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Puzzles questions for TISSNET 2022
Puzzles questions for TISSNET 2022

Puzzles Questions for TISSNET 2022 – Download PDF

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Question 1: In order of quality in an examination having six subjects one has to get at least 50% and above marks separately in any four subjects and minimum 35% and above in each of the six subjects. If the total of 25% candidates have qualified in the examination, then which of the following is definitely true?

a) 25% of the students have secured 50% and above in all the six subjects

b) 75% of the students could not get at least 35% marks in all the six subjects taken together

c) 50% of the students got 50% and above in four subjects but only half of them could get 35% and above in all the subjects

d) Only 25% of the students could get at least 35% and above marks in each of the subjects

e) None of these

Question 2: The state government’s agency ‘HOUSEWELL’ has constructed 500 flats for middle class but in spite of shortage of house it has not even received hundred applications. Each of the following if true, could explain this except :

a) The quality of construction of ‘HOUSEWELL’ is reported to be very poor

b) The location of the flats is not convenient either by bus or from railway station

c) A private builders scheme which has come up on the adjacent plot is overbooked in spite of higher cost and 100% advance payment

d) The cost and conditions of payment are quite demanding and are slightly higher than usual government housing schemes

e) School and market facilities are yet to come up

Question 3: If you want hassle-free holiday package for city ‘M’ then join, only our tour, hurry up, only few seats available. An advertisement of ‘XYZ’ Tourist Company. If the above statement is true then which of the following has been assumed while making the statement ?

a) Travel packages offered by other tour operators are neither cheap nor comfortable

b) Nowadays people have lot of money to spend for their comforts

c) No seats may be available with other tour operators for city ‘M’

d) Many people desire convenience and comfort while going for a holiday

e) The XYZ Company strictly follows the concept of ‘first come first serve’.

Question 4: A study reveals that families where parents cannot give sufficient time for their children report disturbed behaviour of children and poor performance of the child at school.
Which of the following is true, would weaken the statement?

a) Studies regarding behaviour of children of single parents have reported similar findings.

b) A good and healthy child-parent relationship helps the child in adjustment at home and school

c) A high correlation has been found between good adjustment of the child with his peers/friends and high good performance in the school

d) Schools have now started counselling parents to spend happy and meaningful time with their children

e) Well adjusted children show lot of love and respect for their parents

Question 5: Cases of food poisoning have been reported from village ‘X’. After a dinner party arranged for 100 people, 68 have been admitted to the hospital, 36 cases are reported to be out of danger. The food, which was cooked and stored in open space for almost 12 hours earlier was served after reheating it. Investigation is going on.
A news report. Which of the following can be hypothesized from the above information ?

a) Late night dinner parties for large number of people result into food poisoning

b) State food is likely to be the cause of food poisoning

c) Cases of food poisoning need to be handled carefully

d) Cases of food poisoning are not reported in urban dinner parties

e) Food poisoning is a matter of chance and no preventive measure can be suggested.

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Question 6: Study the following information carefully and answer the question which follows:
Number of deaths due to ABN poisoning has risen in village A from 23 two years ago, to 67 this year. Since the number of patients is the same, it can be concluded that the new medication is the responsible factor for the deaths.
Which of the following statements weakens the given statements that the new medication Is responsible for increased number of fatalities?

a) While azethorin-1 was being used to treat ABN poisoning since 5 years, azethorin-6 was introduced last year after it obtained necessary clinical approvals.

b) PB released from a new fertilizer being used by the farmers of the village this years, when combined with ABN renders all types of medicines ineffective to treat the disease.

c) Due to low awareness regarding the disease, very low patients have been reporting this disease for many years which proves that the actual numbers could be much higher.

d) The new medicines introduced in village A for TQW and RST poisoning has been successful in significantly bringing down the fatality rate.

e) A cement factory set up 5 years ago in the village was responsible for leaching ABN in the soil as well as drinking water way above the danger limit.

Question 7: Study the following information and answer the given question.
Despite strong opposite from the social activists of village X, Pollution Control Board renewed the license of a coal depot to operate coal handing barely one kilometre away from the village.
Which of the following statements supports the decision of Pollution Control Board to some extent?

a) Several crops were destroyed due to disposal of waste from the coal depot in the previous year.

b) Maintenance cost of roads In village X has increased due to transportation of coal.

c) The depot provides employment for nearly 70% of people in the neighbouring area.

d) Several complaints have been filed against the depot in the past for violating safety standards.

e) Nine out of ten residents of village X suffer from respiratory problems.

Question 8: Study the following information carefully and answer the question given below :
The government of State Y is promoting organic farming this year onwards. Thus, the raw material needed for it is made available at a subsidised rate. Free regular classes are also arranged to train the farmers in organic farming methods and to solve their problems.
The farmers of village B however are still continuing with the industrial farming methods despite several requests from the government.Which of the following statements, if considered true, may support the action of farmers of village B?

a) Industrial farming leads to more productivity in the short term, however, in the long term, it diminishes the soil life and production becomes heavily dependent on chemicals.

b) Organic farming requires considerably more skill as compare to industrial farming.

c) Although a few farmers across State Y have tried their hand at organic faming earlier, none of the farmers of village B have participated in it before.

d) Organic food is expensive and not many people in State Y may be able to afford it, however with the subsidies, provided by the government, it will become affordable.

e) Organic farming methods are very labour intensive as regular extensive observation is required whereas finding labour at affordable costs is a challenge for farmers of village B.

Question 9: Study the following information carefully to answer the question given below :A fatal disease has spread across the ‘Spatter’ village of State X. Even though the prescribed medicine is abundantly available in one of the cities near ‘Spatter’ which can cure the disease, the Medical Association of the State has decided not to allow the medicine to be transported to ‘Spatter’ and is calling the infected people to the city to be injected with the medicine.
Which of the following can be a reason behind the decision of the Medical Association?

a) The Association may not be able to earn high profits from selling the medicine to ‘Spatter’.

b) Many of the villagers may not be able to afford the medicine as it is highly priced.

c) The disease has started to spread in other villages also, making it challenging for the Association to provide the medicine everywhere.

d) Reportedly, many of the villagers are trying home remedies to reduce the effect of the disease and hence they may not require the medicine.

e) If the medicine is not injected under the prescribed controlled environments, it may have adverse effects.

Question 10: Find the suitable course of action for the following statement  
Statement: Non-Resident Indians invest their money in City ‘A’. About one lakh flats are vacant in the City ‘A’. Still people are struggling hard to get the accommodation. Which of the following Courses of action may be pursued to solve the problem ?   (A course of action is a step or administrative decision to be taken for improvement, follow up or further action in regard to the problem, policy etc.)

a) The Government should take over the vacant flats and allot these flats to the needy persons

b) The Government should restrict the investment made by the Non-Resident Indians to check the soaring prices of dwelling units

c) The Government should immediately constitute a task force to review the housing policy

d) The Government should Immediately take steps to end the impasse through proper coordination and management

e) None of these

Question 11: Find the suitable course of action for the following statement  
Statement: The Country has the cheapest domestic airlines. The airline has lost around 40 commanders and senior pilots to Gulf airlines. Senior pilots have started opting Gulf airlines as they were unhappy with the domestic airlines. They complained that the cheapest domestic airline has poor facilities. Which of the following Courses of action may be pursued to solve the problem?(A course of action is a step  or administrative decision to be taken for improvement, follow up or further action in regard to the problem, policy etc.)

a) The Government of the Country ‘X’ should immediately take steps to ban the Gulf airlines so that senior pilots do not move to Gulf airlines.

b) The Government of the Country ‘X’ should immediately cancel the licences of the defiant senior pilots

c) The Government of the Country ‘X’ should immediately take steps to improve the service of the domestic airlines after meeting with the senior pilots

d) The passengers should boycott the services of Gulf airlines as it is the duty of citizens to protect the interests of their country.

e) None of these

Question 12: Among P, Q, R, S and T, Q is younger than only S and R and older than T. Who among them is the oldest?

a) S

b) R

c) P

d) Data inadequate

e) None of these

Question 13: Among P, Q, R, S, T and U, R is taller than only P and U. S is shorter than only T and Q. If each of them has a different height, who among them will be the third from top when they are arranged in descending order of their height?

a) R

b) P

c) S

d) Q

e) None of these

Question 14: Among five people — A, B, C, D and E — each scoring different marks, only two persons scored more marks than A. D scored more than A. B scored less than D but not the lowest. C scored more than B but not the highest. Who amongst them did score the lowest marks?

a) Cannot be determined

b) B

c) E

d) C

e) D

Question 15: Akshay is 16th from the left end in the row of boys and Vijay is 18th from the right end. Avinash is 11th from Akshay towards the right end and 3rd from Vijay towards the right end. How many boys are there in the row ?

a) Data inadequate

b) 42

c) 40

d) 48

e) None of these

Question 16: Among M, T, R and P, M is older than only P. T is older than R. Who among them is the oldest ?

a) T

b) R

c) T or R

d) Data inadequate

e) None of these

Question 17: Among M, N, T, R and D each having a different height, T is taller than D but shorter than M. R is taller than N but shorter than D. Who among them is the tallest ?

a) D

b) T

c) M

d) R

e) N

Question 18: In a class, among the passed students Neeta is 22nd from the top and Kalyan, who is 5 ranks below Neeta is 34th from the bottom. All the students from the class have appeared for the exam. If the ratio of the students who passed in the exam to those who failed is 4 : 1 in that class, how many students are there in the class ?

a) Data inadequate

b) 60

c) 75

d) 90

e) None of these

Question 19: Four of the following five pairs of alphas and numerals have same relationship between their elements as in the case of the pair PROBLEM : 2948375 and hence form a group. Which one does not belong to the group ?

a) BORE : 8497

b) MOEP : 5972

c) LBOR : 3849

d) OMEP : 4572

e) EROL : 7943

Question 20: If it is possible to make only one meaningful word with the first, fourth, fifth and tenth letters of the word Television, which of the following would be the second letter of that word from the right end? If no such word can be made, give ‘X’ as your answer and if more than one such word can be formed, give your answer as ‘Y’.

a) X

b) L

c) N

d) E

e) Y

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Answers & Solutions:

1) Answer (D)

The criteria to qualify the examination is that a student has to get :

(a) : $\geq50\%$ marks separately in any four subjects.

(b) : $\geq35\%$ marks in each of the six subjects.

Since, only 25% students have qualified in the examination, then these students definitely got at least 35% and above marks in each of the subjects as given in the fourth option.

=> Ans – (D)

2) Answer (C)

Except the third statement, i.e. a private builders scheme which has come up on the adjacent plot is overbooked in spite of higher cost and 100% advance payment, all may be reasons for not going for the flats by the people. The third option has no connection with the statement.

=> Ans – (C)

3) Answer (D)

The reason why the tourist company has mentioned the term ‘hassle-free holiday package’ in the advertisement can be because of many people desire convenience and comfort while going for a holiday and assuming that people will prefer to tour by their company.

=> Ans – (D)

4) Answer (C)

The given statement indicates that parents who do not give proper attention to their children have affected the child’s performance.

The first, second and last options supports the above statement, the fourth statement is the consequence of above statement, but the third statement weakens the above argument as it states that a child can improve with good adjustment with his/her friends.

=> Ans – (C)

5) Answer (B)

As mentioned, ‘food was cooked and stored in the open space for almost 12 hours earlier’. Now, this may be the cause of food-poisoning as given in the second option.

=> Ans – (B)

6) Answer (E)

The givens statement indicates that the new medication can be responsible for the increase in deaths in village A, but in the last option, it is given that a cement factory set up 5 years ago in the village was responsible for leaching ABN in the soil as well as drinking water way above the danger limit, which shifts the blame from medication to the factory and hence weakens the argument.

=> Ans – (E)

7) Answer (C)

The given statement indicates that inspite of opposing the renewal of license of coal depot by the social activist, the pollution control board still did it, which is 1 km from the village X.

The first, second and last statements are against the given argument and weakens it. The fourth statement was the course of action. But the third statement states that the depot provides employment to more than half of the population of neighbouring village, and that can be the reason for the renewal of its license, thus it supports above argument.

=> Ans – (C)

8) Answer (E)

The first statement supports organic farming and thus can’t be the reason why farmers in village B do not opt it.

Similarly, the second and third options do not support the action of farmers of village B. The fourth options is not even related to farmers of village B.

But, the last option may support the given argument as there may be lack of farmers at affordable costs in village B.

=> Ans – (E)

9) Answer (E)

The Medical Association values welfare, not profit. Hence option (a) is ruled out.

Options (b), (c) and (d) are ruled out because the medicine is ‘abundantly available”.

Thus (e) seems to be the reason, moving the medicine to the village might lead to the loss of the “prescribed controlled environments”.

=> Ans – (E)

10) Answer (D)

The statement indicates that the people have invested their money in the flats and are still not in the possession of them.

Thus, the probable course of action is that the government should Immediately take steps to end the impasse through proper coordination and management as given in the fourth option. The government should not give it to the needy ones, as it will be unjust to those who have invested their money.

=> Ans – (D)

11) Answer (C)

The given statement indicates that because of the better facilities provided by the gulf airlines, the senior pilots have started to opt Gulf airlines instead of domestic airlines.

The first two statements should not be a valid course of action, as it is not the airlines and pilot’s fault to provide and go for better facilities respectively. Similarly, in the fourth option, passengers also require better facilities.

The probable course of action should be that the Government of the Country ‘X’ should immediately take steps to improve the service of the domestic airlines after meeting with the senior pilots as mentioned in the third option.

=> Ans – (C)

12) Answer (D)

Q is younger than only S and R, => Q is the third eldest in the group.

Also, it is given that Q is elder than T.

=>  and S, R > Q > P, T

Thus, either R or S is the eldest.

=> Ans – (D)

13) Answer (C)

R is taller than only P and U, => R is the fourth tallest.

S is shorter than only T and Q, => S is the third tallest.

=> T, Q > S > R > P, U

Thus, will be the third from top when they are arranged in descending order of their height.

=> Ans – (C)

14) Answer (C)

Let us give ranks to each person, where 1 -> highest marks and 5 -> lowest marks.

Only two persons scored more marks than A, => A’s rank is 3 and he is in the middle.

Also, D and C scored more than B but B is not the lowest, => B’s rank is 4 and C and D are either 1 or 2.

This leaves with the only option that the lowest marks are scored by E.

$\therefore$ C, D > A > B > E

Thus, E scored the lowest marks.

=> Ans – (C) : E

15) Answer (E)

It is given that Akshay is 16th from the left end in the row of boys and Vijay is 18th from the right end.

Avinash is 11th from Akshay towards the right end and 3rd from Vijay towards the right end.

So we shall say that Avinash is 27th from the left end as he is 11th from Akshay who is 16th from the left end. i.e. 16 + 11 = 27

Also Avinash is 3rd from Vijay towards the right end, So we can say that Avinash is 15th from the right end. i.e. 18 – 3 = 15

By knowing two positions of Avinash,

=> Total number of boys = 27 + 15 – 1 = 41.

16) Answer (A)

Let us give them ranks, where 1 -> oldest and 4 -> youngest

M is older than only P, => P is the youngest and M = 3 , P = 4

Also, T is older than R, => T = 1 , R = 2

$\therefore$ T > R > M > P

Thus, T is the oldest.

=> Ans – (A)

17) Answer (C)

T is taller than D but shorter than M, => M > T > D

R is taller than N but shorter than D, => D > R > N

Combining above statements, we get :

=> M > T > D > R > N

Thus, M is the tallest.

=> Ans – (C)

18) Answer (C)

Among the passed students, Neeta’s rank from top = 22nd

Kalyan is 5 ranks below Neeta, => Kalyan’s rank from top = 22 + 5 = 27th

Also, Kalyan’s rank from bottom = 34th

=> Total number of passed students in the class = 34 + 27 – 1 = 60

Ratio between passed and failed students = 4 : 1

$\therefore$ Total number of students in the class = $60 \times \frac{5}{4} = 75$

19) Answer (B)

The code for P – 2

R – 9

O – 4

B – 8

L – 3

E – 7

M – 5

In the second option, code for O is given 9, which is incorrect.

=> Ans – (B)

20) Answer (C)


1st, 4th, 5th and 10th letters = T,E,V,N

Only one word can be formed = Vent

2nd letter from right end = ‘N’

=> Ans – (C)

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