International Organisation Questions for SSC MTS

_International Organization Questions
_International Organization Questions

International Organisation Questions for SSC MTS

Here you can download the International Organisation Questions for SSC MTS PDF with solutions by Cracku. These are the most important International Organisation questions PDF prepared by various sources also based on previous year’s papers. Utilize this PDF for International Organisation for SSC MTS preparation. You can find a list of the most important International Organisation questions in this PDF which help you to test yourself and practice. So you can click on the below link to download the PDF for reference and do more practice.

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Question 1: The total number of Judges of International Court of Justice is

a) 10

b) 12

c) 15

d) 18

1) Answer (C)

Question 2: In which of the following cities the highest number of international organization’s headquarters are located?

a) California

b) Geneva

c) New York

d) London

2) Answer (B)


The highest number of international organization’s headquarters are located in Geneva(Switzerland).
Hence, option b is the correct answer.

Question 3: Which of the following organization(s) headquarters is not in ‘Switzerland’?

a) United Nations Human Rights Council

b) International Energy Agency

c) International Labour Organization

d) International Organization for Standardization

3) Answer (B)


a) United Nations Human Rights Council ⇒ Geneva, Switzerland
b) International Energy Agency ⇒ Paris, France
c) International Labour Organization ⇒ Geneva, Switzerland
d) International Organization for Standardization ⇒ Geneva, Switzerland
Hence, option b is the correct answer.

Question 4: Ajay Tyagi is the chairman of which organization?




d) KVB

4) Answer (C)

Question 5: In which city, the headquarters of the International Labour Organization is located?

a) Geneva

b) New York

c) Paris

d) Vienna

5) Answer (A)

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Question 6: Where is the headquarters of the United Nations Industrial Development Organisation situated?

a) New York city

b) Washington DC, USA

c) Vienna, Austria

d) Geneva, Switzerland

e) Hague, Netherlands

6) Answer (C)


United Nations Industrial development organisation’s (UNIDO’s) headquarters are located at the Vienna International Centre, Austria.

Question 7: October 24, 1945 marks the formation day of which of the following organizations?

a) United Nations Organisation

b) World Bank

c) International Monetary Fund

d) Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development

e) None of the above

7) Answer (A)


October 24, 1945 marks the formation day of the United Nations Organization (UNO).

Question 8: India has become the new member of which of the following important International organizations?

a) International Monetary Fund


c) European Bank for Restructuring and Development

d) Food and Agriculture Organisation

8) Answer (C)


India has become the 69th member of European bank fro reconstruction and development which has approved membership of India.

Question 9: In which year was the World Trade Organization established?

a) 1952

b) 1942

c) 1947

d) 1995

9) Answer (D)

Question 10: Which of the following bodies is primarily concerned with maintaining the integrity of the international financial system?

a) IMF



d) ADB

10) Answer (C)

Question 11: The term “Uruguay Round” is associated with an important world organization. Which one?



c) WTO

d) World Bank

11) Answer (B)

Question 12: Which one of the following is not a member of the organization of petroleum exporting countries (OPEC)?

a) Algeria

b) Brazil

c) Ecuador

d) Nigeria

12) Answer (B)

Question 13: Which indicator(s) is/are used by the International Food Policy Research Institute to compute the ‘Global Hunger Index Report’?

a) Undernourishment

b) Child stunting

c) Child mortality

d) All of the above

13) Answer (D)

Question 14: The Gandhi Solar Park (GSP) wasrecently inaugurated at the headquarters of which international organisation ?

a) IMF

b) European Union

c) United Nations

d) WHO

14) Answer (C)

Question 15: Which international organisation recently passed a resolution of sports autonomy and sports as means to promote peace and development ?

a) International Olympic Committee

b) Commonwealth Games Federation

c) United Nations

d) Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation

15) Answer (C)

Question 16: Amnesty International is an organisation associated with which of the following fields ?

a) Protection of Cruelty to animals

b) Environment protection

c) Protection of human rights

d) Protection of historic monuments

16) Answer (C)

Question 17: Which of the following organization is not under UNO?


b) WHO


d) ILO

17) Answer (A)

Question 18: Which of the following international organisation has the highest number of member countries?

a) World Bank

b) International Monetary Fund

c) United Nations

d) WTO

e) International Committee of the Red Cross

18) Answer (C)


United Nations – 193 members
IMF – 189 members
World Bank – 189 members
WTO – 164 members
International Committee of the Red Cross – 190

Question 19: Bank for International Settlements (BIS) was established on 17 May 1930. The head office is in Basel, Switzerland and there are two representative offices, one of which is in _____

a) Mexico

b) USA

c) Russia

d) China

e) Germany

19) Answer (A)


BIS has got two representative offices: one for the asia and the pacific located at Hong Kong
In the Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China and the other for americas located at mexico city.
Siddharth Tiwari started in his new position as Chief Representative for Asia and the Pacific on 1 November 2018 succeeding Eli Remolona, who was the Chief Representative of the Asian Office from 2008 to 2018.

Question 20: Which of the following Country is NOT a member of World Trade Organization?

a) Israel

b) Iran

c) Guinea

d) Norway

20) Answer (B)

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