Coding Decoding Questions PDF for MAH-CET

Coding Decoding Questions
Coding Decoding Questions

Here you can download a free Coding-Decoding questions PDF with answers for MAH MBA CET 2022 by Cracku. These are some tricky questions in the MAH MBA CET 2022 exam that you need to find Coding-Decoding answers for the given questions. These questions will help you to make practice and solve the Coding and Decoding questions in the MAH MBA CET exam. Utilize this best PDF practice set which is included answers in detail. Click on the below link to download the Coding-Decoding MCQ PDF for MBA-CET 2022 for free.

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Study the following information and answer the questions given below:

In a certain code, the symbol for 0 (zero) is @ and for 1 is $. There are no other symbols for all other numbers greater than one. The numbers greater than 1 are to be written only by using the two symbols given above. The value of the symbol for 1, doubles itself every time it shifts one place to the left. Study the following example
‘0’ is written as @
‘1’ is written as $
‘2’ is written as $@
‘3’ is written as $
‘4’ is written as $@@ and so on

Question 1: Which of the following numbers will be represented by $@@@$ ?

a) 22

b) 31

c) 14

d) 17

e) None of these

1) Answer (D)


The pattern followed is that the numbers are given in binary form. Eg :- 2 is written as ’10’ and 3 as ’11’ and so on.

$@@@$ represents = 10001 which is binary code for :

= $2^0+2^4=(1+16)=$ 17

=> Ans – (D)

Question 2: Which of the following will represent the value of the product 3 × 3 + 1 ?

a) $@$

b) $@$@

c) $@@$

d) $$

e) None of these

2) Answer (B)


The pattern followed is that the numbers are given in binary form. Eg :- 2 is written as ’10’ and 3 as ’11’ and so on.

Value of = $3\times3+1=9+1=10$

Thus, binary code for 10 = ‘1010’ represented as = $@$@

=> Ans – (B)

Question 3: Which of the following numbers will be represented by $@$ ?

a) 8

b) 11

c) 13

d) 12

e) None of these

3) Answer (C)


The pattern followed is that the numbers are given in binary form. Eg :- 2 is written as ’10’ and 3 as ’11’ and so on.

$@$ represents = 1101 which is binary code for :

= $2^0+2^2+2^3=(1+4+8)=$ 13

=> Ans – (C)

Question 4: Which of the following will represent 8 ?

a) $@@

b) @$@

c) $@$@

d) @@$

e) None of these

4) Answer (E)


The pattern followed is that the numbers are given in binary form. Eg :- 2 is written as ’10’ and 3 as ’11’ and so on.

Thus, binary code for 8 = ‘1000’ represented as = $@@@

=> Ans – (E)

Question 5: Which of the following will represent 11 ?

a) $@$

b) @$@

c) $@@

d) $@$@@

e) None of these

5) Answer (A)


The pattern followed is that the numbers are given in binary form. Eg :- 2 is written as ’10’ and 3 as ’11’ and so on.

Thus, binary code for 11 = ‘1011’ represented as = $@$

=> Ans – (A)


Ravi ,Suresh ,And asif are in control of the following number -letter-symbol series respectively.
Ravi : 2 & S * 9 P T B ₤ 8 Q Δ 6
Suresh: ⦻ 1 ❑ F @ V 4 $ © M T D ⇔
Asif: G 3 H # K N ⚫ 5 R = 7 W Y

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Question 6: Which of the following is true?

a) The total number of symbols immediately preceded by numbers in Ravi’s series are equal to the total number of letters immediately preceded by numbers in Suresh’s series

b) The total number of symbols immediately followed by numbers in Asif’s series are less than the total number of letters immediately preceded by numbers in Ravi’s series.

c) The total number of letters immediately following symbol in Ravi’s series are more than the total number of symbols immediately preceded by fix numbers in Suresh’s series.

d) The total number of symbols immediately preceding letter in Ravi’s series are less than the total number of symbols immediately followed by numbers in Asif’s series.

e) The total number of symbols in Ravi’s series is more than the total number of symbols in Suresh‘s series.

6) Answer (D)


(A) : (number) (symbol) in Ravi’s series = 1

(number) (letter) in Suresh’s series = 0

(B) : (symbol) (number) in Asif’s series = 2

(number) (letter) in Ravi’s series = 2

(C) : (symbol) (letter) in Ravi’s series = 1

(number) (symbol) in Suresh’s series = 2

(D) : (symbol) (letter) in Ravi’s series = 1

(symbol) (number) in Asif’s series = 2

=> Ans – (D)

Question 7: If all the numbers from Asif’s series, all the letters from Suresh’s series and all the symbols from Ravi’s series are respectively arranged in the same given order one after the other from the left end, which of the following will be the seventh to the right of the eleventh element from your right?

a) D

b) M

c) ©

d) Δ

e) None of these

7) Answer (E)


If all the numbers from Asif’s series, all the letters from Suresh’s series and all the symbols from Ravi’s series are respectively arranged in the same given order one after the other from the left end, then :

Arrangement : 3 5 7  F V M T D  & * ₤ Δ

11th element from right end = 5

7th to the right of 5 = &

=> Ans – (E)

Question 8: If each symbol which immediately preceded a number in Ravi’s series, each number which immediately follows a letter in Suresh’s series, and each letter which immediately precedes a symbol in Asif’s series are selected, what will be total number of these elements?

a) 7

b) 8

c) 6

d) 5

e) None of these

8) Answer (A)


In Ravi’s series, we need to find = (symbol) (number)

Ravi : 2 & S * 9 P T B ₤ 8 Q Δ 6

In Suresh’s = (letter) (number)

Suresh: ⦻ 1 ❑ F @ V 4 $ © M T D ⇔

In Asif’s = (letter) (symbol)

Asif: G 3 H # K N ⚫ 5 R = 7 W Y

Thus, there are 7 such elements.

=> Ans – (A)

Question 9: If from each series, amongst letters/numbers/symbols the one having highest members is sorted out and then arranged in the descending order on the basis of the number of elements they have, which of the following will indicate the correct descending order?

a) Asif-letters, Suresh-symbols, Ravi-symbols

b) Asif-letters, Suresh-symbols, Ravi-letters

c) Ravi-numbers, Suresh-letters, Asif-symbols

d) Ravi-letters, Suresh-symbols, Asif-letters

e) None of these

9) Answer (B)


Elements in Ravi’s series are :

Numbers = 4 , Symbols = 4 , Letters = 5

Elements in Suresh’s series are :

Numbers = 2 , Symbols = 6 , Letters = 5

Elements in Asif’s series are :

Numbers = 3 , Symbols = 3 , Letters = 7

$\therefore$ The correct descending order is : Asif-letters, Suresh-symbols, Ravi-letters

=> Ans – (B)

Question 10: Starting from the left end & following the given order in each series, if a group of three elements is formed by taking symbol from Suresh’s series, number from Ravi’s series & letter from Asif’s series taking each symbol, number and letter only once, which of the following will be the elements of the 4th such group formed?

a) $8T

b) ©6R

c) $6N

d) *1V

e) None of these

10) Answer (C)


If a group of three elements is formed by taking symbol from Suresh’s series, number from Ravi’s series & letter from Asif’s series, then :

Thus, elements of 4th group = $6N

=> Ans – (C)

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