8 tips to improve English for IBPS PO

8 tips to improve English for IBPS PO
A detailed blog on 8 tips to improve English for IBPS PO

IBPS will conduct IBPS PO prelims exam in October. English is one of the three sections of the prelims exam. This section turns out to be a make or break section for many aspirants. In this blog, let us see some tips to prepare English for IBPS PO.

English language is a section where what you have done until now matters the most. Unlike other sections, English for IBPS PO takes some time to improve. Hence, aspirants must start preparing for this section early. Those who feel they need a structured course can start IBPS PO online preparation.

Also, aspirants who have a decent grip over this topic must start taking IBPS PO mock tests to check how they perform with the clock ticking.

One of the major advantages of this section is that aspirants can score well in a very short time interval.

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English for IBPS PO:

1. Do not avoid reading comprehension:

English section is comprehension heavy. Hence, do not ignore reading comprehension. Cloze test and para jumbles are mere manifestations of comprehension. Hence, ignoring this section will cost you dearly. Read strategy for reading comprehension for IBPS PO.

2.Read as much as you can:

This is a point that cannot be emphasised enough. Comprehension skills are not something you learn overnight. It is built over months of practice. Having a good reading habit will enhance your scores in this section.

As English for IBPS PO has many questions that check the reading skills of the candidate, a good reading habit goes a long way in ensuring you score well in this section.

The more you read, the better you will get at English for IBPS PO.

3.Sentence correction and double fillers:

Once you develop a reading habit, you will know a sentence is wrong just because it does not sound right. Try to reach that level of proficiency. Merely mugging up grammar rules can take you only so far.

After choosing the option, do a sanity check by rereading the sentence with your preferred option. Make sure that it sounds right.

Also, be thorough with certain odd grammar rules like if clause and gerunds.

Double fillers is an easy scoring topic. Since you have to fit in two words, the chances of making an error drastically reduce. Sadly, this section has been slowly disappearing from the banking exams in the recent years. Read about how to solve cloze test questions for IBPS PO exam.

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4.Avoid extrapolation:

Most students cannot differentiate between inference and extrapolation. Infer passages – do not extrapolate circumstances. Limit yourself to the information that the passage gives you. Do not make far fetched assumptions.

Eg) Women are pushed into slavery under the pretence of a job. Poverty is what that forces women into slavery. Most tribal groups have group weddings. Group weddings reduce financial burdens of families and prevent them from getting into debt.

While inferring the above passage, most students conclude that group weddings reduce slavery of women. The passage does not mention that group weddings reduce poverty. The passage only mentions that group weddings reduce debts.

Also, group weddings are confined to a small group of people ( Tribal group) while slavery of women is a much wider issue. Hence, refrain from making such far-fetched conclusions.

5.Para Jumbles:

Again, para jumbles indirectly check your comprehending abilities. This section has been slowly disappearing from the banking exams. Nevertheless, it is important to prepare for this section as it may reappear anytime. Read tricks to solve para jumble questions for IBPS PO exam.

Usually, 5 questions appear from this topic in the prelims exam. Hence, getting them right is crucial. Also, these questions are of all or none type. You either get all the questions right or you must skip the topic.

Do not make wild guesses as they may hurt your chances.

After solving the set, reread your order to check if everything makes sense.

6.Avoid guesswork:

This point is critical. If you are clueless about what the question asks for, do not attempt the question. Attempt a question only if you can bring it down to 2 options. Also, avoid random guessing. On doing the math, you will realise that random guessing will not yield you additional marks.

7.Don’t fret about Vocabulary:

Questions that appear in English for IBPS PO ask for contextual meaning. Gone are the days when aspirants needed to mug up thousands of words to answer vocabulary questions. Again, the emphasis is on comprehension skills. As long as you can figure out the meaning of a word based on the place it has been used, you are good to go with this section.

8.Allow some scope for error:

Respect the fact that unlike other sections, you cannot be sure that your answer is right in this section. The thought process of the question setter might have been different. No matter how good you are, allow some scope for error in this section.

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You can read about 7 important IBPS PO maths tricks to learn about shortcuts to solve quantitative aptitude problems.


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