Tricks to remember Banks and their Headquarters

Tricks to remember Bank and their headquarters
Tricks to remember Bank and their headquarters

Hello aspirants!As you all know HQ of Banks in India is a sure-shot question in Banking Exams and Yes, we know it is hard to remember the HQ of all Banks. Cracku, brings to you the best trick to remember the HQ of all Nationalized Banks in a lucid way, these tricks are completely illogical please do not try to make any sense out of it, but try to remember the HQ trickly. Stay tuned for more updates on various tricks to remember General Knowledge for various Competitive and Banking exams from Cracku.

Tricks to Remember Banks and their headquarters – for Nationalised Banks:

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Trick 1:

Most of the Banks ending with “Of India” has their headquarters at “Mumbai”

  1. Bank of India
  2. Central Bank of India
  3. Union Bank of India
  4. State Bank of India
  5. Industrial Development Bank of India (IDBI)

All the above banks have MUMBAI as their headquarters

Here there are some exceptions:

  1. United bank of India: United Bank of India has its headquarters at Kolkata
  2. Dena Bank: Dena Bank which do not have “Of India” at the end also have its headquarters at Mumbai.


Trick 2:

Name of the Banks Starting with “Indian” has their headquarters at Chennai

  1. Indian Bank
  2. Indian Overseas bank


Trick 3:

Bank Names starting with “Punjab” have their headquarters at New Delhi

  1. Punjab National bank
  2. Punjab and sind bank


Trick 4:

  • Andhra Bank – Hyderabad
  • Before the state Bifurcation Hyderabad is the capital of Andhra Pradesh.


Trick 5:


  • UCO Bank – Kolkatta
  • UCO ends with CO and Kolkatta Starts with KO.Sounds of these two Words can be related.


Trick 6:

Remember this “C vs C

CCanara Bank

VVijaya Bank

SSyndicate Bank

CCorporate Bank

The Above Banks has their Headquarters in Karnataka.

There are no other nationalized banks starting with these letters except Central bank of India. But it already has a code “of India” at the end.


Trick 7:

Oriental Bank of Commerce – New Delhi

Remember the News Channel Name “CNBC

Relate N with New Delhi and BC with OBC.

Here all Nationalized banks in India have been covered except Allahabad Bank.

Allahabad Bank has its Headquarters at Kolkata.

This headquarters are made easy to remember the headquarters of the Indian nationalised banks.

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