Simplification And Approximation Questions For IBPS Clerk PDF Set-2

Simplification And Approximation Questions For IBPS Clerk PDF Set-2
Simplification And Approximation Questions For IBPS Clerk PDF Set-2

Simplification And Approximation Questions For IBPS Clerk PDF Set-2:

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Instructions: What will come in place of question mark (?) in the following questions?

Question 1: 3463 × 295 – 18611 = ? + 5883

a) 997091
b) 997071
c) 997090
d) 999070
e) None of these

Question 2: $(23.1)^2 + (48.6)^2 – (39.8)^2 = ? + 1147.69$

a) $(13.6)^2$
b) $\sqrt{12.8}$
c) 163.84

Question 3: $\frac{28}{65}$ x $\frac{195}{308}$ ÷ $\frac{39}{44}$ + $\frac{5}{26}$ = ?

a) $\frac{1}{3}$
b) $0.75$
c) 1$\frac{1}{2}$
d) $\frac{1}{2}$

Question 4: [(3$\sqrt{8}$+ $\sqrt{8}$ ) (8$\sqrt{8}$ + 7$\sqrt{8}$ )] – 98 = ?

a) 2$\sqrt{8}$
b) 8$\sqrt{8}$
c) $382$
d) $386$
e) None of these

Question 5: $\sqrt{11449}$x$\sqrt{6241}$ – (54)^2 = $\sqrt{?}$ + (74)2

a) 3844
b) 3721
c) 3481
d) 3638
e) None of these

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Instructions: What approximate value should come in place of question mark (?) in the following questions? (Note: You are not expected to calculate the exact value.)

Question 6: 39.897% of 4331 + 58.779% of 5003 = ?

a) 4300
b) 4500
c) 4700
d) 4900
e) 5100

Question 7: 43931.03 ÷ 2111.02 × 401.04 =?

a) 8800
b) 7600
c) 7400
d) 9000
e) 8300

Question 8: $\sqrt{6354}$ x 34.999 = ?

a) 3000
b) 2800
c) 2500
d) 3300
e) 2600

Question 9: $\sqrt[3]{4663}$ + 349 = ? ÷ 21.003

a) 7600
b) 7650
c) 7860
d) 7560
e) 7680

Question 10: 59.88 ÷ 12.21 × 6.35 =?

a) 10
b) 50
c) 30
d) 70
e) 90

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Answers & Solutions:

1) Answer (A)

3463 × 295 = 1021585
1021585 – 18611 = 1002974
1002974 – 5883 = 997091

2) Answer (C)

(23.1)$^{2}$ = 533.61
(48.6 )$^{2}$ = 2361.96
(39.8)$^{2}$ = 1584.04
533.61 + 2361.96 – 1584.04 = 1311.53
1311.53 – 1147.69 = 163.84

3) Answer (D)

We solve the problem as per BODMAS rule
$\frac{195}{308}$ ÷ $\frac{39}{44}$ = $\frac{5}{7}$
$\frac{28}{65}$ x $\frac{5}{7}$ = $\frac{4}{13}$
$\frac{4}{13}$ + $\frac{5}{26}$ = $\frac{13}{26}$ = $\frac{1}{2}$

4) Answer (C)

[ $\sqrt{8}$ (3 +1) x $\sqrt{8}$(8 + 7)] – 98
= [4$\sqrt{8}$ x 15 x $\sqrt{8}$ ] – 98
= [60 x $\sqrt{8}$] – 98
= 480 – 98 = 382

5) Answer (B)

$\sqrt{11449}$ x $\sqrt{6241}$ – (54)2 – (74)2 = $\sqrt{?}$
$\sqrt{?}$ = [107 x 79] – 2916 – 5476
= 8453 – 2916 – 5476 = 61
$\sqrt{?}$= (61)2 = 3721

6) Answer (C)

40 x $\frac{4330}{100}$ + 59 + $\frac{5000}{100}$
= 1732 + 2950
= 4682

7) Answer (E)

$\frac{43931}{2111}$ x 401 = 8345.01 ≈ 8300

8) Answer (B)

After taking approximation equation will be

$\sqrt{6354}$ x 34.993 = 80 x 35 = 2800

9) Answer (E)

$\sqrt[3]{4663}$ ≈ 17
17 + 349 = ? ÷ 21
366 x 21 = ?
? = 7686 ≈ 7680

10) Answer (C)

After taking approximation equation will be 60 ÷ 12 x 6 = 30

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