

Raj’s mother’s father’s only grandson must be Raj. Therefore, the person in the photograph is Raj’s daughter’s son. Therefore, Raj is the maternal grandfather of the person in the photograph.

18) Answer (A)

Expression = Pen : Paper : : Hammer : ?

The first is used on the second, i.e. we write on paper using a pen, similarly a hammer is used to hit on a nail.

=> Ans – (A)

19) Answer (C)

Wife of Heena’s father = Heena’s mother

Now, the man is the only son of Heena’s mother, => Heena is his sister.

=> The man is Heena’s brother.

=> Ans – (C)

20) Answer (B)

Expression = Metal : Ore : : Paper : ?

An ore is a solid material from which a metal is extracted, similarly paper is made from pulp.

=> Ans – (B)

21) Answer (B)

Expression = Saw : Carpenter : : Axe : ?

The main tool of a carpenter is a saw with which he does his job, similarly a woodcutter uses a saw.

=> Ans – (B)

22) Answer (A)

Expression = Bird : Fly : : Fish : ?

The primary ability of a bird is to fly similarly a fish swims.

=> Ans – (A)

23) Answer (B)

Expression = Writer : Pen : : Plumber : ?

The main tool of a writer is a pen with which he does his job, i.e. write, similarly a plumber uses a wrench.

=> Ans – (B)

24) Answer (B)

P is father of Q, but Q is not his son, => Q is daughter of P (male).

Also, S is wife of P. R is son of S, => Q (female) and R (male) are siblings.

Thus, Q is daughter of S.

=> Ans – (B)

25) Answer (C)

Expression = Love : Hate : : Deep : ?

The first pair of words are antonyms, i.e. love is the opposite of hate. Similarly opposite of deep is shallow.

=> Ans – (C)

26) Answer (B)

D is B’s father and B&C; are sisters,

=> B and C are the daughters of D(male).

Also, A is D’s brother, => A is the uncle of B and C.

Thus, C is A’s niece.

=> Ans – (B)

27) Answer (D)

Note :- The first three statements are redundant.

From the last statement, F is the son of A.

Thus, F’s child is the grandchild of A.

=> A is the grandfather of F’s child

=> Ans – (D)

28) Answer (A)

Z is the wife of P and P is the son of A,

=> Z is the daughter-in-law of A.

Note :- The first statement is redundant.

=> Ans – (A)

29) Answer (A)

Note :- The second and third statements are redundant.

From first and last statements, we get :

A is mother of B and E is daughter of B, => E is granddaughter of A.

Thus, A is grandmother of E.

=> Ans – (A)

30) Answer (A)

Only son of Rakesh’s grandfather = Rakesh’s father

Now, the girl is the daughter of Rakesh’s father, => Rakesh and the girl are siblings.

Thus, She is Rakesh’s sister.

=> Ans – (A)

31) Answer (C)

Let daughter’s present age = $x$ years

=> Mother’s present age = $5x$ years

According to ques, after 5 years,

=> $(5x+5)=3(x+5)$

=> $5x+5=3x+15$

=> $5x-3x=15-5$

=> $2x=10$

=> $x=\frac{10}{2}=5$

$\therefore$ Mother’s present age = $5\times5=25$ years

=> Ans – (C)

32) Answer (A)

Rajiv is the brother of Arun and Arun is the son of Sonia,

=> Rajiv and Arun are Sonia’s sons.

Sonia is the sister of Sunil,

=> Sunil is the uncle of Rajiv and Arun.

Thus, Rajiv is Sunil’s nephew.

=> Ans – (A)

33) Answer (D)

Monica’s father’s only daughter = Monica

Now, it is said that Reeta is the only daughter of Monica.

Thus, Monica is Reeta’s mother.

=> Ans – (D)

34) Answer (B)

Only son of Meera’s grandfather = Meera’s father

Now, that boy is son of Meera’s father, => Meera and the boy are siblings.

Thus, the boy is Meera’s brother.

=> Ans – (B)

35) Answer (A)

Mother’s husband’s sister is that lady’s aunt.

Now, that aunt is the mother of the man.

Thus, the man and the lady are cousins.

=> Ans – (A)

36) Answer (A)

O(male) and P(female) are married. M is the son of P,

=> O and P are parents of M(male).

Thus, M is the son of O.

Note :- The second statement is redundant.

=> Ans – (A)

37) Answer (B)

The mother of the boy can be the mother of Riya also. If that is the case, Riya will be the sister of the boy.

38) Answer (C)

B and D are married and have a daughter G.

Also, A is the sister of B, => A is aunt of G.

Thus, G is the niece of A.

=> Ans – (C)

39) Answer (D)

The lady can have more than one brother. Hence, we cannot be sure that the brother is Ram’s father. Hence, option D is the correct answer.

40) Answer (B)

X and Y are brothers and R is the father of Y,

=> R is the father of X(male) and Y(male).

T is the sister of S who is maternal uncle of X,

=> T is the mother of X.

Thus, R and T are married, and T is the wife of R.

=> Ans – (B)


We hope this Blood Relationship questions for SSC GD will be highly useful for your preparation.


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