SSC CGL Admit Card 2018-19 Download:
Staff Selection Commission (SSC) released the CGL (Combined Graduate Level) 2018 recruitment Exam dates. Tier- 1 Exam for the year 2018 is conducted from 4/06/2019 – 19/06/2019 and Tier- 2 from 11/09/2019 – 13/09/2019. SSC conducts Combined Graduate Level exam for the recruitment of Grade ‘B’ & Grade ‘C’ officers in various Government Departments, Ministries, and Offices.
SSC CGL recruitment is done through various levels. Tier- 1 & 2 exam is Computer Based test containing four different sections. The test includes 100 questions for a total of 200 marks. Tier- 3 is a descriptive paper and is conducted offline. Tier- 4 includes Skill Test or Computer Proficiency Test for different posts.
SSC CGL Free Mocks(latest pattern mocks)
Download SSC CGL 2018 Syllabus PDF (Revised)
SSC CGL 2018-19 Admit Card Download:
As the SSC CGL Tier- 1 exam is in the month of June (Starts from June 4), the Admit card was released recently.
Candidates can download their Admit cards from the official website regional wise. Regional Wise download links are provided in the following table.
SSC Region | States/Union Territories | Link to Download |
Eastern Region (ER) | West Bengal, Orrisa, Jharkhand, A&N Island, Sikkim |
Click Here |
Western Region (WR) | Maharashtra, Gujarat, Goa | Click Here |
North Western Region (NWR) | Haryana, Punjab, J&K, Himachal Pradesh | Click Here |
Southern Region (SR) | Andhra Pradesh, Puducherry, Tamilnadu | Click Here |
Northern Region (NR) | Rajasthan, Delhi, Uttarakhand | Click Here |
SSC CGL Free Study Material – 18000 Questions
Candidates can take free online SSC GK Tests here: SSC Free GK Tests
General Science Notes for SSC Exams [PDF]
How To Download SSC CGL Admit Card?
- candidates must visit the official website
- Click on the Admit Card tab. A list of regional websites will open.
- Select the region and navigate to the admit card link.
- Enter the necessary details Registration number and Date Of Birth.
- Click on ‘Submit’.
- Download the admit card and take a print out for future reference.
SSC CGL Admit card contains details such as Exam Date, Roll Number, Examination center, Photograph, and Signature.
Candidates should not attempt to download the admit card several times as it can lead to blocking of candidate’s access.