How Many Marks Required For 95 Percentile In CAT 2022

How much marks required for 95 percentile in CAT

Common Admission Test (CAT) 2022 is in 4 months away. Many CAT aspirants are waiting for the examination to fulfil their dream of pursuing an MBA in top b-schools and getting well prepared for the examination. There are thousands of students applying for the CAT exam. Scoring more than 95 percentile in CAT is not so tough. The only matter is your efforts and the strategy you are using for the CAT preparation. Many top MBA colleges have the 95+ percentile of CAT cut-off to offer admission for MBA. In this article, we will discuss how much score (marks) is required for the 95 percentile in CAT 2022 with the sectional marks to target in detail.

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CAT 2022 Exam Pattern

Verbal Ability 40 minutes 24
Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning 40 minutes 20
Quantitative Ability 40 minutes 22
Overall 120 minutes 66

Each correct answer is awarded 3 marks, and each wrong answer carries a penalty of -1 mark. There might be a sectional time limit of 40 minutes for each section, and candidates are not allowed to switch between the sections.

How Many Marks Required To Get 95 Percentile In CAT Exam

The overall marks for CAT 2022 are 198, and one can require 72 to 75 overall marks to get the 95 percentile in the CAT exam. One can use a strategy of targeting the score for each section with respect to the percentiles. It is very important to identify the sections where you are capable of scoring more than the 95 percentile. It is advised to target more than 95 percentile in the Quantitative aptitude section and VARC section. Marks required to get the 95 percentile in each section in the CAT exam are as shown below.

Section *Marks to be targeted
VARC 34 (95%ile)
LRDI 24 (95%ile)
Quant 24 (95%ile)

*The required marks are given based on the score vs percentile of the previous year’s CAT exam. The percentile may vary based on the difficulty of the slots.

One can target above 95 percentile in quant, which is not so tough to score in this section. Any of the sections must score more than 90 percentile, whether VARC or LRDI. It is advised to choose VARC to make a target to get more than 90 percentile because RC questions are the best option to score more in this section. And finally, in the last section, which is nothing but the LRDI, it is advised to target the 85 percentile in this section, as it is tough compared to the other two sections.

How Many Questions To Attempt In CAT 2022 To Get 95 Percentile

As we know that there will be overall 66 questions in the CAT exam. Whereas one can target a certain number of questions to attempt accurately to get the 95 percentile in CAT 2022. As we all know, VARC and LRDI are the sections which have 24 and 20 questions, respectively. As mentioned before, the targeted percentile for the VARC section is 95 percentile, so it is advised to attempt any 12 questions. It is very important to select the right sets that can be solved easily and accurately. The number of questions to be targeted in each section is given below.

Section *Question to be attempted
LRDI 2 Sets
Quant 17

*These are the number of questions that are assumed to score 95 percentile. The percentile may vary based on the difficulty level of the question paper slot.

It is advised to score as much as possible in the area in which you are strong such as quant. Try to get more than the 98 percentile in it.

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Section-wise Preparation Strategy To Get 95 Percentile In CAT 2022

Study plan for Verbal Ability & Reading Comprehension (VARC)– Try to focus on reading for 1 hour every day. It will help you to develop a viewpoint on a variety of issues. In the initial days of your preparation, solve at least one RC every day. The following is the schedule one can follow. You can adjust this depending on the time available during the day and based on your strengths and weaknesses.

Study plan for Logical Reasoning And Data Interpretation (LRDI)– As we know, CAT has moved away from the traditional LRDI sets. It’s imperative to practice the non-traditional type of sets. The sets that are appearing are more logic-based (and relatively less data-intensive in nature). Try to spend around 1 hour every day on the DI / LR concepts. Also, try to solve 2 sets every day (one DI set and one LR set).

Study plan for Quantitative Ability (QA)The Quant basics will play a crucial role in this Quantitative Ability section. The aspirant must spend at least 1-2 months learning the quant basics. Most of the Candidates will neglect to view the quant basics during the preparation. You can follow the given study schedule for preparing the Quantitative Ability section. You can customize the schedule according to your strengths and weaknesses in this section.

CAT 2022 Month-wise Study plan for 4 Months

July – August

Learning the concepts of all the three sections

Revise the concepts, Practice, and Take one mock per week


Take sectional tests, and two mocks per week


Can take 2-3 mocks per week and experiment with mock strategies. Note down your mistakes, improve your question selection skills, and experiment with various strategies in the mocks.


Pick a strategy that suits you the most. Test it in the mocks. Revise the concepts and the common mistakes you tend to make.


Top MBA Colleges Accepting CAT Score 95 Percentile

These are some of the top MBA colleges that are accepting the CAT score of 95 percentile.

  • IIM Indore
  • IIM Shillong
  • SJSOM, IIT Bombay
  • SPJIMR, Mumbai
  • MDI Gurgaon
  • DMS, IIT Delhi
  • NITIE, Mumbai
  • IISC, Bangalore
  • VGSOM, IIT Kharagpur
  • IIT Kanpur
  • IIT Roorkee
  • DoMS, IIT Madras
  • DFS, Delhi University
  • Delhi School of Economics
  • New IIMs

There is also a possibility of getting calls from top IIMs such as Bangalore, Calcutta, etc., based on which category you belong to, for candidates from SC, ST, and EWS can get a call from the top IIMs by considering the quality of profile even got 95 percentile in CAT. But for the general category, there is no such possibility. They must reach out to the cut-off of the respective colleges.

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